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2021/6/10 8:40:27 来源:官网信息 阅读:598 发布者:


Instructions to authors

Manuscript preparation

Charges, licences, and self-archiving policy

Article Promotion

About the journal

JAMIA is AMIA's premier peer-reviewed journal for biomedical and health informatics. Covering the full spectrum of activities in the field, JAMIA includes informatics articles in the areas of clinical care, clinical research, translational science, implementation science, imaging, education, consumer health, public health, and policy. JAMIA's articles describe innovative informatics research and systems that help to advance biomedical science and to promote health. Case reports, perspectives and reviews also help readers stay connected with the most important informatics developments in implementation, policy and education.

Contact the Editorial Office at jamia.editorialoffice@oup.com

Editorial policy

JAMIA considers publication of any original manuscript in biomedical and health informatics. This includes informatics manuscripts in the areas of: clinical care, clinical research, translational bioinformatics, consumer health, public health, and imaging. Papers submitted to the journal will be screened for plagiarism using Similarity Check / iThenticate plagiarism detection tools.

Conflicts of interest

If any of the Editors feel that there is likely to be a perception of a conflict of interest in relation to their handling of a submission or book for review, for example if the author is at the same institution as the Editor, they will declare it to the other editors and/or editorial board, and the submission or review will be handled by one of the other editors.

As part of the online submission process, corresponding authors are required to confirm whether they or their co-authors have any conflicts of interest to declare, and to provide details of these.

If the manuscript is published, Conflict of Interest information, including if none was declared, will be communicated in a statement in the published paper.

Manuscript preparation

Article types and word counts

JAMIA word limits exclude materials in Acknowledgments and in References sections. Supplemental materials such as additional tables, figures, data sets and source code can be included for online only publication. For all articles, authors are required to submit related published materials (including articles published in conference proceedings) to allow reviewers to assess the degree of overlap. These materials can be entered as appendices "for review only".

Please note that all submissions should be double-spaced.

Research and Applications

Research and Applications articles describe original work in the formulation, implementation, or evaluation of informatics-based studies and investigations. The articles do not need to be limited to hypothesis-driven research, and they can, for example, report on an innovative application of information technology, the detailed description of a new methodology, or the formulation and formative evaluation of a new model. The structured abstract should contain the headings: Objective, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. The main text should, in addition to the sections corresponding to these headings, include a section describing Background and Significance.

Word count: up to 4000 words.

Structured abstract: up to 250 words.

Tables: up to 4.

Figures: up to 6.

References: unlimited.


Review articles contain systematic reviews of the literature or concise tutorials on topics of broad interest to the readers.

The structured abstract and text for a systematic review should follow the same format as the one required of Research & Applications articles described above.

The structured abstract for a tutorial should contain the headings: Objectives, Target Audience, and Scope (covered topics).

Word count: up to 4000 words.

Structured abstract: up to 250 words.

Tables: up to 4.

Figures: up to 6.

References: unlimited.

Brief Communications

Brief Communications are short versions of Research and Applications articles, often describing focused approaches to solve a particular problem, or preliminary evaluation of a novel system or methodology.

Word count: up to 2000 words.

Abstract: up to 150 words.

Tables: up to 2.

Figures: up to 3.

References: unlimited.

Case Reports

Case Reports describe the experience of an institution or consortium in implementing information systems or informatics methods.

Word count: up to 2000 words.

Abstract: up to 150 words.

Tables: up to 2.

Figures: up to 3.

References: unlimited.


Perspectives report on the views of an organization or opinion leaders on topics of importance to the readers, including new policies and regulations, new directions for research, and perspectives on the success or failure of informatics initiatives affecting a large number of individuals.

Word count: up to 2000 words.

Abstract: up to 150 words.

Tables: up to 2.

Figures: up to 3.

References: unlimited.


Correspondence articles contain letters to the editor, with requests for clarification or criticism from readers, and rebuttals from authors.

Word count: up to 1000 words.

Tables: up to 1.

Figures: up to 1.

References: up to 5.

Editorials and Highlights

Editorials and Highlights are commissioned articles.

Word count: up to 1000 words.

Tables: up to 1.

Figures: up to 1.

References: up to 5.

