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2021/5/21 16:19:45 来源:官网信息 阅读:492 发布者:

Author Information


The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) is an international, interdisciplinary, and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the advancement of conservative health care principles and practices. Submissions must be original work, not previously published, and not currently under consideration for publication in another medium, including both paper and electronic formats. The journal suppots supplementary video files. The journal uses AMA style and follows the standards as set forth in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts (www.icmje.org), the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (publicationethics.org), World Association of Medical Editors (www.WAME.org), and Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research (EQUATOR) (www.equator-network.org). The JMPT is owned by the National University of Health Sciences and published by Elsevier. ISSN: 0161-4754 (Print) 1532-6586 (Electronic) The journal is published 9 times per year. Manuscripts should be submitted online.


JMPT Title Page Form

JMPT Copyright Form

ICMJE Conflict of Interest Form

Figure and Information Permissions Form

Consent for Acknowledgment Form



All authors of papers submitted to JMPT must have an intellectual stake in the material presented for publication and must be able to answer for the content of the entire work. Authors must be able to certify participation in the work, vouch for its validity, acknowledge reviewing and approving the final version of the paper, acknowledge that the work has not been previously published elsewhere, and be able to produce raw data if requested by the editor. All authors are required to complete and submit an authorship copyright form.

As stated in the Uniform Requirements (www.icmje.org), credit for authorship requires all 4 of the following:

"Substantial contributions to: the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND

Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND

Final approval of the version to be published; AND

Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved."

Authors should meet conditions 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each author must sign a statement attesting that he or she fulfills the authorship criteria of the Uniform Requirements, which is included on the copyright assignment form. Any change in authorship (ie, adding, subtracting or change in authorship order) after initial submission must be: submitted with a signed letter by all authors with an explanation for the change, an updated title page form, and submitted to the editor prior to being considered. No changes to authorship are allowed after the paper has been accepted for publication.


For each author, how the author contributed to the manuscript shall be included in the title page form. Categories include: concept development (provided idea for the research), design (planned the methods to generate the results), supervision (provided oversight, responsible for organization and implementation, writing of the manuscript), data collection/processing (responsible for experiments, patient management, organization, or reporting data), analysis/interpretation (responsible for statistical analysis, evaluation, and presentation of the results), literature search (performed the literature search), writing (responsible for writing a substantive part of the manuscript), critical review (revised manuscript for intellectual content, this does not relate to spelling and grammar checking), and other (list other specific novel contributions).

Human subjects and animal studies

Studies with human subjects or animals must go through approval from the appropriate ethics review board/committee, animal board, or institutional review board in advance. The JMPT endorses the ICMJE guidelines and the Declaration of Helsinki. All related conditions regarding the experimental use of human subjects and their informed consent apply. Studies using animals should follow the Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE) guidelines. Information about review board approval should be included in the Methods section of the paper. Manuscripts that report the results of experimental investigations with human subjects must include a statement that informed consent was obtained (in writing, from the subject or legal guardian) after the procedure(s) had been fully explained. Evidence of board approval (eg, approval letter from the IRB/REB/Ethics Board Chair) should be submitted at the initial time of submission.

Clinical trial registration

Clinical trials must be included in a clinical trial registry as outlined by the ICMJE. The clinical trial registration number should be included in the methods section of the manuscript. Clinical trials should be registered in a public trials registry at or before the onset of patient enrollment as a condition of consideration for publication. This policy applies to clinical trials starting enrollment after July 1, 2005. For trials that began enrollment before this date, registration should be completed by September 13, 2005, before considering the trial for publication. The ICMJE (www.icmje.org) defines a clinical trial as a study that prospectively assigns human subjects to intervention or comparison groups to evaluate the cause-and-effect relationship between an intervention and a health outcome. Trial registration numbers and the URLs for the registry should be included in the title page form at the time of submission.

Patient anonymity

It is the authors' responsibility to maintain appropriate records as well as protect subjects' and patients' identities. Ethical and legal considerations require careful attention to the protection of a subject's or patient's anonymity in case reports and other publications. Identifying information such as names, initials, actual case numbers, and specific dates must be avoided; identifying information about a patient's personal history and characteristics should be disguised. Anonymity should be maintained for case reports regardless of the patient providing permission to publish. Photographs or artistic likenesses of subjects, patients, or models are publishable only with their written consent or the consent of legal guardian; the signed consent form, giving any special conditions, must accompany manuscript.

