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Anales de Pediatría(或:ANALES DE PEDIATRIA)《儿科年鉴》 投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/6/4 17:18:06 来源:官网信息 阅读:531 发布者:

Instructions for authors

ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA is the Official Publication of the Asociación Española de Pediatría [Spanish Association of Paediatrics]. The print version is published in Spanish and the electronic version is available in a bilingual Spanish and English format at http://www.aeped.es/anales-pediatria. It is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal that will consider all manuscript submissions dealing with paediatrics and related specialties.


All manuscripts published in ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA should comply with the journal’s publishing guidelines and follow the format of one of the article types described below:

Original articles

Research on epidemiology, aetiology, pathophysiology, pathology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Prospective, analytical study designs are recommended, including cross-sectional, longitudinal, case-control, cohort and controlled studies. Text length (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figure legends) should not exceed a total of 3,000 words. There should be no more than 40 references and a maximum of 8 figures or tables. We recommend that the article has a maximum of seven authors. In the case of multicenter studies, it will be possible to increase the number of authors after an adequate justification. If the number of authors is excessive, it is advisable to include them in the corresponding study group.

Scientific letters

Clinical case series or laboratory observations of special interest that imply a relevant contribution to understanding a disease within the context of current knowledge. The text (which should not have an abstract) should be no longer than 750 words and it may have a maximum of 6 references and 2 fi gures or tables. It should have no more than 5 authors. Single case reports will only be published under exceptional circumstances.

Images and videos in paediatrics

The aim of this type of article is to publish images illustrating clinical problems or relevant solutions for readers. The title should contain fewer than 8 words. The article should have a maximum of 4 authors. It may contain up to 3 fi gures and the accompanying text should not exceed 250 words, so that all the symbols in the images are adequately explained. It can also include a video in “.mp4” format that should not exceed a size of 150 MB. It should have a maximum of 3 references.

Letters to the Editor

This section is only open to correspondence on editorial matters and comments in response to articles published in ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA in the past four months or related to topics addressed in such articles. The text should be no longer than 500 words, and have a maximum of 4 references and 2 fi gures or tables. It should have no more than 4 authors.


These articles discuss recent advances in paediatrics, preferably related to one of the articles published in the same issue. Editorials are commissioned by the Journal Editorial Board. They should not exceed 1,200 words or have more than 5 references.

Asociación Española de Pediatría

This section only publishes manuscripts prepared by the various committees and working groups of the Asociación Española de Pediatría and specialist scientifi c societies, in response to a prior request from the association’s Executive Committee. These articles will represent the AEP’s offi cial stance on various issues chosen in line with the association’s editorial policy. Manuscript size and structure should be as the original articles. Authorship should also be as the original articles.

Special articles

The Editorial Board of ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA will select and invite authors to write special articles or review subjects of particular interest in paediatric practice. Manuscript size and structure should be as the original articles. Authorship should also be as the original articles

Other sections

The various scientifi c societies belonging to the Asociación Española de Pediatría may publish part of their summaries of meetings and congresses in the Spanish electronic version of ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA, at their request. Articles should be submitted as a single MS Word fi le in the order and structure intended for publication.


ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA will review manuscripts written in Spanish or English. Accepted manuscripts will become the permanent property of the journal and may only be reproduced in part or full with the latter’s permission. Articles that have been published by or submitted to other journals will not be accepted. The parts of a standard (original) article should be ordered on separate pages as follows: Title page, abstract and keywords, main text, references, tables, and fi gure legends. All pages should be consecutively numbered.

Title page

This should be a separate document. The title page should contain the following details:

Article title. This should be as explicit as possible and must not exceed 85 characters, excluding spaces. It should not include words such as ‘‘child’’, ‘‘childhood’’ ‘‘paediatrics’’,  because they are already implicit in the journal name.

Running title not exceed ing 40 characters, excluding spaces.

List of authors in the order that they are to appear in the publication. Use the fi rst name and surname(s) of each author. Note that the format used to cite the authors in the manuscript will be followed in the published article, if accepted, and also in the various bibliographic databases where ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA is referenced.

