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JOURNAL OF GLAUCOMA《青光眼杂志》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/6/1 17:16:48 来源:官网信息 阅读:417 发布者:

Instructions for Authors


The Journal of Glaucoma is a peer reviewed journal addressing the spectrum of issues affecting definition, diagnosis, and management of glaucoma and providing a forum for lively and stimulating discussion of clinical, scientific, and socioeconomic factors affecting care of glaucoma patients.


Ethical/Legal Considerations. A submitted manuscript must be an original contribution not previously published (except as an abstract or preliminary report), must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, and if accepted, it must not be published elsewhere in similar form, in any language, without the consent of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Each person listed as an author is expected to have participated in the study to a significant extent. Although the editors and referees make every effort to ensure the validity of published manuscripts, the final responsibility rests with the authors, not with the Journal, its editors, or the publisher. All manuscripts must be submitted online through the journal's electronic submission site www.editorialmanager.com/jog See submission instructions under "Online manuscript submission."

FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Each author warrants that he or she has no commercial associations (e.g., consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest, patent/licensing arrangements, etc.) that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article, except as disclosed on a separate attachment. All funding sources supporting the Work and all institutional or corporate affiliations of the authors are acknowledged in a footnote in the Work and on the Copyright/Financial Disclosure form that is requested upon acceptance.

Language and Editing Services

It is important that papers are submitted using proper grammar and syntax. Non-native English-speaking authors may consider the aid of editing services. Should you choose to employ professional editing services, please be sure the company you choose has knowledge of ophthalmology terminology and its proper usage.

Wolters Kluwer, in partnership with Editage, offers a unique range of editorial services to help you prepare a submission-ready manuscript:

Premium Editing: Intensive language and structural editing of academic papers to increase chances of journal acceptance.

Advanced Editing: A complete language, grammar, and terminology check to give you a publication-ready manuscript.

Translation with Editing: Write your paper in your native language and Wolters Kluwer Author Services will translate it into English, as well as edit it to ensure that it meets international publication standards.

Plagiarism Check: Helps ensure that your manuscript contains no instances of unintentional plagiarism.

Artwork Preparation: Save precious time and effort by ensuring that your artwork is viewed favorably by the journal without you having to incur the additional cost of purchasing special graphics software.

For more information (including pricing), please visit Wolters Kluwer Author Services

Patient Anonymity and Informed Consent

It is the author's responsibility to ensure that a patient's anonymity be carefully protected and to verify that any experimental investigation with human subjects reported in the manuscript was performed with informed consent and following all the guidelines for experimental investigation with human subjects required by the institution(s) with which all the authors are affiliated. Authors should mask patients' eyes and remove patients' names from figures unless they obtain written consent from the patients and submit written consent with the manuscript.

Open access

Authors of accepted peer-reviewed articles have the choice to pay a fee to allow perpetual unrestricted online access to their published article to readers globally, immediately upon publication. Authors may take advantage of the open access option at the point of acceptance to ensure that this choice has no influence on the peer review and acceptance process. These articles are subject to the journal's standard peer-review process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit.

The article processing charge (APC) is charged on acceptance of the article and should be paid within 30 days by the author, funding agency or institution. Payment must be processed for the article to be published open access. For a list of journals and pricing please visit our Wolters Kluwer Open Health Journals page.

Authors retain copyright

Authors retain their copyright for all articles they opt to publish open access. Authors grant Wolters Kluwer an exclusive license to publish the article and the article is made available under the terms of a Creative Commons user license. Please visit our Open Access Publication Process page for more information.

Creative Commons license

Open access articles are freely available to read, download and share from the time of publication under the terms of the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommerical No Derivative (CC BY-NC-ND) license. This license does not permit reuse for any commercial purposes nor does it cover the reuse or modification of individual elements of the work (such as figures, tables, etc.) in the creation of derivative works without specific permission.