HIPAA compliance

For more information about HIPAA as it relates to obtaining patient consent for publication, please refer to http://privacyruleandresearch.nih.gov/faq.asp or your country's legal guidelines.

Conflict of interest

Authors - Each author is required to complete an ICMJE conflict of interest form and submit this form at the time of initial submission to the JMPT. Conflict of interest exists when an author has financial or other interests that may influence his or her actions in regard to the authors' work, manuscript development, or decisions. In addition to the form, any concerns or additional conflict of interest issues may be included in the cover letter to the editor. Authors must also disclose to the editor in the cover letter the conflicts of interest of any other person or entity involved with the paper (eg, non-author, contributor, funding body). As it may be difficult to judge material from authors where conflicts of interests are concerned, authors should be ready to answer requests from the editor regarding potential conflicts of interest. The editor makes the final determination concerning the extent of information included in the published paper. It is expected that authors are truthful when declaring conflicts on their submission materials. An editor's role is not to be policeman, so the burden is upon the author to properly declare COI. If an author did not accurately and completely declare their interests upon submission, and it is discovered later, the editor will follow up with an ethics investigation. The results may include rejection or retraction of the paper, prevention of future submissions, and notification of ethical misconduct to the proper authorities.

Editorial Staff and Peer Reviewers - It is expected that individuals involved with handling manuscripts for the journal will properly disclose their financial and professional interests that may be viewed as potential conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from any actions in which their conflicts of interest will hamper their judgment or actions. Peer reviewers should inform the editor if they feel they are not able to properly review a manuscript and recuse themselves from reviewing that manuscript. Editorial staff should disclose information that might influence decisions in journal editing. Please refer to ICMJE website for more information on COI.

Funding sources

Sources of financial support of the study, such as grants, funding sources, donation of equipment and supplies, should be clearly stated in the title page form. The role of any funding organizations in the conduct of the study should be described. If the study is funded directly by an NIH grant or other national funding, it is the corresponding author's responsibility to inform the editor at the time of submission.

Copyright of journal contents

Materials published in the JMPT are covered by copyright. No content published by the JMPT (either in print or electronic) may be stored or presented in other locations such as on another private website, an organization's site, or displayed or reproduced by any other means, without the express permission of the copyright holder.

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Redundant or duplicate publication

Manuscripts must be submitted to only one journal at a time and published in only one journal. The JMPT does not publish articles containing material that has been reported at length elsewhere. The corresponding author must include in the cover letter a statement to the editor about all submissions and previous materials that might be considered to be redundant or duplicate publication of similar work, including if the manuscript includes materials on which the authors have published a previous report or have submitted similar or related work to another publication. Copies of the related material may be requested by the editor in order to assist with the editorial decision of the paper.

If redundant or duplicate publication is attempted or occurs without proper disclosure to the editor, editorial action will be taken according to COPE guidelines. The results may include rejection or retraction of the paper, prevention of future submissions, and notification of ethical misconduct to the proper authorities. If it is confirmed that a paper is a duplicate or redundant publication and is discovered in the prepublication phase, the paper will be rejected, even if an accept notice has been distributed previously to the authors. If duplicate or redundant publication is confirmed after publication, the paper will be retracted and the appropriate boards/institutions notified.

Non-compliance with author instructions

Authors who do not comply with the items set forth in these instructions may have the submission returned, rejected, or brought to higher authorities, such as ethics, licensing, or institutional boards for further review at the editor's discretion.


Pre-peer review and internal review by editors

To ensure that only relevant and appropriate papers are sent to review, submitted manuscripts are pre-reviewed for relevance, appropriate submission format, and basic quality before sending out to peer review. Reasons for early rejection may include: the submission does not meet the requirements as stated in the instructions for authors, the work is of poor quality, and/or the topic is not relevant to the mission of journal. The editorial staff reads each manuscript and then decides whether to send the paper to outside reviewers. If a submission is rejected without external review, the author will typically be notified electronically within 2 to 3 weeks of receipt. Over 80% of submitted papers are sent to external peer review, which is usually made up of 3 reviewers, but may be more.

