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THE PROSTATE《前列腺》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/5/24 15:23:04 来源:官网信息 阅读:646 发布者:

The Prostate

Author Guidelines

NIH Public Access Mandate

For those interested in the Wiley-Blackwell policy on the NIH Public Access Mandate, please visit our policy statement

For additional tools visit Author Resources - an enhanced suite of online tools for Wiley InterScience journal authors, featuring Article Tracking, E-mail Publication Alerts and Customized Research Tools.

Permission Request Form

Article Types for Submission

Original Article

Rapid Communication

Letter to the Editor


Review Article


All editorial correspondence should be sent to: TheProstate@wiley.com . The Journal requires that authors submit electronically via the online submission site at ScholarOne Manuscripts (formerly known as Manuscript Central).

File Requirements:

Free format submission

The Prostate now offers free format submission for a simplified and streamlined submission process.

Before you submit, you will need:

Your manuscript: this can be a single file including text, figures, and tables, or separate files – whichever you prefer. All required sections should be contained in your manuscript, including abstract, introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. Figures and tables should have legends. References may be submitted in any style or format, as long as it is consistent throughout the manuscript. If the manuscript, figures or tables are difficult for you to read, they will also be difficult for the editors and reviewers. If your manuscript is difficult to read, the editorial office may send it back to you for revision.

The title page of the manuscript, including statements relating to our ethics and integrity policies:

data availability statement

funding statement

conflict of interest disclosure

ethics approval statement

patient consent statement

permission to reproduce material from other sources

clinical trial registration

(Why is this important? We need to uphold rigorous ethical standards for the research we consider for publication.)

Your co-author details, including affiliation and email address. (Why is this important? We need to keep all co-authors informed of the outcome of the peer review process.)

An ORCID ID, freely available at https://orcid.org. (Why is this important? Your article, if accepted and published, will be attached to your ORCID profile. Institutions and funders are increasingly requiring authors to have ORCID IDs.)

To submit, login at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/prostate and create a new submission. Follow the submission steps as required and submit the manuscript.

If you are invited to revise your manuscript after peer review, the journal will also request the revised manuscript to be formatted according to journal requirements as described below.

Title page. This should contain the complete title of the paper: the names and affiliations of all authors; the institution at which the work was performed (specific to the department level); the name, address, and E-mail address for all correspondence; keywords; and a shortened title, not more than 40 characters, to be used as a running head. If a manuscript was worked on by a group, one or more authors may be named from this group. The other members of the group are not considered authors but may be listed in an acknowledgment. Contract grant acknowledgment, giving the name of the contract grant sponsor and the contract grant number must be supplied, if applicable, as the last item of the title page. Other acknowledgments must be supplied at the end of the manuscript.

Disclosure / Conflict of Interest Statement Please disclose all financial arrangements within the past two years, including consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest, patent-licensing agreements, research support, major honoraria, etc. you have with a company whose product figures prominently in the manuscript you are submitting, sending a letter to the editor, or providing an editorial. Please provide the same information for similar relationships with a company making a competing product to that which is featured in the manuscript.

Abstract. This should be a factual condensation of the entire work structured into four paragraphs titled, Background , Methods , Results , and Conclusions.

Key words. Supply a list of 3 to 6 key words or phrases (not in title) that will adequately index the subject matter of the article.

Main Text; Follow this format: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions. Use subheadings and paragraph titles whenever possible. Place Acknowledgments as the last element of the text, before the references. Text length should be within 25 double-spaced pages. Length limits include title page, abstract, body, references, and figure legends. Authors whose first language is not English should arrange for their manuscripts to be written in idiomatic English prior to submission. Please use American Style. If photographs of human subjects are used, a copy of the signed consent form must accompany the manuscript. Letters of permission must be submitted with any material that has previously been published.

References. AMA – American Medical Association. All references should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance and should be as complete as possible. In-text citations should cite references in consecutive order using Arabic superscript numerals. Sample references follow:

Journal article:

1. King VM, Armstrong DM, Apps R, Trott JR. Numerical aspects of pontine, lateral reticular, and inferior olivary projections to two paravermal cortical zones of the cat cerebellum. J Comp Neurol 1998;390:537-551.


2. Voet D, Voet JG. Biochemistry. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1990. 1223 p.

Please note that journal title abbreviations should conform to the practices of Chemical Abstracts.

For more information about AMA reference style - AMA Manual of Style

Legends. A descriptive legend must accompany each illustration/figure and must define all abbreviations used therein. A figure legend must be placed after references.