Compliance with funder mandated open access policies

An author whose work is funded by an organization that mandates the use of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license is able to meet that requirement through the available open access license for approved funders. Information about the approved funders can be found here: http://www.wkopenhealth.com/inst-fund.php

FAQ for open access



Authors must submit written permission from the copyright owner (usually the publisher) to use direct quotations, tables, or illustrations that have appeared in copyrighted form elsewhere, along with complete details about the source. Any permissions fees that might be required by the copyright owner are the responsibility of the authors requesting use of the borrowed material, not the responsibility of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Manuscript Submission

On-line manuscript submission: All manuscripts must be submitted on-line through the new Web site http://www.editorialmanager.com/jog. First-time users: Please click the Register button from the menu and enter the requested information. On successful registration, you will be sent an e-mail indicating your user name and password. Print a copy of this information for future reference. Note: If you have received an e-mail from us with an assigned user ID and password, or if you are a repeat user, do not register again. Just log in. Once you have an assigned ID and password, you do not have to reregister, even if your status changes (that is, author, reviewer, or editor). Authors: Please click the log-in button from the menu at the top of the page and log into the system as an Author. Submit your manuscript according to the author instructions. You will be able to track the progress of your manuscript through the system. If you experience any problems, please contact the editorial office.

Preparation of Manuscript

Manuscripts that do not adhere to the following instructions will be returned to the corresponding author for technical revision before undergoing peer review.

Authorship Verification Process:

The copyright transfer process has been updated as noted on the login screen. The corresponding author's copyright information is answered through a series of questions during the submission process.  All co-authors will be emailed a link to complete their information once your submission is complete. Forms are no longer needed. All co-authors' email addresses are required at the time of submission.

Title Page

Include on the title page (a) complete manuscript title; (b) authors' full names, highest academic degrees, and affiliations; (c) name and address for correspondence, including fax number, telephone number, and e-mail address; (d) address for reprints if different from that of corresponding author; and (e) sources of support that require acknowledgment.

The title page must also include disclosure of funding received for this work from any of the following organizations: National Institutes of Health (NIH); Wellcome Trust; Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI); and other(s). This is the first page of your TEXT.


All Original Articles must include a précis of 35 words or fewer summarizing the main finding/outcome of the study. The précis should not duplicate the abstract conclusion. The précis should also be included in your TEXT before your abstract.

Structured Abstract and Key Words

Structured Abstracts are required only for original articles. Key the abstract, double-spaced, on a separate page following the title page. Limit the abstract to 250 words. Do not cite references in the abstract. Use the following subheads: Purpose, Patients and Methods (or Materials and Methods, Methods, etc., following the structure of the manuscript), Results, and Conclusion(s). List three to five key words for indexing. This is the second page of your TEXT.


The TEXT portion of your manuscript must be submitted in WORD (.DOC or .DOCX format). Organize the manuscript into four main headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Define abbreviations at first mention in text and in each table and figure. If a brand name is cited, supply the manufacturer's name and address (city and state/country). Acknowledge all forms of support, including pharmaceutical and industry support, in an Acknowledgments paragraph. Be sure your text is carefully reviewed for proper grammar and syntax prior to submitting. Non-native English-speaking authors may consider the aid of editing services. Should you choose to employ professional editing services, please be sure the company you choose has knowledge of ophthalmology terminology and its proper usage. Please see the Language and Editing Services section listed above.


For a list of standard abbreviations, consult the Council of Biology Editors Style Guide (available from the Council of Science Editors, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814) or other standard sources. Write out the full term for each abbreviation at its first use unless it is a standard unit of measure. Keep abbreviations to the minimum. Do not use abbreviations in the abstract.


The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Key the references (double-spaced) at the end of the manuscript. List the references in the order of their citation in the manuscript. Cite abstracts and unpublished data, such as papers submitted but not yet accepted for publication or personal communications, in parentheses in the text. If there are more than three authors, name only the first three authors and then use et al. Refer to the List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus for abbreviations of journal names, or access the list at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lji.html. Sample references are given below:

Journal article

1. Budenz DL, Chen PP, Weaver YK. Conjunctival advancement for late-onset filtering bleb leaks: indications and outcomes. Arch Ophthalmol 1999;117:1014-1019.

Book chapter

2. Skuta GL, Morgan RK. Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma. In: Ritch R, Shields MB, Krupin T, eds. The Glaucomas. St. Louis: Mosby; 1996:1177-1188.

Entire book

3. Gelatt KN, ed. Veterinary Ophthalmology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1999.


4. Epi Info [computer program]. Version 6. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 1994.

Online journals

5. Friedman SA. Preeclampsia: a review of the role of prostaglandins. Obstet Gynecol [serial online]. January 1988;71:22-37. Available from: BRS Information Technologies, McLean, VA. Accessed December 15, 1990.


6. CANCERNET-PDQ [database online]. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute; 1996. Updated March 29, 1996.