Review process

The JMPT uses double-blind peer review methods (author and reviewer are blinded). The journal staff will do their best to support blinded review methods, however due to the special nature of the topics published, we cannot guarantee that reviewers or authors will not be able to guess the identity of each other. All manuscripts are subject to blind critical review by experts in a related field to assist the editor in determining appropriateness to JMPT objectives, originality, validity, importance of content, substantiation of conclusions, and possible need for improvement. Manuscripts are considered privileged communications and should not be retained or duplicated during or after the review process. Reviewers' comments may be returned with the manuscript if rejected or if strong recommendations for improvement are made.

Rapid review

Rapid review speeds up the process of peer review and publication. Priority is given to large clinical trials and meta-analysis. Only manuscripts that are of very high quality with findings likely to directly influence clinical practice immediately will be considered for rapid review. Authors who feel that their research warrants rapid review should email the editor and submit justification regarding the merits of the paper to substantiate its inclusion for rapid review. The editor will make the final decision regarding the suitability of a submission for rapid review and publication. If a paper is not deemed appropriate by the editor for rapid review, the manuscript may still be submitted through the regular submission process and timeline. If a manuscript is accepted for rapid review, it will then be handled through an expedited peer review process for decision. All papers that are selected for rapid review will be processed through peer review. The expedited review process will take approximately 15 business days. The results may include acceptance, major revision, minor revision, or rejection. Inclusion in the rapid review process guarantees neither acceptance of the paper nor promise of rapid publication if accepted. Each decision and paper review will be done separately. Authors will be notified about revision no later than 5 weeks after the manuscript is initially received. If revision is requested, authors of a rapid review submission should return a revised manuscript within 2 weeks of notification. At this time, a decision will be made for acceptance or rejection. If the manuscript is accepted, it will be scheduled immediately for in press publication.

Criteria for editorial decisions

The JMPT can publish only a portion of all papers submitted each year. Papers are selected based on quality and strength of the paper in regard to scientific merit and the potential impact on improving patient care.

Revisions, rejections, and resubmissions

Processing of a manuscript for peer review does not imply acceptance to publish, even though the paper may be found to be within JMPT editorial objectives. Submissions may receive one of the following responses from the editor: incomplete or not ready for submission, major revision, minor revision, accept, accept pending additional changes or requests, or reject. Aside from rejection for uncorrectable faults, a well-compiled manuscript may also be rejected because it adds little new information to work that was previously published in the literature or addresses a new topic that deserves more in-depth reporting. In these cases, the editor may provide the author of a rejected manuscript recommendations that may be helpful for submission elsewhere.

If the authors have been given the opportunity by the editor to make specific changes to a manuscript and return it for further consideration, this is considered a "revision." The manuscript will have the same manuscript number and may be sent out to the same or different reviewers, depending on the needs of the revision. A request for revision does not imply that the manuscript will be accepted. Manuscripts that are revised and returned may still be rejected.

If the authors have received a rejection decision but wish the editor to reconsider the decision, this is considered a "resubmission." A new file will be created, and the paper will receive a new manuscript number. The cover letter must explain that the paper is being resubmitted and provide explanations for why the paper should be allowed to be resubmitted.

Acceptance for publication

Once a manuscript has been accepted, the authors should not distribute content relating to the article while it is being prepared for publication. It is permissible at this time to refer to this manuscript as "accepted for publication" in a forthcoming issue of JMPT; however, it is requested that no further details of the paper, or the research on which it may have been based, be given out in consideration that abridged or inexact versions of research or scholarly work can be misleading, or even hazardous where clinical procedures are involved. Authors may use the Editorial Manager website to track accepted articles and set up e-mail alerts to inform you of when an article's status has changed. Answers to questions arising after acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, are provided after registration of an article for publication. Accepted papers will be edited for clarity, journal style, and accuracy of information. The intention is to provide the highest quality version of the paper for final publication. Authors will have the opportunity to review the manuscript before final publication during the proof stage to make sure all corrections are accurate. The editor reserves the right to accept or deny any correction requests from authors prior to final publication.


