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《中国天然药物(英文)》(Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines)投稿须知(官网信息)

2021/5/19 9:38:06 来源:官网信息 阅读:1190 发布者:



Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines (CJNM, ISSN 2095-6975, original ISSN 1672-3651) was founded in May 2003 and is sponsored by China Pharmaceutical University and Chinese Pharmaceutical Association. The printed version of CJNM is published monthly by Science Press and its web edition is published by Elsevier. CJNM is devoted to communications among pharmaceutical and medicinal plant scientists who are interested in the advancement of the botanical, chemical, and biological sciences related to natural medicines, including traditional Chinese medicines (TCM). CJNM aims to cover a broad spectrum of original research papers and timely review articles in natural medicines and their products from all over the world. All the articles of CJNM are published in English only. The journal is currently indexed by SCIE, MEDLINE, BIOSIS Previews, BIOSIS Toxicology, CAB Abstracts, EMBASE, EMBASE Alert, Global Health, IPA, IPA Toxicology, SCOPUS, SciFinder Scholar, ScienceDirect, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, Excerpta Medica, and Index Copernicus. CJNM is also indexed by Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD).


Resources, biodiversity, conservation, sustainability, and quality control of natural medicines and natural products

Modernization of natural medicines

Natural product chemistry (including structure determination and modification, semi- and total synthesis, and bio-transformation)

Biological, pharmacological, and clinical evaluation of natural products and traditional medicine prescriptions (including pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, efficacy, and toxicology)

Pharmaceutics and analytical chemistry of natural medicines and natural products

Proteomic, genetic, genomic, and metabolomic studies of natural medicines and natural products

Botanical, chemical, and biological techniques and methodologies for the research and development (R & D) of natural medicines and natural products

National and international regulations concerning traditional medicines and botanical drug products


Original research papers

Review articles (mini review and comprehensive review)

Perspectives (commentary and letter to editor)

Short communications (original research)



Manuscripts will only be considered for publication in CJNM if the following conditions, as applicable, are fulfilled:

1. Ethical considerations: Manuscripts are accepted for consideration with the understanding that they have not been published or submitted or are under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors investigating the chemistry of a single species should aim to publish their results in a single manuscript rather than in a series of papers. Manuscripts should not report fragmentary parts of a larger study. Papers that have been presented as proceedings at scientific meetings are acceptable. Ethical standards with respect to the acquisition of studied materials, chemical and biological hazards, animal use and care, and human subjects must be strictly followed. Evidence of assurance to ethical standards may be presented by the authors, or may be required by the Editor-in-Chief of CJNM. For studies involving experimental animals, reference must be made to principles of laboratory animal care or similar regulations and to the specific approval of the described study protocol by a local ethical committee. The approval number and the corresponding date must be provided.

2. Plant materials (and other organisms): Samples should be properly identified and their location and date of origin given. The scientific name (in italics) of the organism, the author of the name, and the family must be given. It should be indicated who identified and authenticated the materials used in the study and his/her affiliation. The manuscript must include details of voucher specimens of the plant material (deposited in a major national or regional herbarium).

3. Isolation of compounds: Only new compounds with biological activity will be considered for publication. The submission of articles describing the isolation of known compounds, or the determination of a simple derivative of a known compound is not acceptable. Extraction and isolation procedures should be described in detail. The type and amount of materials, solvents, and extraction methods must be indicated. The description of chromatographic systems should contain the quantitative information and all analytical conditions such as column dimensions, mobile phase, elution program, fraction size, and yields of all isolates.

4. Biological, pharmacological, and clinical investigations of extracts: The detailed extract characterization should be included. Spectroscopic (e.g., NMR or mass) and/or chromatographic profiling (e.g., HPLC profile with at least the major peaks identified) should be included; qualitative and quantitative information on the active or typical constituents should be provided. The investigation must clearly indicate concentration/dose-activity dependence in comparison with a reference compound (positive control).

5. Biological screening: Papers dealing with the biological screening of a meaningful number of extracts of plants or other organisms can be considered for publication. Identification of the materials tested must be properly documented, and preparation of the extracts must be clearly described. Biological activities for extracts and compounds should be reported by listing IC50 values, or at least a dose-response relationship as shown by using at least two test concentrations. Positive controls (reference compounds) must be included for all biological studies. Classification of “active” and “inactive” samples should follow accepted international standards for the biological test system.

6. Analytical studies: Key data on method validation must be provided and should typically include information on specificity, linearity, limit of detection, limit of quantification, accuracy, precision, intermediate precision, and robustness studies. Information on the purity of reference compounds and the methods used for the determination of purity must be given. Recoveries of extraction and sample pre-purification steps must be indicated. Adequate statistical analysis is required. Analytical studies of a routine nature will not be considered for publication.

7. Clinical studies: All clinical trials must be designed, implemented, and analyzed in a manner to meet current international standards, especially for randomized controlled trials. Reference must be made to approval of the study by a local ethical committee for human subject research. The approval number and the corresponding dates of the approved trial must be provided. All clinical trials should be appropriately registered in an international database (www. clinicaltrials.gov). The registration information must be provided.


1. Language

English is the language for all manuscripts published in CJNM. If English is not the native language of the authors, it is author’s responsibility to enlist the help of an English-speaking colleague for the correct use of the language throughout the manuscript before submission. Manuscripts with poor language quality will be returned to authors without review.

2. Manuscript contents

Manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word for easy re-formatting and modification and should contain the following sections as appropriate: Title, Authors and Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowled­gements, Conflict of Interest, and References.