Cover letter

Your cover letter should inform the Editor of any special considerations regarding your submission, including but not limited to:

Details of related papers by the same author(s) already published or under consideration for publication.

Details of previous reviews of the submitted article.

Copies of related papers, previous Editors’ and reviewers' comments, and responses to those comments can be submitted using the File Designation "Supplementary file for Editors only". Editors encourage authors to submit previous communications as doing so is likely to expedite the review process.

NIH Employees

Manuscripts authored or co-authored by one or more NIH employees must be submitted with a completed and signed NIH Publishing Agreement and Manuscript Cover Sheet according to NIH’s Employee Procedures.

Crossref Funding Data Registry

In order to meet your funding requirements authors are required to name their funding sources, or state if there are none, during the submission process. For further information on this process or to find out more about CHORUS, visit the CHORUS initiative.

Title page

The title page must contain the following information:

Title of the article.

Full name, postal address, e-mail and telephone number of the corresponding author.

Full name, department, institution, city and country of all co-authors.

Up to five keywords or phrases suitable for use in an index (it is recommended to use MeSH terms).

Word count, excluding title page, abstract, references, figures and tables.

Manuscript format

The manuscript must be submitted as a Word document. PDF is not accepted.

The manuscript should be presented in the following order:

Title page.

Abstract, or a summary for case reports (Note: references should not be included in abstracts or summaries).

Main text separated under appropriate headings and subheadings using the following hierarchy: BOLD CAPS, bold lower case, Plain text, Italics.

Tables should be in Word format and placed in the main text where the table is first cited.

Tables must be cited in the main text in numerical order.

Acknowledgments, Competing Interests, Funding and all other required statements.

Reference list.

Images must be uploaded as separate files (view further details under the Figures/illustrations section). All images must be cited within the main text in numerical order and legends should be provided at the end of the manuscript.

Appendices should be uploaded using the File Designation "Supplementary File" and cited in the main text.

Please remove any hidden text headers or footers from your file before submission.

Graphical/Video Abstracts

JAMIA offers authors the opportunity to publish either a video or graphical abstract that illustrates the content of an article. This image can contain text such as labels, but does not have a figure legend. There are no costs to add these features to an article. Abstract files should be submitted at the revision stage, and uploaded as separate files outside of the main manuscript.


Abbreviations and symbols must be standard. SI units should be used throughout, except for blood pressure values which should be reported in mm Hg.

Whenever possible, drugs should be given their approved generic name. Where a proprietary (brand) name is used, it should begin with a capital letter.

Acronyms should be used sparingly and fully explained when first used.


For more information on preparing figures, see OUP’s Author Resource Centre on figures.


Tables should be in Word format and placed in the main text where the table is first cited. Tables must be cited in the main text in numerical order. Please note that tables embedded as Excel files within the manuscript are NOT accepted. Tables in Excel should be copied and pasted into the manuscript Word file.

Tables should be self-explanatory and the data they contain must not be duplicated in the text or figures. Any tables submitted that are longer/larger than 2 pages will be published as online only supplementary material.

Multimedia files

You may submit multimedia files to enhance your article. Video files are preferred in .WMF or .AVI formats, but can also be supplied as .FLV, .Mov, and .MP4. When submitting, please ensure you upload them using the File Designation "Supplementary File - Video".


Authors are responsible for the accuracy of cited references and these should be checked before the manuscript is submitted.

Citing in the text

References must be numbered sequentially as they appear in the text. References cited in figures or tables (or in their legends and footnotes) should be numbered according to the place in the text where that table or figure is first cited. Reference numbers in the text should be inserted immediately after punctuation (with no word spacing)—for example,[6] not [6].

Where more than one reference is cited, these should be separated by a comma, for example,[1, 4, 39]. For sequences of consecutive numbers, give the first and last number of the sequence separated by a hyphen, for example,[22-25]. References provided in this format are translated during the production process to superscript type, and act as hyperlinks from the text to the quoted references in electronic forms of the article.

Please note that if references are not cited in order the manuscript may be returned for amendment before it is passed on to the Editor for review.

Preparing the reference list

References must be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned in the text.

Only papers published or in press should be included in the reference list. Personal communications or unpublished data must be cited in parentheses in the text with the name(s) of the source(s) and the year. Authors should request permission from the source to cite unpublished data.






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