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VETERINARY RECORD《兽医记录》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/6/17 9:23:58 来源:官网信息 阅读:485 发布者:

Veterinary Record

Author Guidelines


Article Types

More Information on Support, Policies, Submission and Peer Review for Research Content

After Acceptance for Research Content

1. Article types

Vet Record welcomes content ideas for all sections. We have put this guidance together to explain more about the submission process, and to offer advice on how to put your article or suggestion together. We hope you find it helpful.

If you have any queries or need any further details, please contact the Vet Record editorial team, email:


Submission guidelines

The following article types are published in Vet Record:


News & Reports

News and features

Business and Innovation



Original research

Short communications

Scientific reviews

Research digest



Letters and Notices


What is your client thinking?

My view

The solution




Vet Record Careers


News & Reports

What does the section cover?

It covers the latest industry news and developments.

It includes news stories, analyses, features.

It also includes business news and innovation, which aims to help keep readers up to date with products and services available to the veterinary profession. Manufacturers, suppliers and service providers who wish to submit information about new products and innovations for possible inclusion in this section are encouraged to do so and should email any news releases to: vet.innovation@bvajournals.com

Do we accept submissions?

No, news and features are written by journalists but we welcome ideas, leads, press releases and leaks!

How do I go about submitting my idea?

For news and features email: vet.news@bvajournals.com, for the business and innovation section email: vet.innovation@bvajournals.com


Submit your manuscript >>

What is the aim of this section?

To share high quality, impactful veterinary research that can influence and inform practising vets. All research will be peer reviewed and must comply with the appropriate research guidelines (see below) and the highest ethical standards.

Vet Record retains the right to reject manuscripts, including on the basis of ethical or animal welfare concerns.

It includes:

efficacy of treatments or interventions

case series with a sufficient number of cases to improve the evidence base

in-depth reviews

systematic reviews

clinical guidelines

substantive epidemiological studies

authoritative commentaries (Research Comment)

research synopses (Research Digest)

clinical appraised topics (CATS) and BestBETs for Vets (Clinical Decision Making)

Topics include:

veterinary practice

animal welfare

veterinary education


professional issues eg workload and vet welfare

One Health

Public health

What article types does it include?

Research Papers

Short Communications

Scientific Reviews

Research Comment

Research Digest

Do we accept submissions for the research section?

Yes – for research papers, short communications, scientific reviews, and research comments.

No – for research digest but if you have a recently published research paper (within the last three months) that you would like to be considered for this section, please email a PDF of the published article to: vet.research@bvajournals.com

If you have an idea for a Research Comment, please send a synopsis highlighting the main points you wish to make (up to five bulleted points) to: vet.research@bvajournals.com

How do I go about submitting to the research section?

All submissions to this section are accepted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and that they are subject to editorial revision.

For more details and support, please visit the Wiley Author Services where you will find information on writing and formatting your research through to the peer review process.

If you have a research paper, short communication or scientific review that is ready for submission, please click here to Submit your manuscript >>

For help with submissions, please contact: vetrecord@wiley.com

Before you start submission make sure you have:

The checklist for the most appropriate reporting guidelines, which should be submitted together with the paper.

Scope – we will reject manuscripts that:

Use animal disease models for which the research outcomes will not benefit the species of animal used in the model (an exception would be certain studies of zoonotic disease)

Use animal models of human disease


Please supply quality images – if you zoom in and the picture looks pixelated we are unlikely to be able to use it.

Datasets, data sharing and supplementary material

Supplementary material, including additional figures, tables and raw data can be placed online alongside the article or placed in a digital repository (visit re3data.org or fairsharing.org to help identify registered and certified data repositories relevant to your subject area).

Vet Record encourages data sharing. Review Wiley’s Data Sharing policy where you will be able to see and select the data availability statement that is right for your submission.

We may request that you separate out some material into supplementary files to make the main manuscript clearer for readers. Authors are encouraged to submit figures and images in colour as there are no colour charges. We also encourage multimedia files to enhance your article if appropriate.

Please review Wiley’s Data Citation policy.

Suggested reviewers

Please suggest a minimum of two reviewers for your article. More information on peer review is given below.

Print summary

Please note: if your paper is accepted for publication, we will ask you for a one-page summary of the article which is published in the print edition (the full version only appears online). This summary must be provided before the paper is published online. You will receive more information on what is required during the peer review process or you can see what is required.

Got a question?

If you are considering submitting research to Vet Record, you can find a complete guide on how to go about writing research for publication.

If you can’t find the answer to your question, you can email: vetrecord@wiley.com

Welfare and ethics

All material published in Vet Record must adhere to high ethical standards concerning animal welfare.

We will reject manuscripts that do not:

Follow international, national, and institutional guidelines for the humane treatment of animals. We are guided by the UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act and European Directive 2010/63/EU (on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes)

Have informed client consent if they involve client-owned animals

Have approval by the ethics review committee at the institution or practice at which the studies were conducted where such a committee exists.

More information on ethical standards are given below.

Conflicts of interest and funding

The corresponding author must ask all authors to complete the ICMJE form for COI disclosure. The forms do not need to be uploaded to the online submission portal (ScholarOne) but the corresponding author should use the information provided to write a ‘summary conflicts of interest statement’ for all authors; this will be included in the published article. If there are no conflicts of interest to declare, this should be stated upon submission and an appropriate conflict of interest statement provided (i.e. the authors have no conflicts of interest to declare). More information on conflict of interest statements are available below.

More information on authorship requirements are given below.

You should list all funding sources in the Acknowledgments section. You are responsible for the accuracy of their funder designation. If in doubt, please check the Open Funder Registry for the correct nomenclature.

Open access

Vet Record is a hybrid subscription journal that offers Open Access. You’ll have the option to choose to make your article open access after acceptance, which will be subject to an article publishing charge (APC).

The APC for Vet Record is 2,300 GBP (exclusive of VAT for UK and EU authors). There are no submission, page or colour figure charges. For further information, please visit our open access page.

BVA members receive a 25% discount on the article processing charge. Please visit the BVA website for further information.

Reporting guidelines

All research submitted to Vet Record must adhere to the relevant reporting guidelines:

CONSORT Statement

for reporting of randomised controlled trials: please use the appropriate extension to the CONSORT statement, including the extension for writing abstracts

REFLECT Statement

If your study covers livestock or food safety you may prefer to use Reflect

ARRIVE Guidelines

for in vivo research


for reporting of diagnostic accuracy studies


for reporting of observational studies in epidemiology

Checklist for cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies (combined)

Checklist for cohort studies

Checklist for case-control studies

Checklist for cross-sectional studies


for reporting of systematic reviews


for reporting of meta-analyses of observational studies


for reporting of gene-disease association studies


for reporting qualitative research

If you are unsure which guideline is most appropriate for your research please visit the Equator Network (Enhancing the Quality and Transparency Of health Research) which provides a comprehensive list of reporting guidelines or contact us.

Editorial policy on research

Research in Vet Record adheres to the highest standards concerning its editorial policies on publication ethics, scientific misconduct, consent, and peer review criteria. To view all of Wiley’s ethical policies please refer to the Best Practice Guidelines on Research Integrity and Publishing Ethics page.






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