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2021/6/17 17:10:03 来源:官网信息 阅读:613 发布者:

The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine


The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine (TJVM) publishes articles reporting interdisciplinary investigations concerning veterinary and animal sciences, at all levels of resolution, from basic to clinical, molecular to behavioral, and opinions that are of general interest to the broad community of veterinarians and biological scientists. Clinical investigations, protocols and reviews will also be considered for publication if they provide significant insight into the structure or function, the pathophysiology of a disease, or its treatment.

In the Journal’s Table of Contents, published articles will be shown under one of the appropriate Section titles listed below


Editorials A limited amount of space will be available for comments about important scientific points or subjects of topical interest and will be by invitation only.

Reviews The article can be submitted either by invitation or submission. The latter will be reviewed by experts in the same manner as other submitted manuscripts.

Original Articles The manuscript should be novel research findings and provide strong evidence for the conclusions. The manuscripts suitable for publication in TJVM should be of extreme importance to scientists in the field as well as interesting to researchers in other disciplines.

Short Communications These are short manuscript that describe outstanding new discoveries. The decision will be based on whether the paper reports particularly important findings that have a high impact in the field of work.

Case Reports These are short reports of original clinical or pathological findings whose importance mean that they will be of interest to veterinarians.


Submission of a paper to TJVM is understood to imply that it deals with original material not previously published and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). The manuscript must be approved by a native English speaker before submission. The layout and style should adhere strictly to the instructions given under “Organization of the Article”. No revisions or updates will be incorporated after the article has been accepted and sent to the Publisher (unless approved by the Editorial Board). The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject any manuscript deemed unsuitable for publication in TJVM.

Upon acceptance, a letter will be sent to the corresponding Author confirming receipt of the manuscript. Accepted manuscripts become the property of TJVM. The Journal reserves the copyright, and no published material may be reproduced or published elsewhere without written consent from the Journal. If excerpts from other copyrighted works are included, the Author(s) must obtain written permission from the copyright owners and credit the source(s) in the manuscript. The Journal will not be responsible for the loss of manuscripts at any time. All statements in published manuscripts are the responsibility of the Authors, who will assist the editors by reviewing proofs before publication.


Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts in English in a concise and understandable style. Technical jargon or “laboratory slang” should not be used. Please note that the electronic files supplied will always be used to produce the illustrations, including those for the print version of the article; it is the Authors’ responsibility to ensure that the manuscript is written in a style that is grammatically correct and free of spelling or other typographical errors and that these files are of suitable quality. All manuscripts must be typewritten using Times New Roman font at 12 point, with double-spacing throughout and with margins at least 2.5 cm wide. Pages should be numbered in succession, the title page being number 1 and all lines should be numbered consecutively in the left margin. Text files should be supplied in Microsoft Word formats.

Each manuscript should be accompanied by a signed cover letter in which the corresponding Author states: “The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part”. All submissions to TJVM must contain experiments that conform to the ethical standards issued by the National Research Council. If the studies deal with animal experiments, the authors certify in the Materials and Methods section, that the procedures have been approved by the Authors’ Institution’s Ethic Committee, and care was taken to minimize the number of animals used. If the ethical standard governing the reported research is different from those guidelines indicated above, the authors must provide information in the submission cover letter about which guidelines and oversight procedures were followed.

Authors should only use abbreviations sparingly and should always define the abbreviation when first used in the text by placing it in parentheses after the full term. The abbreviations should then be used consistently thereafter and appear at least twice in the text. Drug names should be the official or approved names; trade names or common names may be given where the drug is first mentioned. Trade names should be capitalized, and the manufacturer’s name and country given in parenthesis thereafter. The doses of the drugs should be given as unit weight/unit body weight, e.g. mmol/kg or mg/kg. Symbols for physical units should be restricted to the Systems International (S.I.) Units. Units and abbreviations should conform to the following examples: M, mM, μM, N, %, m, cm, mm, μm, nm, pm, cm2, l, ml, kg, g, mg, μg, ng, pg, h, min, sec, msec, rpm, Hz, ppm, °C, J, KJ and lux.

Where possible, Authors should also include a list of three or more potential reviewers for their manuscript, with contact information.


The manuscript should have a uniform style and be submitted exactly as the author wishes it to appear in print. It should consist of subdivisions in the following sequence.

1) Title page

2) Abstract

3) Text

4) Acknowledgments

5) References

6) Tables

7) Figures legends

8) Figures

Start each subdivision on a new page.