All manuscripts accepted for publication are subject to postacceptance editing; revision may be necessary to ensure clarity, completeness, conciseness, correct usage, and conformance to approved style. Almost all papers that are accepted require some editorial revision before publication. Authors will have the opportunity to review corrections/revisions made during the copy editing process during the reviewing of the proofs. Editors will work with authors to arrive at agreement when authors do not find the revisions acceptable, but the JMPT reserves the right to refrain from publishing a manuscript if discussion with the author fails to reach a solution that satisfies the editors. The journal reserves the right to deny requested changes that do not affect accuracy. Authors may be charged for changes to the proofs beyond those required to correct errors or to answer queries. Authors must carefully check and correct the proofs and reply within 24 to 48 hours of receipt and follow all instructions in the proof email.

Publication scheduling of accepted papers and proofs

Authors will be sent proofs by email. Authors who cannot examine email proofs by the deadline (48 hours of receipt) should email the editor to designate a colleague who will review proofs. All requests for changes within the proofs are reviewed and either approved or denied by the editor. Authors should email promptly for additional information requests from the journal personnel. Once proof changes have been submitted and approved by the editor, no further changes will be considered.

JMPT e-papers

Starting with the January 2002 issue, the JMPT initiated an electronic paper section in the journal. Electronic papers have their abstract published in the print version of the journal, while the full-text version of the paper is included on the JMPT web site (www.jmptonline.org). While the editor will attempt to honor requests to publish or not publish a paper as an E-paper, the editor reserves the right to make a final decision as to whether a given paper will be published as an E-paper. It is important to note that electronic publication includes all the same rights and privileges as print publication, including inclusion in indexing agency databases.

Funding sources and NIH funded studies

Statements about funding sources and conflicts of interests should be included in the title page form. If there were no funding sources or identified conflicts of interest to declare, then this should be clearly stated. The JMPT is compliant with the open access NIH publication policy and will deposit the final version of the accepted manuscript to PubMedCentral (PMC) within 12 months of final publication. It is the corresponding author's responsibility to inform the editor in both the cover letter and the copyright form that the study was directly funded by an NIH grant.

Reprints and copies

Authors of papers published in the JMPT are encouraged to make reprints available to interested members of the scientific, academic, and clinical communities so that the inherent knowledge may be more widely disseminated; a reprint order form will be provided with the proofs to facilitate ordering quantity reprints. One complimentary copy of the JMPT issue in which an author's work appears will be provided at no charge to the corresponding author. Additional copies, if desired, must be ordered at regular cost directly from the publisher. Authors are responsible for payment of reprints or additional copies.


The entire content of the JMPT is protected by copyright, and no part may be reproduced (outside of the fair use stipulation of Public Law 94-553) by any means without prior permission from the editor or publisher in writing. In particular, this policy applies to the reprinting of an original article in print or in electronic format, in another publication and the use of any illustrations or text to create a new work.

Sponsored access

For those authors who wish to make their article open access, the JMPT offers authors the option to sponsor non-subscriber access to individual articles. The charge for article sponsorship is $3,000. This charge is necessary to offset publishing costs - from managing article submission and peer review, to typesetting, tagging and indexing of articles, hosting articles on dedicated servers, supporting sales and marketing costs to ensure global dissemination via ScienceDirect, and permanently preserving the published journal article. The fee excludes taxes and other potential author fees such as color charges which are additional. Authors may select this option after receiving notification that their article has been accepted for publication. This prevents a potential conflict of interest where a journal would have a financial incentive to accept an article. Authors who have had their article accepted and who wish to sponsor their article to make it available to non-subscribers should complete and submit the order form. Note, the fee is waived with NIH funded articles.


Experimental and observational investigations

Reports of new research findings include investigations into the improvement of health factors, the causal aspects of disease, and the establishment of clinical efficacies of related diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. These types of studies may include: clinical trials, intervention studies, cohort studies, case-control studies, observational studies, cost-effectiveness analyses, epidemiologic evaluations, studies of diagnostic tests, etc. These reports should follow current and relevant guidelines (eg, CONSORT, MOOSE, QUOROM, STARD, TREND, etc.) (text word limit, approximately 4000 words, word count does not include abstract, tables, figure/table captions, or references)