World Wide Web

7. Gostin LO. Drug use and HIV/AIDS [JAMA HIV/AIDS web site]. June 1, 1996. Available at: http://www.ama-assn.org/special/hiv/ethics. Accessed June 26, 1997.

Figure/Table legends

Legends must be submitted for all figures. They should be brief and specific, and they should appear on a separate manuscript page after the references. This is the last page of your TEXT. Use scale markers in the image for electron micrographs and indicate the type of stain used. Do no embed images or tables. This is TEXT only.


Figures must be submitted as individual files, each figure in separate file. They cannot be embedded in the TEXT portion of your submission. Cite figures consecutively in the text, and number them in the order in which they are discussed. If the images are not of a high enough resolution to permit quality reproduction for publication purposes, they will be returned to the author. .TIFF or .JPEG is the preferred format for Figures.

Digital art should be created/scanned and saved and submitted as either a TIFF (tagged image file format), an EPS (encapsulated postscript) file. Electronic photographs-radiographs, CT scans, and so on-and scanned images must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Line art must have a resolution of at least 1200 dpi (dots per inch). If fonts are used in the artwork, they must be converted to paths or outlines or they must be embedded in the files. Color images must be created/scanned and saved and submitted as CMYK files.

Color Figures

The journal accepts for publication color figures that will enhance an article. Authors who submit color figures will receive an estimate of the cost for color reproduction in print. If they decide not to pay for color reproduction in print, they can request that the figures be converted to black and white at no charge.

All figures supplied in color are published in color online. Figure footnotes are being added to figures which appear as color online but not in print. There is only a charge for figures that appear in color in the printed journal.


Cite tables consecutively in the text and number them in that order. Tables must be created and submitted in WORD (.DOC or .DOCX) format only. Each Table must be submitted in a separate file. Each Table should include the table title, appropriate column heads, and explanatory legends (including definitions of any abbreviations used). Do not embed tables within the body of the manuscript. Papers with embedded Tables will be returned to the author for removal prior to processing.

Supplemental Digital Content

Supplemental Digital Content (SDC): Authors may submit SDC via Editorial Manager to LWW journals that enhance their article's text to be considered for online posting. SDC may include standard media such as text documents, graphs, audio, video, etc. On the Attach Files page of the submission process, please select Supplemental Audio, Video, or Data for your uploaded file as the Submission Item. If an article with SDC is accepted, our production staff will create a URL with the SDC file. The URL will be placed in the call-out within the article. SDC files are not copy-edited by LWW staff, they will be presented digitally as submitted. For a list of all available file types and detailed instructions, please visit http://links.lww.com/A142.

SDC Call-outs

Supplemental Digital Content must be cited consecutively in the text of the submitted manuscript. Citations should include the type of material submitted (Audio, Figure, Table, etc.), be clearly labeled as "Supplemental Digital Content," include the sequential list number, and provide a description of the supplemental content. All descriptive text should be included in the call-out as it will not appear elsewhere in the article.


We performed many tests on the degrees of flexibility in the elbow (see Video, Supplemental Digital Content 1, which demonstrates elbow flexibility) and found our results inconclusive.

List of Supplemental Digital Content

A listing of Supplemental Digital Content must be submitted at the end of the manuscript file. Include the SDC number and file type of the Supplemental Digital Content. This text will be removed by our production staff and not be published.


Supplemental Digital Content 1. wmv

SDC File Requirements

All acceptable file types are permissible up to 10 MBs. For audio or video files greater than 10 MBs, authors should first query the journal office for approval. For a list of all available file types and detailed instructions, please visit http://links.lww.com/A142.

Original Articles. All full-length articles will receive at least two editorial peer reviews. Both clinical and basic science articles are welcome. Authors are encouraged to limit their paper length to 18 double-spaced typewritten pages.

Brief Reports. Brief reports with a maximum of two illustrations should be limited to four to six typescript pages (including references) that present focused, insightful new clinical or investigational observations. Only in very exceptional circumstances does the journal publish reports of single cases.

Case Series. The journal publishes case reports as online-only articles. These should be no more than six typewritten pages in length. Case reports should be more than interesting or unique but should provide contributory insight into the concepts of management of various aspects of glaucoma.

