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Brain Pathology《脑病理学》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/6/3 10:06:48 来源:官网信息 阅读:499 发布者:

Brain Pathology

Author Guidelines

1. Submission and Peer Review Process

Once the submission materials have been prepared in accordance with the Author Guidelines, manuscripts should be submitted online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/bpa.

For help with submissions, please contact: BPAedoffice@wiley.com

This journal does not charge submission fees, however if accepted authors will be subject to the article publication charge as Brain Pathology is a Gold Open Access journal. You can read more about APCs and whether you may be eligible for waivers or discounts, through your institution, funder, or a country waiver.


The official journal of the ISN is intended to be a forum for recent progress in the science and practice of neuropathology, with a strong emphasis on disease mechanisms. It will be broad in scope, encompassing advances in neighboring disciplines, including cell biology, molecular genetics, immunology and virology. Although primarily directed to pathologists, Brain Pathology addresses all members of the scientific community interested in diseases of the nervous system.

Article Preparation Support

Wiley Editing Services offers expert help with English Language Editing, as well as translation, manuscript formatting, figure illustration, figure formatting, and graphical abstract design – so you can submit your manuscript with confidence.

Also, check out our resources for Preparing Your Article for general guidance about writing and preparing your manuscript.

Free format submission

Brain Pathology now offers free format submission for a simplified and streamlined submission process.

Before you submit, you will need:

Your manuscript: this should be an editable file including text, figures, and tables, or separate files – whichever you prefer. All required sections should be contained in your manuscript, including abstract, introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. Figures and tables should have legends. Figures should be uploaded in the highest resolution possible. References may be submitted in any style or format, as long as it is consistent throughout the manuscript. Supporting information should be submitted in separate files. If the manuscript, figures or tables are difficult for you to read, they will also be difficult for the editors and reviewers, and the editorial office will send it back to you for revision. Your manuscript may also be sent back to you for revision if the quality of English language is poor.

An ORCID ID, freely available at https://orcid.org. (Why is this important? Your article, if accepted and published, will be attached to your ORCID profile. Institutions and funders are increasingly requiring authors to have ORCID IDs.)

The title page of the manuscript, including:

Your co-author details, including affiliation and email address. (Why is this important? We need to keep all co-authors informed of the outcome of the peer review process.)

Statements relating to our ethics and integrity policies, which may include any of the following (Why are these important? We need to uphold rigorous ethical standards for the research we consider for publication):

data availability statement

funding statement

conflict of interest disclosure

ethics approval statement

patient consent statement

permission to reproduce material from other sources

clinical trial registration

Your co-author details, including affiliation and email address.

An ORCID ID, freely available at https://orcid.org.

If you are invited to revise your manuscript after peer review, the journal will also request the revised manuscript to be formatted according to journal requirements as described below.

Preprint policy

Please find the Wiley preprint policy here.

Brain Pathology will consider submissions previously available as preprints. You are requested to update any pre-publication versions with a link to the final published article. You may also post the final published version of the article immediately after publication.

Data Sharing and Data Availability

Please review Wiley’s policy here. This journal expects data sharing.

Data Citation

Please review Wiley’s Data Citation policy.


You should list all funding sources in the Acknowledgments section. You are responsible for the accuracy of their funder designation. If in doubt, please check the Open Funder Registry for the correct nomenclature.


All listed authors should have contributed to the manuscript substantially and have agreed to the final submitted version. Review editorial standards and scroll down for a description of authorship criteria.

Changes to authorship: In accordance with Wiley’s Best Practice Guidelines on Research Integrity and Publishing Ethics and the Committee on Publication Ethics’ guidance, Brain Pathology will allow authors to correct authorship on a submitted, accepted, or published article if a valid reason exists to do so. All authors – including those to be added or removed – must agree to any proposed change. To request a change to the author list, please complete the Request for Changes to a Journal Article Author List Form and contact either the journal’s editorial or production office, depending on the status of the article. Authorship changes will not be considered without a fully completed Author Change form. Correcting the authorship is different from changing an author’s name; the relevant policy for that can be found in Wiley’s Best Practice Guidelines under “Author name changes after publication.”


This journal requires ORCID. Please refer to Wiley’s resources on ORCID.

Reproduction of Copyright Material

If excerpts from copyrighted works owned by third parties are included, credit must be shown in the contribution. It is your responsibility to also obtain written permission for reproduction from the copyright owners. For more information visit Wiley’s Copyright Terms & Conditions FAQ.

The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining written permission to reproduce the material "in print and other media" from the publisher of the original source, and for supplying Wiley with that permission upon submission.

Title Page

The title page should contain:

A brief informative title containing the major key words. The title should not contain abbreviations (see Wiley's best practice SEO tips);

A short running title of less than 40 characters;

The full names of the authors and their email addresses;

The author's institutional affiliations where the work was conducted, with a footnote for the author’s present address if different from where the work was conducted;


Main Text File

The main text file should be in Word and include:

A short informative title containing the major key words. The title should not contain abbreviations

The full names of the authors with institutional affiliations where the work was conducted, with a footnote for the author’s present address if different from where the work was conducted;


Abstract unstructured of 300 words or less

Up to six keywords;


Tables (each table complete with title and footnotes);

Figures: Figure legends must be added beneath each individual image during upload AND as a complete list in the text.

Reference Style

Only published papers and those in press should be included in the reference list. Unpublished data, submitted manuscripts and personal communications should be cited parenthetically in the text. References should be cited as numbers in parentheses. In the reference list, references are to be arranged alphabetically and numbered accordingly. Therefore, the numbers in parentheses in the text will not reflect a sequential order. Note: Authors can submit their references in the Vancouver format, and they will be changed to the journal style by the typesetter and must be verified by the author at page proof stage. All authors should be cited. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus. Review your reference style guidelines prior to submission.


Although authors are encouraged to send the highest-quality figures possible, for peer-review purposes, a wide variety of formats, sizes, and resolutions are accepted.

Click here for the basic figure requirements for figures submitted with manuscripts for initial peer review, as well as the more detailed post-acceptance figure requirements.

Graphical TOC

The journal’s table of contents will be presented in graphical form with a brief abstract.

The table of contents entry must include the article title, the authors' names (with the corresponding author indicated by an asterisk), no more than 80 words or 3 sentences of text summarizing the key findings presented in the paper and a figure that best represents the scope of the paper.

The image supplied should fit within the dimensions of 50mm x 60mm and be fully legible at this size.






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