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2021/6/1 15:49:21 来源:官网信息 阅读:391 发布者:

ISSN 0882-2786 (print)

ISSN 1942-4434 (online)

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants

Guidelines for Authors

Manuscript Submission

Submit manuscripts via JOMI’s online submission service: www.manuscriptmanager.net/jomi

Manuscripts should be uploaded as a Word (doc/docx) file with images saved as separate highresolution art files. (See “Figures and Tables.”)

Acceptable material. Original manuscripts are considered for publication on the condition they have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere (except at the discretion of the editors). Manuscripts concerned with reports of basic or clinical research, clinical applications of implant research and technology, proceedings of pertinent symposia or conferences, quality review papers, and matters of education related to the implant field are invited.

Number of authors. Authors listed in the byline should be limited to six. Secondary contributors can be acknowledged at the end of the article. (Special circumstances will be considered by the editorial board.)

Adherence to guidelines. Manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with these guidelines will be returned to the author before review.

Manuscript Preparation

The journal will follow as much as possible the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in regard to preparation of manuscripts and authorship (Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals; www.icmje.org/recommendations).

Manuscripts should be double-spaced with at least a one-inch margin all around. Number all pages. Do not include author names as headers or footers on each page.

Title page. The title page should include the title of the article and the name, academic degrees, and professional affiliation of each author. Phone, fax, and email address must also be provided for the corresponding author. If the paper was presented before an organized group, the name of the organization and the date and location of the presentation should be included.

Abstract/Keywords. The abstract should include a maximum of 350 words. A list of keywords should be provided, not to exceed six. Abstracts for basic and clinical research articles must be structured with the following four sections: Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Abstracts of short communications should also be structured but should be a maximum of 250 words. For all other types of articles (ie, literature reviews, technical and case reports), abstracts should not exceed 250 words and need not be structured.

Article text. Currently there is no article page limit (within reason).

Acknowledgments. Persons who have made substantive contributions to the study can be acknowledged at the end of the article. Also specify grant or other financial support, citing the name of the supporting organization and grant number. Conflict of interest: State any conflict of interest of any of the authors, or include a statement that the authors have no conflict of interest related to the study.

Figure legends. Figure legends should be typed as group at the end of the manuscript. Detailed legends are encouraged. For photomicrographs, specify original magnification and stain.

Abbreviations. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.

Trade names. Generic terms are to be used whenever possible, but trade names and manufacturer should be included parenthetically at first mention.

Numbers. Per SI convention, authors are requested to use decimal points rather than commas for fractional numbers.


All references must be cited in the text, numbered in order of appearance.

The reference list should appear at the end of the manuscript in numeric sequence.

Do not include unpublished data or personal communications in the reference list. Cite such references parenthetically in the text and include a date.

Avoid using abstracts as references.

Provide complete information for each reference, including names of all authors (up to six). If the reference is part of a book, also include the chapter title and names of the book’s editor(s).

Journal reference style:

1. Roehling S, Gahlert M, Janner S, Meng B, Woelfler H, Cochran DL. Ligature-induced peri-implant bone loss around loaded zirconia implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2019; 34:357–365.

Book reference style:

1. Wang HL, Decker A, Testori T. Maxillary transcrestal sinus floor elevation. In: Nevins M, Wang HL (eds). Implant Therapy: Clinical Approaches and Evidence of Success, ed 2. Chicago: Quintessence, 2019:263–278.

Figures and Tables

All figures and tables should be numbered and cited in the text.

Figures and tables can be grouped at the end of the manuscript or uploaded individually.

Clinical images should be at least 300 dpi at 3.5 in wide.

Images grouped together (eg, 1a–1c) must be saved as individual files (eg, 1a, 1b, 1c).

Line art (eg, graphs, charts, line drawings) should be provided as editable vector art (eg, Illustrator or EPS files)

Images containing type should either be saved

as a layered file or provided along with a

second file with type removed.

If after article acceptance the publisher determines that images are of substandard quality for print, authors will be notified that the article will be published in the online edition only unless better images can be provided.

Mandatory Submission Form

The Mandatory Submission Form (accessible at www.quintpub.com/journals/jomi/submission.pdf) must be signed by all authors and uploaded as a separate document with the article submission, or it can be emailed to jomi.submit@quintbook.com

Permissions and Waivers

Permission of author and publisher must be obtained for the direct use of material (text, photos, drawings) under copyright that does not belong to the author.

Waivers must be obtained for photographs showing persons. When such waivers are not supplied, faces will be cropped to prevent identification.

Permissions and waivers should be uploaded along with the Mandatory Submission Form or emailed to jomi.submit@quintbook.com.

Changes to Authorship

After a manuscript has been accepted, any request for changes to authorship (addition, deletion, or order) must be made by the corresponding author to the managing editor. The reason for the change should be described, with written confirmation of the change by all authors, including any author being added or deleted.

Review/Editing of Manuscripts

Manuscripts will be reviewed by the editor-inchief and will be subjected to blind review by the appropriate associate editor and reviewers with expertise in the field that the article encompasses.

The publisher reserves the right to edit accepted manuscripts to fit the space available and to ensure conciseness, clarity, and stylistic consistency, subject to the author’s final approval.

Online-Only Articles

The journal reserves the right to publish any accepted article in the online version only. Most technical and case reports will appear only in online format, but they are included in the issue’s Table of Contents, with the abstracts presented on a full page in the print issue.

Article Sharing

Authors can share their original submitted (preprint) manuscript at any time.

Authors can share their reviewed and accepted (postprint) manuscript via noncommercial platforms, such as their institutional repository, after a 12-month embargo period.

Authors can share the final PDF of their article with a maximum of 50 addresses/ recipients. They are granted a nonexclusive, nontransferable limited license, without right of sublicense, to post this PDF only on their own personal website, provided that the website has not been created or maintained by or affiliated with any online provider of dental education information or materials.

February 2020



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