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2021/6/17 17:57:49 来源:官网信息 阅读:559 发布者:

Instructions to authors

Editorial Policy

The Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (Brazilian Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science), ISSN 1678-4162 (online), is edited by FEPMVZ Editora, CNPJ: 16.629.388/0001-24, and is destined to the publication of scientific articles on the themes of veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, technology and inspection of products of animal origin, aquaculture and related fields.

The articles sent for publication are submitted to approval by the Editorial Body, with aid from area specialists (rapporteurs). The articles which need reviewing or corrections will be returned to the authors. Those accepted for publication become property of Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (ABMVZ), cited as Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec. The authors are responsible for the concepts and information contained in the articles. It is mandatory that they be original, unique, and destined exclusively to ABMVZ.

Reproduction of published articles

The reproduction of any published article is allowed as long as it is property referenced. The results may not be commercially used.

The submission and protocol of articles is done exclusively online, at the address .

Copies will not be provided. The articles are available at the following address: www.scielo.br/abmvz

General Guidelines

All article protocoling is done exclusively by the online Scielo publication system – ScholarOne, at http://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/abmvz-scielo, and it is necessary to register at the website.


 All communication between the several authors in the process of evaluation and publication (authors, reviewers and editors) will be done exclusively in electronic form through the System, and the author is automatically informed, via email, of any change in the article status.

 Pictures, figures, and drawings must be inserted in the text, and, when requested by the editorial team, must be sent separately, in a jpg file in high resolution (at least 300dpi), zipped, inserted under “Figure or Image” (step 2).

 It is the exclusive responsibility of the one submitting the article to certify that the authors are aware of and agree with the inclusion of their names in the submission.

 ABMVZ will communicate electronically with teach author regarding their participation in the article. If at least one author does not agree with their participation as an author, the article will be considered a waiver by one author and the protocol will end.

Ethics Committee

It is mandatory to attach a pdf copy of the Certificate of approval for the research project which originated the article, issued by CEUA (Comitê de Ética no Uso de Animais – Ethics Committee for the Use of Animals) in your institution, according to Law 11794/2008. The document must be attached to “Ethics Committee” (step 2). We clarify that the number of the Approval Certificate must be mentioned in the Material and Methods section.

Types of articles accepted for publication

Scientific article

This is a complete report of an experimental work. It is based on the premise that the results are posterior to the planning of the research.

Text sections: Title (Portuguese and English), Authors and Affiliation (only on the “Title Page – step 2), Resumo, Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion), Conclusions, Acknowledgements (when applicable), and References.

The number of pages must not exceed 15, including tables, figures and References.

The number of References must not exceed 30.

Case report

Mainly contemplating the medical areas where the result precedes the interest in its disclosure or the occurrence of the results is not planned.

Text sections: Title (Portuguese and English), Authors and Affiliation (only on the “Title Page” step 2), Resumo, Abstract, Introduction, Casuistry, Discussion and Conclusions (when pertinent), Acknowledgements (when applicable), and References.

The number of pages must not exceed 10, including tables and figures.

The number of References must not exceed 12.


A brief report of partial results of an experimental work, worthy of publication, although insufficient or not consistent enough to constitute a scientific article.

The text, with a title in Portuguese and English, Authors and Affiliation (Only on the “Title Page”, step 2) must be compact, with no distinction of text sections specified for “scientific article”, although it must follow that order. When the communication is written in Portuguese it must contain an “Abstract”, and when written in English it must contain a “Resumo”.

The number of pages must not exceed 8, including tables and figures.

The number of References must not exceed 12.

Preparation of texts for publication

The articles must be written in Portuguese or English, in an impersonal manner.

Text formatting

The text must NOT contain sub items in any section and must be presented in Microsoft Word and attached as a “Main Document” (step 2), in A4 format, with a 3cm margin (superior, inferior, left, and right), in Times New Roman font, size 12, and 1.5 spacing in all pages and sections of the article (from the title to the references), with numbered lines.

 Do not use footnotes. References to companies and products, for instance, should come in parenthesis in the body of the text, in the following order: name of product, substance, company, and country.

Sections of an article

Title. In Portuguese and in English. Must contemplate the essence of the article and not go beyond 50 words.

Authors and Affiliation. Authors and Affiliation. The names of the authors are placed below the title, with the ORCID number and with identification of the institution to which they belong. The corresponding author and their email must be indicated with and asterisk, only in the “Title Page” (step 2) in Word.

Resumo and Abstract. Must be the same presented in the registration, with up to 200 words and one paragraph. Do not repeat the text and do not add literature revision. Include the main numerical results, mentioning them without explanation, when applicable. Each sentence must contain a complete information.

Palavras-chave and Keywords. Up to five and at least two*.

* in the submission use only the Keyword (step 3) and in the body of the article mention the keyword (English) and palavra-chave (Portuguese), regardless of the language the article is submitted in.

Introduction. Brief explanation in which the problem, its pertinence and relevance, and the aims of the work are established. It must contain few references, sufficient to define it.

Material and Methods. Mention the experimental design, the material involved, the description of the methods used or correctly reference the methods already published. In the work that involves animals and/or genetically modified organisms there must be the number of the CEUA approval Certificate. (verify the Ethics Committee Item).

Results. Present the results found in a clear and objective manner.

Table. Group of alphanumerical data ordered in lines and columns. Use horizontal lines in separating headers and at the end of the table. The title of the table receives the word Table, followed by an Arabic numeral and period (ex.: Table 1.). In the text the table must be referred to as Tab, followed by a period and order number (ex.: Tab. 1), even when referring to several tables (ex.: Tab. 1, 2, and 3). It may be presented with simple spacing and a font below size 12 (the smallest accepted size is 8). The Table legend must contain only that which is indispensable for its understanding. The tables must be inserted in the body of the text, preferably after the first citation.

