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2021/6/17 15:56:41 来源:官网信息 阅读:700 发布者:

Guide for Authors

Aims and scope

Contributors are advised to read the Publication Policies for the scope and standards of the journal. Submissions should follow the Instructions for Authors. Please note that the Pre-submission checklist and the Style template were devised to help authors check the compliance of their manuscript with main requirements of the journal at submission and with the article layout.

animal The International Journal of Animal Biosciences


Last updated 24 July 2020

animal – The International Journal of Animal Bioscience is a Gold Open Access peer-reviewed journal, published monthly in English, online formats (12 issues making a volume). Special issues or supplements may also be produced upon agreement with the Editorial Board.

Note: As animal moves to a gold open access model from 1st January 2021, all articles submitted after 3rd July 2020 and subsequently accepted, will be subject to an Article Publishing Charge (APC). Such articles will be published as open access content and be covered by a Creative Commons Licence.



The scope of the journal, the expected standards of published articles, the article types published by animal, ethics, the authorship policy, the pre-print policy, plagiarism falsification fabrication and the handling of misconducts, the licences to publish and the article processing charge, the evaluation procedures and peer-review criteria, procedures for complaints and appeals, proofs and information on publication of the manuscript are presented in the Publication policies available at https://animaljournal.eu/instructions-and-policies/.

Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, except in a limited form (e.g. abstract or short communication to a symposium or part of MSc or PhD theses) and should not be under consideration for publication by another journal. Book reviews are not accepted.

Authorship and Ethics

Authorship complies with the authorship and other ethics policies described in the Publication policies.

Research described in the manuscript complies with ethical guidelines available on the website https://animal-journal.eu/instructions-and-policies/

Authors have obtained permission to use copyrighted material in the manuscript prior to submission.

Length recommendations for different types of article

Recommendations on article length and number of illustrations are described below. Articles may deviate from those guidelines as justified by the research.

Table 1 Specifications for the articles published in animal


Article type Maximum length

(all text except figures)

Maximum number of tables plus figures

Maximum number of references

Additional information


Research article

7 500 words(= 9 journal pages)




Short communication

3 000 words




Review article

10 000 words(= 12 journal pages)




Opinion paper

1700 words(= 2 journal pages) or 1 200 if a figure is submitted




All article types

5 references per

1000 words

Supplementary material can be proposed and will be made available online

Style sheet and pre-submission checklist

When preparing their manuscript authors are advised to use the journal’s style sheet (https://animaljournal.eu/instructions-and-policies/), and to self-evaluate their manuscript before submission using the

Pre-submission Checklist (https://animal-journal.eu/instructions-and-policies/). The checklist is provided as a service to authors to aid them getting their manuscript ready for peer-review.

Initial screening

At submission, manuscripts are viewed by the Editorial Office, the Editor-in-Chief and/or a member of the Editorial Board for compliance with scope, standards and presentation of the manuscript. If the manuscript is incomplete or the quality of the manuscript is insufficient for peer-review, it will be returned to authors for improvements before being assigned to an Editor. If the submission is out of scope or not up to standards, it will be removed by the Editor-in-Chief and no longer considered. Any deviations from instructions will be at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. Note that the quality of the manuscript is under the responsibility of authors. A good quality is expected to facilitate peer-review and ensure that manuscripts are peer reviewed exclusively on academic merit.







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