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2021/6/17 11:15:25 来源:官网信息 阅读:475 发布者:


Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 2021


Acta Scientiae Veterinariae (formerly Arquivos da Faculdade de Veterinária UFRGS) [vol. 1 (1973) - vol. 29 (2001)] is dedicated to publish scientific studies related to Veterinary Sciences, preferably with novel and original contents, that comprehend medical, clinical, pathological, epidemiological, surgical, immunological, diagnostic and therapeutic subjects. In this journal, particular emphasis is given to research, both experimental and clinical, aimed at protection/prevention of diseases applied to the domains of Veterinary Medicine and of its interface with Public Health.

Manuscripts focusing on retrospective studies must include a review from at least the previous ten years regarding important subjects, and must not be restricted only to description of local or regional data without establishing scientific relevance in comparison to the national or international literature.

On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that this journal does not publish manuscripts dealing with studies employing natural products research or medicinal plants and its pharmacology approach (plant chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics, structure and bioactivities of phytochemicals).

Also, ASV does not publish research involving nutritional, dietary benefits of animal feed, nutritive values, feed evaluation, methods of conservation of nutritional value of neonatal, growing, finishing and breeding animals primarily in agriculture and food production.

Manuscripts that do not agree with the above mentioned objectives will be refused prior to peer review.


Manuscripts are initially to be sent for a preliminary assessment by the Editorial Board. Manuscripts that do not meet the specific publication standards defined by ASV will not be accepted. An abstract is compulsory, with a total of 3,400 characters minimum or 3,900 characters maximum, including spaces and excluding keywords). The abstract follows a structured mode and should be written in three sections: Background (a short section with 700 characters maximum, including spaces) stating importance and the study’s objectives; Materials, Methods & Results, and Discussion.

Note: Author/authors (Manuscripts with 10 authors or more will not be accepted for publication in ASV). Who recently have published an article in ASV may submit another manuscript for review ONLY after the Editorial Board has issued a decision on the publication/rejection of the first article. One or more authors of one same manuscript may publish two articles a year in ASV (review and case reports excluded).


Authors are expected to inform the Editorial Board of the presence of material that has been previously published in the submitted manuscript, in which case the previously published paper should be included as a reference therein.

Authors are fully responsible for concepts and opinions presented and discussed in all papers submitted to Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. All papers submitted to Acta Scientiae Veterinariae are to be accompanied by a letter signed by all authors as a scanned document and sent by e-mail, appointing one corresponding author. The Editorial Rules of Acta Scientiae Veterinariae have been defined in accordance with the instructions adopted by several journals in the field of Biomedicine. Please take extra care to ensure that your submission complies with the following style and ethical guidelines.

Authorship contributions: All people defined as author and co-authors should be qualified as such. Each author is expected to take legal responsibility for the content of the submitted paper. Authorship is acknowledged based on the substantial contribution related to the following aspects: (i) Paper design and project or data analysis and evaluation; (ii) writing or critical comments that are relevant from the intellectual standpoint; and (iii) approval of the final version to be published. The members of the research team that prepared the submitted paper and who do not fit into these criteria may be listed in the Acknowledgements section.

Note: Manuscripts containing information related to the experimental use of animals must clearly state that the studies complied with relevant professional and institutional animal welfare policies. Authors are required to inform an approval statement (process number) by an ethics committee of the institution in which the research was carried (Ethical Approval).

Summary of paper presentation requirements:

All papers must be typed in Times New Roman font size 12 and double spaced throughout (including figure legends and references). Margins should be 2.5 cm;

Line numbers must be exhibited on the left margin. All lines must be numbered;

Cover-Page that includes: the full title (with no more than 60 words), complete name(s) with no abbreviations and affiliation(s) of all author(s); name, telephone/ fax numbers and email address of the designated corresponding author (Correspondence);

ABSTRACT (three sections) and a list of up to six keywords.

Paper sections should be ordered as follows: Text (Do not use, sentences with “we...” or ”our...”) subdivided into sections = Introduction (with maximum of 1,700 characters including spaces); Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion and Conclusion(s). Sources and Manufacturers (when necessary); Funding (optional); Acknowledgements (optional); Ethical Approval (when necessary); Declaration of Interest and References.