Supporting Information: Supporting information will be published as submitted and will not be corrected or checked for scientific content, typographical errors or functionality. The responsibility for scientific accuracy and file functionality remains entirely with the authors. A disclaimer will be displayed to this effect with any supporting information published. Supporting information should always be provided in its final format, as it will not be copyedited or changed from its original format. It will not be available for review prior to publication. Supporting tables or figures may be cited within the text and will be made available to readers at an online link; those additional files should be classified as supplemental files for review when the paper is submitted online.

Figures/Illustrations. Upload each figure individually and be named by figure # (i.e., figure 1, figure 2, etc.). Files containing individual panels will not be accepted. Figures must be in TIFF or EPS. Resolution 1200 dpi for line art (simple bar graphs, charts, or non-photographic artwork) 600 dpi for combination halftones (photographs that also contain line art such as labeling or thin lines) 300 dpi for halftones (black and white photographs) and color figures. Use illustrations sparingly. They should be numbered in one consecutive series using Arabic numerals and be cited in order in the text. Four-color illustrations will be considered for publication. Illustrations will be in color in the online version of the article at no cost to the author.

Color Figure Charges. When your article is published in Early View in Wiley Online Library, you will be emailed a link to RightsLink for Author Services allowing you to select optional color printing and pay the associated fee

Tables.  Must be created using the Table tool in Word (DOC or RTF). Each table must be in a separate file, and the files should be named by table # (i.e., table 1, table 2, etc.). Each table must have a title. Tables should be numbered in order of appearance and be referred to by number in the text

Rapid Communications

The Editorial Board will consider Rapid Communications upon completion of review. This will be published at no cost to the author. This report should contain the equivalent of six double-spaced typed pages (Including any figures, tables, or references) with generous margins.

Resubmitted & Revised Manuscripts

All the guides above should be followed, but Authors must include two copies of their manuscript. One copy should be clean, and the other should show all the edits made. These should be uploaded using the correct file designation in the system. Additionally, they must provide a “Response to Reviewers” file that provides a point by point response to the reviewer’s/editor’s comments.

Accepted Papers

The author identified as the formal corresponding author for the paper will receive an email prompting them to login into Author Services; where via the Wiley Author Licensing Service (WALS) they will be able to complete the license agreement on behalf of all authors on the paper.

For authors signing the copyright transfer agreement: If the open access in hybrid titles option is not selected the corresponding author will be presented with the copyright transfer agreement (CTA) to sign. The terms and conditions of the CTA can be previewed in the samples associated with the Copyright FAQs: http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/faqs_copyright.asp

For authors choosing open access in hybrid titles: If the open access in hybrid titles option is selected the corresponding author will have a choice of the following Creative Commons License Open Access Agreements (OAA):

Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License OAA

Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial -NoDerivs License OAA

To preview the terms and conditions of these open access agreements please visit the Copyright FAQs hosted on Wiley Author Services http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/faqs_copyright.asp and visit http://www.wileyopenaccess.com/details/content/12f25db4c87/Copyright--License.html.

Additional Author Information

For additional details on manuscript and illustrations, please visit http://journalauthors.wiley.com

Wiley’s Author Name Change Policy

In cases where authors wish to change their name following publication, Wiley will update and republish the paper and redeliver the updated metadata to indexing services. Our editorial and production teams will use discretion in recognizing that name changes may be of a sensitive and private nature for various reasons including (but not limited to) alignment with gender identity, or as a result of marriage, divorce, or religious conversion. Accordingly, to protect the author’s privacy, we will not publish a correction notice to the paper, and we will not notify co-authors of the change. Authors should contact the journal’s Editorial Office with their name change request.

Note to NIH Grantees. Pursuant to NIH mandate, Wiley-Blackwellwill post the accepted version of contributions authored by NIH grant-holdersto PubMed Central upon acceptance. This accepted version will be made publiclyavailable 12 months after publication. For further information, see www.wiley.com/go/nihmandate .

Search Engine Optimization: Driving usage and readership is critically important to raising the visibility of your published research. One of the key factors in sustaining long-term usage is through search engine optimization (SEO). Below is a list of suggested ways of maximizing your SEO.

1. Make sure your article title is SEO-friendly. It should be descriptive, and it must include a key phrase from your topic. Key words should appear within the title’s first 65 characters.

2. Provide up to five topic-specific key words or phrases in the keyword field.

3. Be sure your key words and phrases appear in your abstract several times, but don’t go overboard or the search engine may kick you out.

4. When referencing authors, be consistent. Use their names as they generally appear in past online publications.

5. When appropriate, use your key words in article section headings. Remember: They can’t read it if they can’t find it! For more detailed information on SEO, including helpful examples, go to http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/seo.asp



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