The first /Title page must contain: manuscript title, author(s) name and affiliation(s). The name, full postal address, telephone and FAX numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author(s) should be clearly indicated.

1) Title: The title of a manuscript should describe the key content of the article clearly and precisely. The use of expressions with little information, such as “a study of”, “investigations of”, and “observations on,” and non-standard abbreviations should be avoided. The authors are encouraged to use terms in the title which facilitate the potential readers to search and read the paper.

2) Authors: The full name(s) of the author(s) should be provided. Only those scientists who have made an intellectual contribution to the work should be included in the author list. All authors must approve the final version of the manuscript. The corresponding author(s) should be indicated with an asterisk. Only one contact corresponding author should be identified for communication with the editorial office of the journal.

3) Abstract: The abstract should NOT include references to figures, tables, equations, any other materials in the main text or literature reference. The Abstract section should be less than 250 words. = The major contents of the Abstract section should include key information on the background and objective, methods, results, and conclusion of the presented study, without subheading. The authors are encouraged to use terms in the Abstract section which facilitate the potential readers to search and read the paper.

4) Keywords: It should include 5−8 keywords. The appropriate choice of keywords may increase the visibility of the article. The authors are encouraged to use terms in the Keywords section which facilitate the potential readers to search and read the paper.

5) Introduction: The Introduction section should be brief and comprehensive. It should clearly state the background, the rationale of the study, the hypothesis being tested, and the novelty and significance of the study. The list of results in the Introduction section should be avoided.

6) Materials and Methods: This section should provide sufficient details to allow experienced  readers to repeat the experiments, if necessary. Plant species must be authenticated by an expert botanist. Information regarding solvents and chemical reagents should include manufacturer, grade and batch number. It is also required to indicate the species, strains, and source of the animals used, and the conditions under which the animals were housed and maintained. Vendor information should be provided for all instruments, materials, and supplies. Experimental methods should be properly described and referenced.

7) Results: The Results section should be concisely presented and explicitly explained, with the appropriate use of figures (more than 600 dpi pixels) and tables. Confidence in the data generated from the experiment will be increased by the validation of the methodology and logical elaboration of the new findings on which the value of the study relies. Statistical results should be indicated in the figures and tables. Figure and table legends should include sufficient information to help readers understand the results presented.

8) Discussion: This section gives the authors an opportunity to discuss how the results contribute to the knowledge and development of a specific subject, or more broadly in a given field of science or technology. New hypotheses and speculations must be substantiated by the results presented. The length of the Discussion section should be kept to a minimum. The key points should be referenced.

9) Acknowledgements: This section contains research sponsor information and the acknowledgement of the contribution made by those not listed as authors, including analytical services and manuscript preparation.

10) Conflict of Interest: This section contains information on potential competing interests the authors may have. A full disclosure is required.

11) References: Authors should follow the examples given below for the format of references. References to unpublished data or personal communications should be avoided.

3. Figures

High quality figures should be provided with the following characteristics. They should be produced in resolution of 600 dpi and have lines, letters, numbers and symbols of uniform strength and contrast. Figures (except photographs) are often reduced to 8 cm × 8 cm. The final thickness of a line in a figure usually lies within the range 0.15−0.20 mm or 1.5 pb. When preparing the figures, authors should pay attention to the widths of lines and similar details, as some (e.g., dotted or thin lines) may disappear after reduction. Particular attention should be paid to line strengths in graphics prepared in vector formats. And all the structures must be optimized by “ChemDraw CS96” software. All the figures should be cited in the main text in a logical order.


Books: State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Zhonghuabencao [M]. Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing Company, 1999: 931-934.

Journals: Jiang MY, Zhang L, Liu R, et al. Speciosins A−K, oxygenated cyclohexanoids from the basidiomycete Hexagonia speciosa [J]. J Nat Prod, 2009, 72 (8): 1405-1409.

Patents: Tachibana R, Shimizu S, Kobayshi S, et al. Electronic water marking method and system: US, 6,915,001 [P]. 2002-04-25.

Standards: Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China (2005). Vol 2 [S]. 2005: 44.

E-references: Wikimedia. Trichilia [EB/OL]. 2010: http://species.wikimedia.org/wiki/Trichilia


Authors must submit manuscripts to


Authors need to provide a simple research highlight about the manuscript after it is accepted by CJNM.


Manuscripts will be reviewed by CJNM editors and at least two anonymous referees who are experts in the related field. Should revision become necessary, the manuscript, with the comments of the referee(s), will be returned to the author(s). Revised manuscripts are usually required to be sent back to the editorial office within two months. The editorial office reserves the right to make changes to any aspect of the manuscript, in order to enhance the clarity of the presentation.


The author will be responsible for the following expenses with respect to consideration and publication of the submitted manuscript.

  At the time of submission, the expenses of the ScholarOne manuscript system and of the review: $ 50 for each manuscript submission

  After acceptance by the CJNM, the expenses of polishing and improving the language of the manuscript by an international professional, if requested by the Editor: $300 for each manuscript. The Author may also seek external assistance for language enhancement, and indicate so to the Editor at the time of resubmission.

  Publication of accepted paper: , page charges of $ 120 for each printed page.

  Payments should be made in a timely manner to:

  ser name: China Pharmaceutical University

   Account number: 4301011019001029831


  Please note that any delay in payment will result in a subsequent delay in publication.


The copyright of all papers published in CJNM belongs to China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China. A copyright transfer form must be filled by the authors and returned to the Editorial Office of CJNM before acceptance of the paper.



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