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2021/6/24 8:54:26 来源:官网信息 阅读:635 发布者:

Instructions for Authors

1. Scope

The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research (JJVR) accepts Regular Papers, Short communications, and Review Articles principally related to veterinary science that are not published and not being considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts are selected for publication according to an editorial assessment of suitability and reports from referees. Papers will be rejected if ethics standards for the care and use of animals have not been adhered to. All animal experiments must have been approved by the institution the authors are affiliated with through evaluation by an appropriate committee.

2. Submission of manuscript

JJVR uses an Editorial Manager system to maintain the quality of the peer review process. The Editorial Manager is an online manuscript submission, review, and tracking system. Reviewing and processing is performed by the editorial board of JJVR or by outside experts. Approval by at least two independent reviewers followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of manuscripts. In the on-line submission, the authors should select one of each of 1) Article type, 2) Research category and 3) scientific field for each manuscript.

Article type:

Regular Paper

Short Communication

Review Article

Research category:

Experimental Research: Articles covering experimental studies in any category of the veterinary science field.

Clinical Case Report: Articles covering novel research reported as case reports in clinical veterinary medicine of types of diseases, covering the relevant clinical and diagnostic issues.

Regional Study : Articles covering wide aspects of epidemiology, control and prevention of infectious diseases, wildlife conservation and environmental toxicology, and others

Scientific fields:






Infectious diseases


Laboratory Animal Science and Medicine

Internal Medicine




Molecular Medicine

Public Health

Radiation Biology


Wildlife Biology and Medicine

Veterinary Hygiene

Other fields related to veterinary science*

* The livestock sciences, i.e., livestock farming, livestock breeding, and livestock feeding trials, are beyond the scope of the JJVR.

3. Format of manuscripts

The manuscript should be typed at 24 lines per page on size A4 (215 × 280 mm) paper with margins of about 25 mm on all sides.

4. Preparation of manuscripts

The first page should include the title (which should begin with a capital letter), full name of authors, affiliations, and address(es) with the postal code of the institution(s) in which the work was done, as well as the name, address, fax number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. The first page should also contain a running head not exceeding 40 letters.

The second page of a Regular Paper and Review Article should contain an abstract (250 words or less) and key words (5 or fewer, in alphabetical order). The second page of a Short Communication should contain an abstract (120 words or less) and key words (3 or fewer, in alphabetical order).

The body of the manuscript on and after the third page of a Regular Paper should in principle be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References. For Short Communication, captions such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, and Results should not be used, and References should follow the text.

Proper nouns should begin with a capital letter. The scientific names of animals, plants and microorganisms must be italicized.

Abbreviations, except those listed in Item 6, should be written in parentheses after the fully spelled out word(s) at the first appearance in the manuscript.

In the manuscript, Arabic numbers should be used for quantities. As a rule, units and abbreviations should conform to the following examples: M, mM, μM, %, m, cm, mm, μm, nm, pm, cm2, l, ml, μl, nl, fl, kg, g, mg, μg, ng, pg, hr, min, sec, msec, Hz, Bq, μBq, mBq, kBq, cpm, dpm, ppm, °C, , Kj, lux, CPE, LD, T, xg.

The list of References should be arranged in alphabetical order by author surname and numbered consecutively. The names of journals should be abbreviated as in PubMed, or spelled out for journals not listed in PubMed. In the text, references should be cited with superscript numbers. The author is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references. The following are examples of references.


Holman RT, Wiwse HF, Smith AN. Essential fatty acid deficiency. Am J Vet Res 40, 221-230, 1976.



Jones EC, Tayller QR. Anatomy of the Cat, 2nd ed. Vol. 1, Academic Press, London. pp. 20-35, 1976.

Section or chapter

Sligh EG. Neutral lipid storage disease. In: Biochemistry of Lipids, 5th ed. Deyer WJ, Nardly JH. eds. Univ. California Press, Berkley. pp. 471-476, 1992.

In press

Takahash Y. … Jpn J Vet Res In press.

Tables should not use vertical lines and each term or phrase should begin with a capital letter. Any explanation essential to the understanding of the table should be given as a footnote at the bottom of the table. References in footnotes should be designated by superscript letters in the order a, b, c, etc.

Data in the figures should be drawn in black ink on white size A4 paper. Signs (scales, arrows, etc.) should be drawn directly on photographs. The number of the figure (e.g. Fig. 2) and the name of the first author should be written on the figure.

Figure titles and legends must be typewritten on separate sheets.

Supplementary files will be published online only. The file formats listed below may be used for Supplemental files. .doc or .docx, MS Word documents; .xls or .xlsx, MS Excel Spreadsheet; .ppt or .pptx, MS PowerPoint presentation; .jpg, JPEG image; .gif, Graphical image; .pdf, Adobe Portable Document Format; .mov, Quick Time; .wav, Sound; .txt, Plain ASCII.

5. Limitation of the number of pages

The length of papers, including tables, figures, and appendices, should not exceed 10 printed pages for a Ragular Paper or Review Article, and 6 printed pages for a Short Communication.

6. Publication fees

For publication, authors will be charged JPY20,000 or a Regular Paper or Review Article not exceeding 10 printed pages, and JPY20,000 for a Short Communication not exceeding 6 printed pages. Authors will be charged extra for the following:

English language revision when deemed necessary by the Editorial Board.

Type-setting and printing of any portion of the text exceeding the length described above. (JPY5,000 per printed page).

Color printing. (JPY20,000 per figure).

Charges for reprints (only when requested by authors). Reprinting will be charged at a minimum of 10,000 yen per 50 reprints.

You may choose to make the payment either by bank transfer or credit card. For bank transfers from countries other than Japan, the authors must pay the publication as well as the fees for the bank transfer of both the banks of the country of payment and Japan. The JJVR editorial office recommends payment by credit card for authors outside Japan.

Please return the order form for page charges, color illustration(s), and reprints in the attached file after filling in the blanks.

7. Copyright

The copyright of articles, which appear in The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research, is held by the Editorial Committee.

Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research

Editorial Office

Fuculty of Veterinary Medicine

Hokkaido University

Kita-18, Nishi-9, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0818, Japan

TEL:011-706-5179, FAX:011-706-5190

E-mail: jjvr@vetmed.hokudai.ac.jp



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