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses

Assessments of current knowledge of a particular subject of interest that synthesize evidence relevant to well-defined questions about diagnosis, prognosis, or therapy with emphasis on better correlation, the demonstration of ambiguities, and the delineation of areas that may constitute hypotheses for further study. (text word limit, approximately 4000 words, word count does not include abstract, tables, figure/table captions, or references)

Clinical guidelines

Succinct and informative summaries of official or consensus positions on issues related to health care delivery, clinical practice, or public policy. (text word limit, approximately 4000 words, word count does not include abstract, tables, figure/table captions, or references)

Letters to the editor

Communications that are directed specifically to the editor that add to the information base or clarify a deficiency in a paper recently published in the JMPT (must be within the last 2 months) and include relevant references to substantiate comments. No unidentified letters are accepted for publication. All letters are subject to editing and abridgement. If a letter is accepted for publication, a blinded copy will be sent to the author of the article who will have an opportunity to provide a response and new information that will be considered for publication along with the letter. Direct communication between the writer of a letter and the author of an article should be avoided, in the interest of scientific objectivity differences of opinion are best handled by a third party-the editor-who can serve as an arbitrator if there is a dispute, thus avoiding unnecessary irritation to either party. Also, if deficiencies exist in an article published in the JMPT, all readers (and the scientific community in general) have a right to be informed. For more information about letters to the editor, please read this editorial. (text word limit, 500 words maximum, reference limit 8, word count does not include references)


Manuscript preparation and submission

All manuscripts must be submitted through the JMPT online submission and review web site (Editorial Manager). Authors may send queries concerning the submission process, manuscript status, or journal procedures to the Editorial Office at cjohnson@nuhs.edu. Once the submission files have been uploaded, the system automatically generates an electronic (PDF) proof for your review. All correspondence, including the Editor's decision and request for revisions, will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author. Authors who are unable to provide an electronic version or have other circumstances that prevent online submission must contact the Editorial Office prior to submission to discuss alternate options. The Publisher and Editors will not be able to consider submissions that do not follow these procedures.

Materials due at initial submission

All materials associated with the manuscript are due at the time of initial submission. These include: cover letter, title page form, manuscript files, assignment of copyright forms for all authors, conflict of interest forms for all authors, and any permission forms (eg, patient consent to publish forms, permission to have name printed in acknowledgements, permission to reprint table or figure, permission to include person's picture, etc.). It is the corresponding author's responsibility to obtain these permissions and upload them to the website. In the event that the paper is rejected, the permissions and files associated with this manuscript will no longer be valid so that the authors may pursue publication elsewhere.

File requirements

Original source files, not PDF files, are required for submission. Files should be labeled with appropriate and descriptive file names (eg, SmithText.doc or Fig1.tif). It is recommended that each file uploaded during the submissions process is no larger than 2MB.

Journal style

The JMPT follows the AMA Manual of Style (10th edition). The manuscript should be written in English (American spelling). Authors who are nonnative speakers may wish to use the Elsevier service (http://webshop.elsevier.com/languageservices) to provide an English translation of their manuscript for submission. Please note that this Elsevier service is not connected in any way with the journal and using this service does not influence acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.


Manuscript revisions are expected within 30 days of request for revision. The corresponding author should contact the editor if there are any questions or more time is needed. If revision has been requested, all comments, concerns, suggestions must be addressed and include whether the change is made or not. The corresponding author should upload a Word document with a list of itemized changes made in the manuscript addressing each of the revision requirements. Changes made in the manuscript (insertions or corrected information) should be highlighted within the text (either highlight or color font) to show reviewers and editor where the changes have been made.

Accepted manuscripts

It is likely that your paper will be substantially edited after acceptance to ensure that it is accurate and understandable to readers. Once the proof is ready, the corresponding author will receive the proof from and the proof should be corrected, all queries answered, and returned within 48 hours.

Funded studies and access policies

The JMPT supports studies, such as those that are funded by the NIH and other national funding bodies, to comply with the public-access policy by the Journal Publishing Agreement which is sent to the corresponding author of accepted Articles. It is the author's responsibility to inform the JMPT Editor of any requirements at the initial time of manuscript submission. It is the authors' responsibility once the paper has been accepted to follow up with forms related to NIH and other funding bodies. The JMPT complies with Elsevier's agreements with funding bodies. www.elsevier.com/about/open-science/open-access/agreements






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