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JOURNAL OF VISION《视觉杂志》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/6/1 16:24:41 来源:官网信息 阅读:948 发布者:


Information for Authors:

Submit Your Manuscript


Submitting Manuscripts for Peer Review

The Peer Review Process

Submitted manuscripts are uploaded electronically where they will be viewed initially by journal staff and processed through iThenticate, a plagiarism detection software. If any components are found to be missing, the manuscript will be returned electronically to the corresponding author with instructions on how to correct the problem.

Submit new manuscripts to http://jov.msubmit.net, our manuscript tracking and peer review system.

When submitting your manuscript, please select an Associate Editor who you would like to oversee the peer review process for your manuscript. Manuscripts will then be sent to the Associate Editor of your preference, who will assign an Editorial Board Member to act on the manuscript or they may act as the Editorial Board Member themselves. The Editorial Board Member will determine the suitability of the paper for the journal.

JoV receives many more submissions that can be published and will return without review manuscripts that do not have a strong chance of acceptance, either because the topics are outside the bounds of the journal, or because of questions about the scientific significance.  The Editor-in-Chief is authorized to render an immediate "reject" decision on manuscripts without review should they deem them unsuitable or inappropriate.

If the submission is approved and an Associate Editor (or the Editor-in-Chief) and an Editorial Board Member is assigned, then generally a manuscript is sent to two reviewers to assess its strengths and weaknesses. Reviewers make recommendations on the suitability of the manuscript for the journal based on several criteria, e.g., appropriateness for the journal and its readership.

Reviewers do not render final decisions; only the editors can make such decisions.

Authors can check the status of their papers in review by logging on to the online submission system. After the editor has read the reviews, a decision is issued to the author by email. The email will contain the comments from the reviewers as well as the editors. In some cases a reviewer may upload a review in a pdf format to more clearly present special characters, figures, etc. The pdf file will be attached to the email, but will not be viewable in the Author Center.

Appeals and Complaints

All appeals and complaints should be sent to the editorial office by email, jov@arvo.org, and will be considered by the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) unless the EIC has a conflict of interest, in which case an Associate Editor (AE) will handle the issue. The Editor-in-Chief (who is elected for a 5-year term by the ARVO society members) has the final say when considering all complaints and appeals of decisions. Many manuscripts are rejected by the EIC, in consultation with an AE, without external peer-review based on a judgment that they do not fit the scope or quality standards of the journal. These assessments are unlikely to change on appeal. Similarly, a decision obtained after a well conducted peer-review process is not often overturned by the EIC. A well-founded appeal should clearly describe why specific grounds for a decision are demonstrably wrong. All appeal decisions are made by the EIC and are final.

Post-Publication Corrections and Commentary

All issues relating to published articles should be reported by email, jov@arvo.org. When a corresponding author reports an error in their published article it can usually be corrected by publishing an Erratum and making changes to the article. When the change is straightforward (e.g. misspelling of an author name, correction of grant information, etc.) it may be done by journal staff. When a change requested by an author is more significant (especially when related to the science) it will be brought to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) who will oversee the correction process. Significant issues in a published article that require correction may also be reported by a reader (who is not an author of the article) to the editorial office. These will always be considered first by the EIC, and the authors of the article will be contacted before a final decision about a correction is made by the EIC. (The identity of the person reporting the issue will not be shared with the authors of the article) In rare cases, when the validity of the article is sufficiently compromised, a Retraction will be considered. Letters to the Editor (as described above) will also be considered as a way of expressing alternative points of view that are of significant scientific interest to the community served by the journal. Clear significant errors in articles, no matter how they are reported, are usually better corrected by publishing Errata and making changes to the articles.

Manuscript Submission Site

Manuscript submission site: https://jov.msubmit.net

Authors may submit a single pdf file containing all text and figures. If original files are uploaded, the submission system will convert them to a single pdf for review.


In general, JOV follows the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Sixth Edition with regard to usage and style for statistical symbols. All symbols should be type-set in italics. Some of the more common symbols are: df, F, MSE, N, p, SD, SE, and SEM.

Title Page and Abstract

The title page should contain the Title, Author(s), Department, Institution, City, State (optional), Country, URL (optional), and email (optional) and should be included with the main manuscript file. It should also include funding information and commercial relationships disclosures.

Abstracts should be approximately 200 words in length.

Manuscript Structure

Authors should organize their paper using the following structure:






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