Supply electronic files of all figures (Do not embed the figure in the text). The figures must be presented in a size larger than that of the final montage for publication (which is at least 8 cm and at most 17 cm in width).

Permission to reproduce previously published material must be included.

A term of copyright transfer must be included in all papers.

NOTE: Submit the material only to: https://seer.ufrgs.br/ActaScientiaeVeterinariae/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions

Papers are published in order of approval for publication.

Publication FEES (after the article has been accepted)

US$ 430.00 net (including color figures)

Authors, or their funding institutions, are responsible for the payment of publication fees. Payment must be made in full; please note that banking fees should also be taken into account as of the calculation of the value to be deposited. If deductions are made, the deposit will be deemed incomplete, and manuscript will NOT be published until net value is deposited.


REVIEW PAPER: Review articles are requested by the Editorial Board or examined for publication through an author’s own initiative. The authors of a review article should be experts on the subject of the review, as proved by papers published and by citations of their own published papers in the submitted review.

The authors of a review article have to send a preliminary proposal for the review. This proposal has to contain: Abstract (Background; Review and Discussion), a list of up to six keywords, and a sequential and numbered description of the topics that are to be addressed in the review, which should be prepared based on the maximum limit of 120 references. The standard format available online should be observed.

It is essential that the authors of a review article are cited as authors of at least 10 other articles addressing the same subject as the review article submitted (five of which have to have been published in journals with impact factor 1 or higher, and the other articles in journals with minimum impact factor of 0.5). In the reference list, authors who have written or co-written an article cited in the review article submitted are required to place the impact factor of the respective journal in bold, after the number of pages.

RESEARCH ARTICLE: An Original Article should present a previously unpublished clear hypothesis and data (according to an appropriate experimental design, when such is the case). Writing style should be concise but clear enough to afford to reproduce the experimental methodology as described. The Discussion section should be understandable considering the general context of the subject researched, affording the means to reach conclusions based on the data obtained or observed. An Original Paper should not normally exceed 15 pages in length nor contain over 60 references.


1. Abstract: The Abstract should be concisely written in the past tense, in accordance to the character limits (3,400 minimum -3,900 maximum, including spaces), emphasizing the importance of the research subject, the objectives of the paper and containing a brief description of the experiment, the results obtained, specific data and the respective statistical meaning (if possible) and the main conclusions. The abstract should condense all sections of the paper. Never start with the objectives of the paper. The abstract should be followed by up to 6 keywords.

2. Introduction: This section should be briefly, clearly and objectively written, containing information that explains the importance of the paper. References cited in the introduction should address the specific research topic. The introduction should always end with the objective(s) of the paper, and should not exceed the limit maximum of 1,700 character including spaces.

Citations of References in the text: As a rule, references are represented by Arabic numerals in square brackets, corresponding to the respective authors arranged and numbered in alphabetical order, with NO spaces between different references. Examples of reference representations in the text are: [2], [7,9,16], [23-27,31,33,45-48]. However, in situations where the mention of authors’ names is essential (which happens in just a few cases), please observe the following suggestions: “The first description was made by Author & Author [3]…”; “Author & Author [32] started the …”; “In 1958, Author et al. [18]…”. Unpublished data and personal communications should represented as: (Author, personal communication, year) and (Author & Author, unpublished data). E-mail or mail addresses of authors of personal communications and of unpublished data should be informed before the References section.

3. Materials and Methods: This section should present all information that affords the reproducibility of the experimental procedure. Wellknown methods and techniques should only be mentioned, while new methodologies should be described in detail. Whenever appropriate, chemicals and equipment are to be cited using superscript numbers, whose manufacturers are to be presented in a subsection called “Sources and Manufacturers”. When animals are used in the experiments, the ethical conduct recommended by the International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals should be observed, according to the Council for International Organization of Medical Sciences (executive Secretary C.I.O.M.S., c/o W.H.O., Via Appia, CH, 1211, Geneva 27, Switzerland).

Note on the statistical treatment of data: Whenever possible,






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