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VETERINARSKI ARHIV《兽医档案》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/6/16 16:11:58 来源:官网信息 阅读:295 发布者:


General Information for Authors

The journal Veterinarski arhiv (Vet. arhiv) publishes original scientific papers, case reports, short communications, review papers and book reviews. Occasionally, in supplemental issues, it publishes papers of relevant conferences. The scope of the journal includes all fields of veterinary and animal sciences.

Veterinarski arhiv is published by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb, six times a year, as an open access, peer-reviewed, international scientific journal. Its abstracts/contents are indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Scopus, Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts, Biosis Previews, CAB Abstracts (Index Veterinarius, Veterinary Bulletin), Fishlit and Hrčak.

Only unpublished manuscripts may be accepted for the review process. All papers must be written in English and submitted via the Journal's online submission system (COMET). Manuscripts sent by post or e-mail will not be considered. After finishing the peer-review process, all accepted papers are posted online, first in an unedited form ahead of press and then in the final form after printing. The content of the Journal is available free of charge and there are no publication charges.

Submitting an Manuscript

Before submission, authors are required to read the Instructions to Authors carefully. All submissions should be formatted according to the Journal's instructions. In the case of any technical problems with the online submission system, please contact the system administrator at marko@sdewes.org. or contact the Editorial Office at veterinarski.arhiv@vef.hr.

For on-line submission, please prepare the following:

Details of all the authors (names, affiliations, e-mail addresses etc.)

The manuscript title

An abstract of the manuscript

Key words

Submission type

The manuscript for upload (doc or docx file; insert figures and tables at the end of the document)

Figures (doc, docx, jpg, tiff, bmp) and tables (doc, docx, xls, xlsx)

A cover letter (doc, docx, pdf or jpg file)

Before submitting a manuscript, please go through the following checklist:

Check the scope of the Veterinarski arhiv journal.

Make a decision about the category (type) of submission.

Check whether the paper is written according to the Journal's instructions.

Double-check all the references; they should be cited in the text and each one mentioned in the list of references should appear in the text and vice versa.

Check if all figures and tables are cited in the order they appear in the text.

Check if all the authors agree with the category and content of the manuscript, and whether they have signed the cover letter.

When using part of a figure or a whole figure from a previous publication (acceptable in review papers), check whether you have reprint permission.

It would be useful to recommend three reviewers' names (outside of your institution or country), so check whether their current addresses and e-mails are given.

Manuscript submission includes the following steps:

The corresponding author signs up as a new user.

The corresponding author receives a confirmation e-mail with the registration information. For each subsequent submission by the same author, the existing user name and password need to be used.

Upon registration, personal data should be entered. All fields marked by asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Start manuscript submission by a writing the title and selection of the type of submission

All co-authors should be added, with their affiliations and ORCID iD. Authors who do not have an ORCID iD can obtain one free at https://orcid.org/.

Upload the Abstract (max. 250 words) and Key words (not more than 6 words).

Upload the manuscript with tables and figures inserted at the end of the text.

Upload the cover letter separately.

Optionally, a proposal of up to three reviewers, along with their contact details, may be uploaded.

Before the final upload, check all submission material. In the case of an upload error, the authors should not click on the cancel button, but, using the same username and password, upload the correct submission material again. For any technical problems, please contact the system administrator.

After submission, the corresponding author will receive a confirmation e-mail, which means that the upload was successful and that the editors have been notified that a new submission has been made. If no confirmation e-mail is received, the author should check the junk mail or spam folder, and ensure that the system domain is not blacklisted, or contact the system administrator.

Optionally, track the manuscript status by signing in as an existing user.

Follow instructions after receiving an e-mail with the editor's decision and the reviewers' comments. The revised version of the paper should be re-uploaded through the online submission system, together with a reply to the reviewers and a letter to the Editor-in-Chief.

Sending the Authorship Declaration and Conflict of Interest forms. If you have reached this step, your manuscript has been positively evaluated for publication in Veterinarski Arhiv. There is now just one more step before publication. Before the manuscript can be accepted for publication, each of the authors is asked to fill in the following form, attesting their authorship of the paper and confirming the disclosure of any declarable associations. Download the form, fill it in and send us the signed document by fax to fax: +385/1-2441-390 or scanned by e-mail: veterinarski.arhiv@vef.hr



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