Title Page The first page of the manuscript should include Title of paper, Full name of author(s), Institutional affiliations and complete mailing address, number of pages and number of figures and tables. E-mail address of the corresponding author should be presented.

Abstract The manuscript should contain an abstract of around 250 words. The abstract must be written in complete sentences and succinctly state the objectives, experimental design of the paper, principal observations, and conclusions; it should be intelligible without reference to the rest of the paper.

Keywords Four to six key words should be included.


Original articles: The text should be presented in the following order

i.) Introduction This should provide the scientific rationale for the research that is reported. No results should be presented.

ii.) Materials and Methods Procedures used in the research should be described in sufficient detail to permit the replication of the work by others. Previously published procedures should be referenced and briefly summarized. The source of all materials, including animals and human tissue, must be provided.

iii.) Results This section presents findings without discussion of their significance. Subsections should be used in order to present results in an organized fashion. The findings may be assisted by high quality illustrations, as necessary, to adequately document the work. Figures should be referred to in the text as Fig. 1, Figs. 1, 3-4, etc., and tables as Table 1, Tables 1, 3-4, etc. Probability format style should be used as “P < 0.05”.

iv.) Discussion This section presents the Authors’ interpretations of their findings and an assessment of their significance in relation to previous work. Repetition of material presented in the Results section should be avoided.

Short Communication and Case Reports: These should not exceed 4 pages (approximately 2,000 words in total, including spaces). Follow the instructions for Original Articles with the exception that Results and Discussion are combined.

Reviews: Reviews should have an introductory section, followed by several information presentation sections and end with a conclusion section. Section headings should be used to organize the presentation of information.

Acknowledgements. It is the corresponding Author’s responsibility to ensure that individuals who are acknowledged for assistance or for providing comments on the manuscript are agreeable to be acknowledged in this way.


(a) In the text, references should be quoted as the name of the first author and year in chronological order. Multiple authors are indicated by “et al.,” except when there are only two authors, in which case both names are written.


(Garthwaite and Garthwaite, 1995; Morris et al., 2000).

by Nagy et al. (1999a,b).

Clarkson et al. (2004) stated……

(b) The reference list should be on a separate page at the end of the manuscript, in alphabetical order and arranged as follows: authors’ names and initials, year, title of the article, abbreviated title of the journal, volume, first and last page numbers.



Nagy ZA, Esiri MM and Cato A-M 1999a. Cell cycle markers in the hippocampus in Alzheimer’s disease. Acta Neuropath. 94: 6-15.

Herpin P, Le Dividich J, Hulin JC, Fillaut M, De Marco F and Bertin R 1996. Effect of the level of asphyxia during delivery on viability at birth and early postnatal vitality of newborn pigs. J Anim Sci. 74: 2067-2075.

Chapter in a book

Mize RR 1994. Conservation of……visual system. In: Neuroscience. From the Molecular to the Cognitive. Progress in Brain Research. 3rd ed. FE Bloom (ed). Amsterdam: Elsevier. 123-132.

An entire book

Sodikoff CH 1995. Laboratory Profiles of Small Animal Diseases. A Guide to Laboratory Diagnosis. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby. 178 pp.

Electronic information

Dumble LJ 1996. “The third world and infertile women.” [Online]. Available: http://www.maff.gov.uk. Accessed July 12, 1997.

(c) A paper which has been accepted for publication but has not yet appeared may be cited in the reference list with the abbreviated name of the journal followed by the words “in press”.

(d) Unpublished data may be mentioned only in the text, not in the References. Initials, as well as surnames, must be given for authors whose unpublished experiments are quoted: (ML King, unpublished observations)

Tables or figures These should be included on separate pages placed at the end of the manuscript. Their desired approximate locations should be indicated in the text. Each figure must be accompanied by an explanatory legend in a separate section entitled Figure Legends. In general, tables and figures should be constructed so that they, together with their captions and legends, will be intelligible with minimal reference to the main text. Table and figure legends should be written as in the following examples.

Figure 1 Typical lesions of...

Table 1 Statistical analysis showing....

All graphic files must be submitted, as JPEG in sufficiently high resolution (300 dpi for grayscale or color images and 600-1000 dpi for line art) to allow for printing. Keep text and graphics (and any other items) as separate files. Name your files using the correct extension, e.g. Text.doc, Fig1.jpg, etc.

Publication fee After the paper is accepted, the authors will be required to pay a publication fee for 5,000 THB or 150 USD.



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