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2021/6/24 16:47:13 来源:官网信息 阅读:564 发布者:

Instructions to Authors

Categories of Papers

The ICES Journal of Marine Science publishes papers in each of the following categories:

Original articles: traditional research papers. Generally 5-12 pages (approximately 3000- 7000 words) inclusive of text, appropriate references (target 50-60), figures, and tables.

Comment/Reply articles: comments on, or replies to, papers published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science; Generally 4 pages (approximately 2000 words).

Review articles: comprehensive and synthetic reviews on topics of wide general interest or on hot topics, sometimes solicited by the editorial board. Authors considering submitting a review article for consideration are advised to contact the Editor-in-Chief regarding topic and proposed length.

Food for Thought articles: articles on topical issues, preferably provocative or innovative in nature, solicited or offered to stimulate dialogue, research, and ideas generally.

Quo Vadimus articles: describing the future landscape/potential of a topic, issue, discipline or technology.

Stories from the front lines: substantive accounts of challenges, wins and losses on any aspect of ocean and coastal sustainability, written as narratives and drawing at least partly on the author(s) experience.

Guidelines for Authors

The following instructions and guidelines will assist authors preparing to submit manuscripts to the ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Submissions to regular journal issues should be made online - full instructions are available.

For additional guidance from the editorial office on how to ensure your paper is best suited to the journal see our How to get published in ICES Journal of Marine Science page.

For details of the article types accepted please see our 'about the journal' page.

For queries relating to submission please email Lynsey Rowland (ices.editorialoffice@oup.com). Additionally, contact details for the Journal's editors may be found on the editorial board page.

Authors are urged to provide a written justification as to why they believe that the content of the paper is relevant to the Journal, highlighting the primary scientific contribution and significance of the work reported.

Authors are expected to comply with the Council of Science Editors authorship criteria guidelines

Authors are requested to identify the editor(s) and reviewers who they think would be appropriate to handle their manuscript. Authors should have no conflicts of interest with that editor or any reviewers whom they recommend. Please note that we cannot guarantee that their preferred editor or reviewers will be assigned.

Instructions to Authors

Please note that the journal now encourages authors to complete their copyright licence to publish form online. Upon receipt of accepted manuscripts at Oxford Journals authors will be invited to complete an online copyright licence to publish form.

Please note that by submitting an this article for publication you confirm that you are the corresponding/submitting author and that Oxford University Press ("OUP") may retain your email address for the purpose of communicating with you about the article. You agree to notify OUP immediately if your details change. If your article is accepted for publication OUP will contact you using the email address you have used in the registration process.

ALL ARTICLES MUST BE SUBMITTED ONLINE. Once you have prepared your manuscript, visit the online submission website.

Instructions on submitting your manuscript online, along with the compulsory Word and LaTeX* templates, are available. [*If you use bibtex, please use the bibliography style named natbib.bst]. Help with inserting figures into the templates.

Format-Free Submission

New submissions to ICES JMS do not have to be formatted in the Journal’s style and format. Nonetheless, they should be organized in a manner that is consistent with a standard research article (including length) and be formatted so that they are easy to read and comment on (e.g. with line numbers, double line spacing…).

On revision, provisionally accepted manuscripts should be carefully formatted to the Journal’s style.

After initial review, you may be asked to supply editable files that match journal formatting requirements, and high-resolution figures. For more information, please consult the journal’s style conventions below.

The manuscript should contain the following information: title; author(s); author addresses, plus email address, phone and fax numbers of the corresponding author; abstract; key words; core text; tables and figures.

Maximum word count for abstracts: 200 words

Policy on Posting to Preprint Servers Prior to Submission

ICES JMS will consider submissions that are already publicly available on a non-commercial, community preprint server such as arXiv or bioRxiv provided that entries are updated to acknowledge that the article has been accepted/published by ICES JMS. ICES JMS acknowledges the right - but not the obligation - to consider the comments previously made on manuscripts posted to preprint servers during our peer review process.

Authors must inform the editorial office at submission if their paper has been posted to a preprint server(s), identify the preprint server(s) and the DOI(s) associated with the manuscript, and retain the copyright to the manuscript that appears on a preprint server.

No version of the manuscript may be posted to preprint servers while it is under consideration by ICES JMS, including during revision, resubmission, or following acceptance.

Once the manuscript has been accepted the authors must ensure that the preprint is modified to acknowledge that the article has been accepted for publication in ICES JMS. For example: “This preprint has been accepted for publication in ICES JMS ©: [year] [owner as specified on the article] Published by Oxford University Press [on behalf of xxxxxx]. All rights reserved."

See here for more details of the journal’s self-archiving policy.

Authors should contact the editorial office if they are in any doubt prior to submission.

Prior Publication

Manuscripts that are deposited on a preprint or other type of platform on which they are freely available and have been or will be peer reviewed, leading to them being certified in some manner (e.g. “accepted”, “recommended” or “approved”), are considered previously published and are not eligible for submission to ICES JMS. If you are in doubt, contact the Editor-in-Chief.

Short abstracts, posters, being part of a PhD thesis, or posting online as a preprint that does not undertake a formal peer review (e.g. bioRxiv.org), does not constitute prior publication. However, if accepted by ICES Journal of Marine Science, documents posted as preprints should be updated to acknowledge this (as described in the section above).

Availability of Data and Materials

Where ethically feasible, ICES Journal of Marine Science strongly encourages authors to make all data and software code on which the conclusions of the paper rely available to readers. Authors are required to include a Data Availability Statement in their article.

We suggest that data be presented in the main manuscript or additional supporting files, or deposited in a public repository whenever possible.

ICES have a well-established Data Centre, which manages a number of large dataset collections related to the marine environment. By maximizing the availability of data to the community at large, ICES promotes the use of these data, thereby ensuring that their maximum value can be realized. Authors are encouraged to read the ICES data submission guidelines and policy.

Alternately, PANGAEA® is a data archive that is certified by the International Council for Science (ICSU) World Data System (WDS). Data can be submitted in any format in accordance with PANGAEA’s general data submission guidelines. There are many alternative archives that may suit a particular data set, including the Dryad repository for ecological and evolutionary biology data. For gene sequence data and phylogenetic trees, deposition in GenBank or TreeBASE, respectively, is often appropriate.

Accession numbers for GenBank, TreeBASE, and Dryad should be included in accepted manuscripts.

For primary biodiversity data authors are encouraged to place all species distribution records in a publicly accessible database such as the national Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) nodes or data centres endorsed by GBIF, including BioFresh for freshwater data.

Additionally, for papers published in ICES Journal of Marine Science, supplementary material (including data) can be submitted as online Supplementary Material.

Data Availability Statement

The inclusion of a Data Availability Statement is a requirement for articles published in ICES Journal of Marine Science. Data Availability Statements provide a standardized format for readers to understand the availability of data underlying the research results described in the article. The statement may refer to original data generated in the course of the study or to third-party data analyzed in the article. The statement should describe and provide means of access, where possible, by linking to the data or providing the required unique identifier.

Sample data availability statements.





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