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Pediatric Research《儿科研究》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/6/4 16:06:01 来源:官网信息 阅读:774 发布者:

Pediatric Research

For Authors & Referees

This section offers the following resources for prospective authors and referees:

Please see "Preparation of Articles" for:

Information on accepted article types, publishing original research, general manuscript publication, disclosures/conflicts of interest, style guidelines, acknowledgments, author contributions, references, figures, tables, and supplementary material.

Please see "How to Submit" for:

Information on corresponding with the journal, online submission guidelines, and submissions of revisions.

Please see "Open Access & Self-Archiving" for:

Information on licensing, self-archiving, digital preservation, and DOIs.

Please see "Costs" for:

Information on color figure and page charges, as well membership discounts.

Please see "Editorial Policies" for:

Information on authorship, disclosures, communication of media/scientists, preprints, permissions, gene nomenclature, biosecurity, plagiarism, etc. 

Please see "English Language Support & Useful Tutorials" for:

English language editing services and author/reviewer tutorials.

Please see "For Referees" for:

Information about publication criteria, selection of referees, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, the review process, and how to write a report.

Preparation of Articles

General Preparation

The manuscript text file should include only the cover page, abstract, body text, references, and figure legends. Begin each section on a new page with a section heading. Double space every page of your manuscript text file, including the cover page and references. Please do not include line numbering. Margins should be one inch on all sides of the page. Use a serif font, such as Times New Roman, and font size 12 for manuscript body text. Please upload your manuscript as a .doc or .docx file, we do not accept manuscripts in .pdf format.

Cover Letter

The cover letter must state the material is original, has not been previously published, and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere while under consideration. The cover letter must also include a Statement of Financial support (see “Cover Page” instructions) and also a Disclosure statement (see Editorial Policy section), which should be identical to those given on the manuscript cover page.

Cover Page

The first page of your manuscript text file should be the cover page. The manuscript cover page must contain the following information:

Full title. The title should be descriptive and concise (a maximum of 14 words). If a study was conducted using animal models, that must be apparent from the title.

Based on a recent analysis of citation trends, we have found that 3 or more MeSh terms in the title and/or abstract will increase the number of citations. We recommend that authors add MeSh keywords for increased visibility in indexes like PubMed.

See the following link for MeSh keywords:  https://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html.

Search your title and abstract for MeSH keywords: https://meshb.nlm.nih.gov/MeSHonDemand.

We also recommend authors utilize the following resource and recommendations regarding their title: https://www.aje.com/en/arc/choosing-catchy-title-your-scientific-manuscript/

Make the title indicate that the article is unique.

Choose a descriptive phrase, do not use complete sentences or questions.

Do not oversell your manuscript.

Mention the species or breed used in your study

Only mention technique if it is the primary focus

Use keywords that stand out

List of authors. A complete and ordered list of authors: first name, middle initial(s), and last name. See “Authorship” for more information about the Pediatric Research policy authorship. The corresponding author should be clearly designated with an asterisk. Please include all co-authors affiliations on the cover page.

Author Contributions (mandatory): After any acknowledgments please confirm that each author has met the Pediatric Research authorship requirements listed below. In order to meet the requirements of authorship, each author must have contributed to at least one of the aspects below. Additional contributors to the submitted work should appear in the Acknowledgments. In your manuscript, please list which authors completed each of the following criteria:

Substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data;

Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and

Final approval of the version to be published.

Authors’ institutional affiliations. The department name; institutional affiliation; city, state or province; and country of each author must appear on the manuscript cover page. (If in the United States, country name should not be included) Link author names with affiliations using superscripted numbers.

Corresponding author. Include the name, full postal address, as well as phone, fax and email address for the corresponding author. Journal policy allows only one corresponding author per manuscript. The name of the corresponding author on the cover page should match the name of the “contact author” in the database. You may have a different “submitting author” identified in the database if you choose. Pediatric Research does not allow joint corresponding authorship.

Statement of financial support. A statement of financial support from extramural sources (e.g. from grants, government, industry) must be included. If no financial assistance was received in support of the study, please include a statement to this fact.

Disclosure statement: Please include a disclosure statement indicating any authors’ financial ties to products in the study or potential/perceived conflicts of interest on the cover page. If there are no disclosures, please state this.

Category of study. Manuscripts should be identified as basic science, clinical, population study, quality improvement, review, correspondence, comment, editorial, or special article.

Consent Statement: Please include a statement regarding the patient consent that was required for your paper on the title page; if patient consent was not required, please state this.

Impact Statement: For Original Research and Systematic Reviews: Please enter three to five bullet points answering the following questions: What is the key message of your article? What does it add to the existing literature? What is the impact? Please label your Impact Statement bullet points as “Impact” on the title page.

Impact Statement: For Review Articles: Please enter 1-3 bullet points answering the following questions: What does this article add to the existing literature? Please label your Impact Statement bullet points as “Impact” on the title page.

*Please limit article “Impact” answers to 100 words or less.


See Article Type Specifications for details on the Abstract, which should be no more than 200 words in total. Please do not include keywords with your abstract. If structured, the Abstract’s Background should briefly describe the problem being addressed and the hypothesis; the Methods should describe how the study was performed; the Results should present the key findings; and the Conclusion should include an interpretation of the results. Statistical and methodological detail that can be found in the paper should not be included.


Authors should not include an Abbreviation List in their paper but instead should spell out each abbreviation on first mention in the text of the paper and place the abbreviation in parentheses. Abbreviations used only in tables or figures can be defined in the table footnotes or figure legends. For enzymes, include the enzyme commission number if one has been assigned.

Key words: should be included in the relevant metadata field in the submissions database only. They do not need to be included in the manuscript text file.


The Introduction should be succinct, orienting the reader to the state of knowledge in the specific area under investigation and clearly delineating the questions and hypothesis of the research.






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