Compendia of focused glaucoma symposia addressing new information or research strategy of special glaucoma interest may be submitted directly to the Editor for consideration in the section "Symposia." These compendia report important dialogue in letter form, submitted by the symposia moderator, but should not be submitted as original work for editorial review. Symposia reports should not exceed three typewritten pages.

Please note that Case Series and Letters to the Editor will be published online but will not appear in the print issue. They will, however, be listed in the print Table of Contents.

Special Sections. Five special sections emphasize critical focused aspects of glaucoma research and care. Many of these are solicited by the Section Editor, but unsolicited manuscripts are also welcome. Submissions so stipulated will be forwarded to the specific Special Section Editor. Therapeutics and Techniques: Short articles on new methods of treatment or new technology. Cases in Controversy: A case presentation and management options expressed by three glaucomatologists. A review article on the nature of the controversy involved in the case will follow. Glaucoma Care Update: Socio-political-economic issues as they pertain to glaucoma management will be addressed. Basic Sciences in Clinical Glaucoma: Review articles putting critical basic science work into the perspective of modern glaucoma care. Invited Lectures: Invited Honorary Lectures are occasionally published either in their entirety or in abbreviated form. These should be submitted directly to the Special Section Editor for editorial review.


Pattern manuscript style after American Medical Association Manual of Style (9th edition). Stedman's Medical Dictionary (27th edition) and Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (10th edition) should be used as standard references. Refer to drugs and therapeutic agents by their accepted generic or chemical names, and do not abbreviate them. Use code numbers only when a generic name is not yet available. In that case, supply the chemical name and a figure giving the chemical structure of the drug. Capitalize the trade names of drugs and place them in parentheses after the generic names. To comply with trademark law, include the name and location (city and state in USA; city and country outside USA) of the manufacturer of any drug, supply, or equipment mentioned in the manuscript. Use the metric system to express units of measure and degrees Celsius to express temperatures and use SI units rather than conventional units.

Authors: Please click the login button from the menu at the top of the page and log in to the system as an Author. Submit your manuscript according to the author instructions. You will be able to track the progress of your manuscript through the system. If you experience any problems, please contact Samantha Z. Porter, Editorial Assistant, (931) 284-1843; glaucomajournal@outlook.com.

Submission Check list:

All authors have signed copyright transfer forms

The Text portion of your submission is in WORD format. Page 1-Title Page, Page 2-Structured Abstract and Keywords

For revised papers, your manuscript with tracked changes is also required. Your changes must be shown by either using the Tracking function in WORD or by highlighting or font color change.

Cite figures and tables consecutively in your manuscript. TEXT only. Do not embed images or tables

Number figures and tables in the Figure/Table legend in the order in which they are discussed. TEXT only

Upload figures consecutively to the Editorial Manager web site and enter figure numbers consecutively in the Description field when uploading the files. .TIFF or .JPEG format preferred. Only one figure per file

Upload Tables consecutively to the Editorial Manager web site and enter table numbers consecutively in the Description field when uploading the files. WORD format only. Only one table per file

Electronic page proofs and corrections

Corresponding authors will receive electronic page proofs to check the copyedited and typeset article before publication. Portable document format (PDF) files of the typeset pages and support documents (e.g., reprint order form) will be sent to the corresponding author via e-mail. Complete instructions will be provided with the e-mail for downloading and marking the electronic page proofs. Corresponding author must provide an email address. The proof/correction process is done electronically.

It is the author's responsibility to ensure that there are no errors in the proofs. Authors who are not native English speakers are strongly encouraged to have their manuscript carefully edited by a native English-speaking colleague. Changes that have been made to conform to journal style will stand if they do not alter the authors' meaning. Only the most critical changes to the accuracy of the content will be made. Changes that are stylistic or are a reworking of previously accepted material will be disallowed. The publisher reserves the right to deny any changes that do not affect the accuracy of the content. Authors may be charged for alterations to the proofs beyond those required to correct errors or to answer queries. Electronic proofs must be checked carefully and corrections returned within 24 to 48 hours of receipt, as requested in the cover letter accompanying the page proofs.


Authors will receive an email notification with a link to the order form soon after their article publishes in the journal (https://shop.lww.com/author-reprint). Reprints are normally shipped 6 to 8 weeks after publication of the issue in which the item appears. Contact the Reprint Department, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 351 W. Camden Street, Baltimore, MD 21201; Fax: 410.558.6234; E-mail: authorreprints@wolterskluwer.com with any questions.



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