Place of work and full postal address.

Funding source and number, if applicable.

Prior presentation at meetings, congresses and symposiums, with name, city and date.

Name, address, telephone and fax numbers and email of the corresponding author.

Word count of the main text, excluding the abstract, references, tables, and fi gure legends.

Submission date.

Abstract and keywords

Original articles should have an abstract of approximately 250 words, structured as follows: Introduction, Material or Patients and Methods, Results, and Conclusions. These sections will describe, respectively, the research question, the way the study was conducted, the most noteworthy results and conclusions that can be drawn from the results. Authors should ensure that the abstract gives details of the most important results, because the English version of the abstract will be entered in MEDLINE. Three to ten keywords should be appended to the abstract, chosen from MeSH® terms in the Index Medicus, available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh. Scientific letters should not have an abstract or keywords.


An impersonal writing style is recommended. It is advisable to divide the manuscript into sections. For original articles, use the following sections: Introduction, Material or Patients and Methods, Results and Discussion. We recommend starting each section on a new page. In general, make minimum use of abbreviations. Internationally-recognised abbreviations are permitted and uncommon abbreviations should be expanded at fi rst mention. Avoid using abbreviations in the title or abstract. Authors may use either the metric system or SI (International System) for units of measure. If SI units are chosen, it is advisable to add the metric unit in brackets immediately afterwards. Use generic drug names. Identify instruments used for laboratory tests and other techniques by adding the brand name and manufacturer’s address in brackets.


References should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text, in superscript format. References to journal articles should be ordered as follows: Authors, with surname(s) followed by fi rst name initial without punctuation, separating each author by a comma; full title in the original language, abbreviated journal name as listed in Index Medicus, which can be found at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/jrbrowser.cgi; year of publication, volume number and inclusive page numbers. List all authors unless there are more than six, in which case list the fi rst six and then add “et al”. Follow a similar style for book references. Examples of references to an article, book and book chapter:


Fernández Rivas A, Erkoreka L, Vivanco González E, Landa Aqueche M, Sesma Pardo E, Pérez Cabeza L, et al. Adopción y alteraciones de conducta en la adolescencia. Estudio en población hospitalaria. An Pediatr (Barc). 2014;80:21-7.


García Nieto V, Santos F, Rodríguez Iturbe B, editors. Nefrología Pediátrica. 2nd ed. Madrid: Grupo Aula Médica; 2006.

Book chapter

Franco M, Sánchez-Lozada LG, Herrera Acosta J. Fisiología glomerular. In: García Nieto V, Santos F, Rodríguez Iturbe B, editors. Nefrología Pediátrica. 2nd ed. Madrid: Grupo Aula Médica. 2006. p. 9-38.

The list of references should not include citations such as ‘‘personal communication’’, ‘‘in press’’ or ‘‘submitted for publication’’, or congress abstracts that have not been published in a scientifi c journal. If it is considered essential to cite such references, do so in the corresponding place in the main text and mention their source.

For reference format, refer to the recommendations issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (updated August 2013) at http:// www.icmje.org.


Number tables with Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text. Tables should be double spaced on a separate page and not exceed a full page. The title, placed at the top, should concisely describe the contents, so that the table can be understood without having to read the main text. Defi ne any abbreviations at the bottom of the table. Do not repeat the same data in the main text, tables and fi gures.


Figures refer to all diagrams, drawings and photographs, and are numbered with Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text. To create graphs, follow the guidelines in ‘‘Graphs for statistical data in medicine’’ [in Spanish] available at https://www.seh-lelha.org/graficos-datos-estadisticos-medicina/. Occasionally, colour photographs and drawings may be accepted by the Directors’ and Editors’ Team, provided that there is a prior fi nancial agreement between the authors and Elsevier España. If patient information, photographs or data are reproduced, the patient should not be identifi able. The authors have to declare that they are in possession of a written informed consent signed by the parents to state their permission to authorise publication, reproduction and dissemination in print and in open-access electronic format in ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA (Barcelona). Figure legends should written on the corresponding page in the main text.


The authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permission to reproduce in ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA any previously published material (text, tables, or fi gures). This permission must be requested from both the author and the publisher of such material.

Authorship. Only authors who have made an intellectual contribution to the work should be credited in the list of authors. Assisting in data collection or participating in a particular test are not suffi cient criteria in themselves to be credited as an author. In general, authorship should be based on fulfi lment of the following requirements:

1. Participation in the conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of the data, that has resulted in the article in question.

2. Participation in manuscript writing and any revisions.

3. Final approval given to the version to be published. Those whose contributions do not justify authorship may be acknowledged individually or together as a group under a single heading. The Editorial Secretariat of ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA shall not be liable for any disputes arising from the authorship of the articles published in the Journal.

Previous and redundant publication. Article content must be completely original; it should not have been published previously, or have been sent to any other journal (or be under consideration elsewhere). These restrictions do not apply to published abstracts of posters, papers or talks presented at national or international scientifi c meetings. If an article sent for publication is similar to another article published by the authors, a copy of the latter should be sent so that the Directors’and Editors’ Team can check that there is no risk of duplication or redundancy. Authors should be aware that failure to disclose that the submitted manuscript has already been published in part or full constitutes a serious violation of scientifi c ethics.

To verify originality, the article will be checked by the originality detection service Crossref Similarity Check.

Informed Consent. Research and/or Ethics Committees In the methods’ section, authors should state that procedures undertaken by participants were performed after obtaining informed consent from parents. The study must have been reviewed and approved by the Research and/or Ethics Committees of the institution where the study was conducted. In the case of research involving animals, authors should indicate whether they have complied with the corresponding recommendations issued by institutional and national regulatory bodies on laboratory animal care and use. In clinical case descriptions in any sections of the journal, mainly when the patient is identifi able either by the description of the disease or in the fi gures that accompany the article, the authors have to declare that they are in possession of a written informed consent signed by the parents to state their permission to publish the text and any images. Likewise, in all cases, authors should declare that they have followed the protocols in place at their healthcare institutions with regard to access to medical records when such data is to be used for research purposes and dissemination among the scientifi c community.


Submit manuscripts for ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA online at http://ees.elsevier.com/anpedia. Simply log onto this page and follow the onscreen instructions for submission. In the section Enter Comments it is mandatory to include a letter, stating that:

The manuscript has only been submitted to ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA and therefore it is not under consideration elsewhere and it has not been previously published in part or full. These restrictions do not apply to abstracts pertaining to conference proceedings or other scientific meetings.

The authors are responsible for the research.

The authors have participated in its conception and design; data analysis and interpretation; drafting and review of the manuscript; and in the approval of the fi nal text that has been submitted to ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA.

Declaration of confl icts of interest. In the section Additional Information, authors are obliged to specify whether there are any confl icts of interest that affect their manuscript. In particular, in the case of commercial products, authors must declare whether they hold an agreement with any of the companies whose products appear in the submitted manuscript or whether they have received fi nancial support of any kind from such companies. The purpose of this is to discuss how these circumstances can be referred to in the article with the affected authors. In all cases, the requirements stated in An Esp Pediatr 2002; 56: 497-499 must be fulfi lled, and any such relationships that have existed in the past five years must be expressly declared. The Editorial Secretariat will acknowledge receipt. The manuscript will fi rst be examined by the Directors’ and Editors’ Team and if it is considered valid, it will be sent for external review. The Directors’ and Editors’ Team reserves the right to reject work that it considers not to be appropriate either immediately or after peer review. It may also propose revisions to the manuscript as deemed necessary. Before the article is published in print or in electronic format, the corresponding author will be send the proofs by email, which should be corrected and returned within 48 hours of reception.

Submission checklist. Title page with title, list of authors, name and address of place of work, funding, author’s telephone and fax numbers, email, word count, and submission date; Abstract in Spanish; Key words; Main text; References; Figure legends (on a separate page); Tables; Figures withexplanations.



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