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2021/6/15 17:00:03 来源:官网信息 阅读:388 发布者:


Instructions for Authors

Authors are requested to prepare their manuscripts as follows: Text files must be submitted as MS-Word file, double spaced but not two columns. Submitting PDF-files cannot be accepted. Add numbers to all pages and lines.

Special characters (e.g. greek, mathematical) must be created with the symbol-function of MS-Word.

Tables must be created with the table-function of MSWord and should be placed at the end of the text, one per page, followed by pages with the figure legends, marked with author's name, figure number and orientation unless obvious.

Photos and figures in colour and black and white are accepted and can also be submitted inline with the manuscript at the end of the text; they can also be uploaded separately in TIFF- or JPG-format (no compression). The resolution must be no less than 300 dpi. Colour photos must be sent in CMYK colour-mode, photos in RGB colour mode may yield a faded print out. Both electronic and printed version will be published in colour.

Literature citation, e.g.:

for journal articles:

Hoffmann, M.; Ruehl, E. H.; Eisenbeis, G.; Huber, L.;2015: Indications for rootstock related ecological preferences of grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch). Vitis 54, 137-142.

for articles in conference proceedings and monographs:

Dry, P. R.; Loveys, B. R.; Botting, D. G.; 1996: Effects of partial rootzone drying on grapevine vigour, yield composition of fruit and use of water. In: C. S. Stockley, A. N. Sas, R. S. Johnstone, T. H. Lee (Eds.): Proc. 9th Aust. Wine Ind. Techn. Conf., 128-131. Adelaide, Australia (Winetitles: Adelaide).

(Please write authors' names in normal or small capital letters (see examples above), but not in capital letters.)

From 2021 onwards, literature citations should be provided with a DOI link to online content, where applicable.

Manuscripts are limited to eight printed pages except for reviews. The final size of a paper may be approximated as follows: One printed page usually has two columns with 59 lines each with about 55 characters per line. Research notes are limited to two printed pages (approx. 8000 characters, including a small table or figure). Cultivar descriptions are usually published as research note. Cultivar names must be written as follows: 'Chardonnay'. Articles describing grapevine cultivars must be submitted as research note. Descriptions of newly bred cultivars must be submitted along with passport data for database entry (Vitis International Variety Catalogue).

Supplemental material can be submitted too. Author's should have in mind that supplemental material will be found on the journal homepage for download, but may not be available to readers of the print version.

VITIS is published quarterly as one volume of four numbers. For information on subscription price per year plus forwarding charges for the print version, please contact publisher via e-mail (see below). The publication and subscription, for a minimum of one volume, can be obtained through booksellers in Germany and abroad or through the Institut für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof. The subscription will be automatically continued unless it is cancelled immediately upon receipt of the last issue of a volume.

VITIS - Journal of Grapevine Research — Published by: JKI - Julius Kühn-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen,

Institut für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof, 76833 Siebeldingen, Germany.

Tel.: +49-6345-410. Fax:+49-6345-41179. E-mail: vitis@julius-kuehn.de

Editorial Board: Dir. u. Prof. Dr. habil. R. Töpfer and Dr. W. Köglmeier.

Technical realisation: Renate Donadel.



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