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CANCER RESEARCH《癌症研究》投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/5/21 10:00:20 来源:官网信息 阅读:3339 发布者:

About Cancer Research


Cancer Research publishes original studies, reviews, and opinion pieces offering significance and broad impact to a diverse audience. Cancer Research seeks manuscripts that offer pathobiological and translational impact to inform the personal, clinical, and societal problems posed by cancer. The main scope of the journal is captured in its primary subsections:

Genome and Epigenome

Metabolism and Chemical Biology

Molecular Cell Biology

Tumor Biology and Immunology

Translational Science

Convergence and Technologies

Population and Prevention Science

General Criteria for Studies Considered by the Journal

Findings that have not been previously published in another tumor model.

Studies performed in multiple cell lines.

Conclusions that are not representative of incremental findings.

Studies that include a clearly written title and abstract that communicate the study's impact of significance to non-experts.

An incisive rationale that could interest a broad audience.

Manuscripts containing in vivo data. Although in vivo data is not required, studies containing this data are preferred.

A potentially generalizable, broad impact conclusion.

Studies that describe RNA interference (RNAi) must contain one non-specific control and two specific siRNAs for each knockdown target of interest. Additional data is required that demonstrates knockdown achievement at the level of protein expression (not just mRNA).

Manuscript Submission

Cancer Research welcomes submissions of primary research, review and commentary article types as well as letters to the editor. For descriptions and length requirements of the article types available to submitting authors, see the journal’s Categories of Articles.

The AACR Journals all use a similar Editorial Process and adhere to the same overarching Editorial Policies, both of which are detailed in the Information for Authors. These instructions contain important guidelines on authorship, publishing ethics, availability of materials and data, and data analysis and reporting. Authors should be familiar with these instructions prior to submitting their work to the journal.

Manuscripts are stringently reviewed for high standards of scientific merit, and only those that report results of novel, timely, and broadly-significant research are accepted for publication.

Categories of Articles

The following types of articles will be considered for publication. Note that word counts are exclusive of references. Authors are advised that submissions not adhering to the guidelines provided below, including word counts, may be returned unreviewed. See About Cancer Research for important information about the journal, including the scope. The AACR journals Instructions for Authors provides detailed general instructions for authors submitting to any AACR journal.

Where applicable, the Editor-in-Chief and members of the senior editorial board reserve the right to edit the titles, abstracts, and statements of significance for articles that are accepted to improve their clarity, brevity, and quality.

Research Articles

Original studies offering broad impact across the fields of basic, preclinical, clinical, prevention, and epidemiologic cancer research. The reports should be well-documented, novel, and significant to the field as a whole.

250-word abstract

5,000 words of text

8 tables and/or figures (Please keep the number of panels per figure to an absolute minimum)

50 references

Priority Reports

Short, definitive reports of findings of high impact, significance, and timeliness. The format for Priority Reports is the same as for Research Articles with the exception that the Results and Discussion may be combined.

250-word abstract

2,500 words of text

4 tables and/or figures (Please keep the number of panels per figure to an absolute minimum)

20 references


Articles that review a timely subject important to cancer researchers. Reviews must be written as concisely as possible. Authors of unsolicited Review Articles must first submit an outline of the proposed article for consideration. The outline should be sent to the attention of Dr. Danny R. Welch, Deputy Editor for Reviews (E-mail: cancerres@aacr.org). All Review Articles, whether invited or not, will be subject to peer review. Reviews not within the length restrictions below will be considered only at the discretion of the Deputy Editor for Reviews.

Maximum of 200 words abstract

3,000-4,000 words of text

Maximum of 150 references

Limit of a total of two display items—whether figures or tables—with a 3-5 sentence legend. While figures with multiple panels are possible, please avoid overly complex or overly detailed submissions.

Letters to the Editor

In the spirit of open scientific dialogue, the Editors invite the submission of correspondence that presents considered opinions in response to articles published in the journal. Letters to the Editor will be peer reviewed and, if found to meet the requisite publication criteria (scholarly commentary on a subject of importance and interest to the broad readership), the Letter may be sent to the author(s) of the originally published article and possibly to other interested parties for a response to be published in the same issue of the journal as the Letter. Please note that the journal will not consider Letters to the Editor regarding Cancer Research that were published more than 3 months prior. Correspondence concerning articles that have not been published in Cancer Research will not be considered.

400 words of text

5 references, the first of which must be the citation for the original article under discussion

Letters may contain figures or tables only if they show data that refute the conclusions of the originating article. Figures or tables showing unpublished data in support of the conclusions of the originating article will not be considered

Include a title: "Running title of the original article — Letter"

Resource Reports

Concise descriptions of a new technology, research database, software tool, or internet-based service that represents a useful resource for cancer researchers. A practical application of the resource must be clearly described, but description of a new biological or clinical insight is not required.

For manuscripts describing a software tool or internet-based service, a strong emphasis is placed on the usability of the resource, and reviewers will be asked to assess this through hands-on testing, including any required installation procedure. The resource must be freely available for non-commercial use, and at least a minimum level of support provided for no less than two years.

Length guidelines for Resource Reports describing data sets or software tools are as follows:

150-word abstract

1,500 words of text

2 tables and/or figures — Please note that each figure or table is limited to a maximum of 4 panels

20 references

Video: Manuscripts describing a software tool or internet-based service can be accompanied by a 2-10 minute video—preferably a narrated screencast—demonstrating the operation of the resource for a typical application. The video should be mentioned in the text and cited as “See Video 1”, “See Video 2”, etc. Please be sure to submit your video as supplementary material along with your manuscript. Please limit to 5 video files maximum. Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding the video.

Length guidelines for Resource Reports requiring additional space, such as those with biological or animal models, are as follows:

250-word abstract

5,000 words of text

8 tables and/or figures (Please keep the number of panels per figure to an absolute minimum)

50 references



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