Figure. Any illustration that presents lines and dots: drawing, picture, graphic, flow chart, scheme, etc. The legend initially receives the word Figure, followed by the Arabic numeral and period (ex.: Figure 1.) and is referred to in the text as Fig followed by a period and the order number (ex.: Fig.1), even when referring to more than one figure (ex.: Fig. 1, 2, and 3). Besides being inserted in the text, photos and images must be sent in high resolution jpg, in a zipped file, attached in the correct field in the submission screen for article registration. The figures must be inserted in the body of the text, preferably after the first citation.

Note: Every table and/or figure that has already been published must contain, below the legend, information regarding the source (author, authorization for use, date) and the corresponding reference must be in the References.

Discussion. Discuss only the results obtained in the work. (Obs.: The sections Results and Discussion may be presented as one according to the author´s preference, without prejudice to the parts).

Conclusions. The conclusions must be supported by the results of the executed research and be presented in an objective manner, WITHOUT literature review, discussion, repetition of results or speculation.

Acknowledgements. Optional. Must be expressed briefly.

References. The references must be related in alphabetical order, preferring articles published in national and international magazines, and indexed. Books and thesis must be referenced as little as possible, and only when indispensable. The general ABNT norms are adopted, adapted for ABMVZ as the examples below:

How to reference:

1. Citations in the text

The indication of the source in parenthesis comes before the citation to avoid interruptions in the sequence of the text, as the examples:

 Single author: (Silva, 1971) or Silva (1971); (Anuário..., 1987/88) or Anuário... (1987/88)

 Two authors: (Lopes and Moreno, 1974) or Lopes and Moreno (1974)

 More than two authors: (Ferguson et al., 1979) or Ferguson et al. (1979)

 More than one article cited: Dunne (1967); Silva (1971); Ferguson et al. (1979) or (Dunne, 1967; Silva, 1971; Ferguson et al., 1979), always in ascending chronological order, and alphabetical order of the articles for articles of the same year.

Citation of a citation. Every effort must be made to consult the original document. In exceptional situations the reproduction of information already cited by other authors may be reproduced. In the text, cite the last name of the author of the non consulted document with the year of publication, followed by the expression cited by and the last name of the author and year of the consulted document. In the References only the consulted source should be mentioned.

Personal communication. These are not part of the References. The citation should include the last name of the author, the date of the communication and name of the Institution to which the author is linked.

2. Periodicals (up to 4 authors, cite all of them. More then 4 authors, cite 3 authors and et al.):

ANUÁRIO ESTATÍSTICO DO BRASIL. v.48, p.351, 1987-88.

FERGUSON, J.A.; REEVES, W.C.; HARDY, J.L. Studies on immunity to alphaviruses in foals. Am. J. Vet. Res., v.40, p.5-10, 1979.

HOLENWEGER, J.A.; TAGLE, R.; WASERMAN, A. et al. Anestesia general del canino. Not. Med. Vet., n.1, p.13-20, 1984.

3. Single publication (up to 4 authors, cite all of them. More then 4 authors, cite 3 authors and et al.):

DUNNE, H.W. (Ed). Enfermedades del cerdo. México: UTEHA, 1967. 981p.

LOPES, C.A.M.; MORENO, G. Aspectos bacteriológicos de ostras, mariscos e mexilhões. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE MEDICINA VETERINÁRIA, 14., 1974, São Paulo. Anais... São Paulo: [s.n.] 1974. p.97. (Resumo).

MORRIL, C.C. Infecciones por clostridios. In: DUNNE, H.W. (Ed). Enfermedades del cerdo. México: UTEHA, 1967. p.400-415.

NUTRIENT requirements of swine. 6.ed. Washington: National Academy of Sciences, 1968. 69p.

SOUZA, C.F.A. Produtividade, qualidade e rendimentos de carcaça e de carne em bovinos de corte. 1999. 44f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Medicina Veterinária) – Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

4. Electronic documents (up to 4 authors, cite all of them. More then 4 authors, cite 3 authors and et al.):

QUALITY food from animals for a global market. Washington: Association of American Veterinary Medical College, 1995. Disponível em: . Acessado em: 27 abr. 2000.

JONHNSON, T. Indigenous people are now more cambative, organized. Miami Herald, 1994. Disponível em: . Acessado em: 5 dez. 1994.

Submission and publication fees


 Submission fee: The submission fee is R$60.00, and must be paid through a bank slip issued by the Conveniar electronic system http://conveniar.fepmvz.com.br/eventos/#servicos(it is necessary to complete a registraion). Only articles with a paid submission fee will be evaluated.

If the fee is not paid in up to 30 days it will be considered author waiver.

 Publication fee: The publication fee is R$150.00, page, upon the final proof of the article. The publication fee must be paid through a bank billet, and the data will be informed when the article is approved.

OBS.: When the invoice information is different from the contact author´s information an email must be sent to abmvz.artigo@abmvz.org.br communicating such need.


 Submission and Publication fee. The publication fee is US$ 50 (fifty dollars) per page, and US$ 50.00 (fifty dollars) for manuscript submission and will be billed to the corresponding author at the final proof of the article. The publication fee must be paid through a bank slip issued by the electronic article submission system. When requesting the bank slip the author will inform the data to be included in the invoice issuance.

Recourses and diligences

If the author sends the answer to diligences requested by ABMVZ, or a recourse document, it must be attached in Word, in the item “Justification” (step 2), and must also be sent via email, in care of the Editorial Committee, to abmvz.artigo@abmvz.org.br.

 If the article is not accepted, the author may desire to send a recourse, and this must be done via email, at abmvz.artigo@abmvz.org.br.



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