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2017/9/18 15:08:40  阅读:791 发布者:

1. 工程力学》主要报导力学在工程及结构中的应用,刊登力学在科研、设计、施工、教学和生产方面具有学术水平、创造性和实用价值的论文,包括力学在土木建筑、水工港工、公路铁路、桥梁隧道、航海造船、航空航天、矿山冶金、机械化工、国防军工、防灾减灾、能源环保等工程中的应用且具有一定学术水平的研究成果。特别欢迎具有创新水平的力学分析及大型工程实验研究。提交的论文必须对国内外前沿进展有一定评述。

2. 来稿务求观点明确、论据可靠、数字准确、文字精练,推导从简,给出主要成果和结论。凡已被本刊录用的论文,稿酬均由《工程力学》一次性支付。该文的版权及著作权使用许可一律归《工程力学》所有,编辑部有权入编CNKI 中国期刊全文数据库和各类光盘版、电子版、国际国内检索及科技文摘数据库等。

3. 来稿要求和注意事项

3.1 来稿请通过网络投稿系统和电子信箱同时发送本编辑部(网址和信箱参见封底)。投稿时务请附上“版权转让协议”与“学术规范承诺书”(见网站“下载中心”部分)及永久联系人的详细通信地址、电话及E-mail 等有关信息。并邮寄审稿费,每篇400.00 元。

3.2 来稿要求字迹清楚,符合标准



3.3 图名、表名要给出英译。图线、图字要清晰明确。

3.4 参考文献不得少于10 篇,并注意以近期文献为主且需含有国外文献,每篇参考文献至少在正文中出现一次,并按序号依次在引用处给出文献序号的标注,未公开发表的资料请勿引用。书写要全面、准确,依次为作者(编者、译者)、论文题目、刊名、年、卷、期、起止页码(如系图书,应为著者、书名、版次、出版社、年代)等各项均应写清。中、日、韩的文献要在原文献下面附上英译,内容及顺序与原文一致。

3.5 英文摘要与中文摘要基本一致,避免使用第一人称,字数不得少于700 个印刷符号。内容为研究对象、研究方法、结果和结论,不需介绍课题的背景信息。文字简明准确,尽量用短句。缩写词在文摘和正文中第一次出现时用括号写明全称,大众熟悉的缩写词如CPUCAD 等除外。

3.6 稿件应为未公开发表过的,并遵守国家保密和《著作权法》有关规定,如有抄袭剽窃等学术不端问题以及侵权、泄密等违规行为,一切责任均由作者承担。

4. 来稿请勿一稿两投。无论刊登与否恕不退稿。作者可以登陆本刊网站“作者查稿区”查询论文的处理情况。

5. 本刊一稿三审,并执行双向保密即作者与审稿人互不透明。编辑部谢绝对审稿意见的任何查询。

Instructions to Contributors

1. Engineering Mechanics is a comprehensive academic monthly journal supervised by the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. It mainly reports applications of mechanics in various engineering areas. Meeting this purpose, the journal publishes original and creative academic work with practical applications The concept of mechanics is interpreted in a broad sense conveying the information of civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, aeronautics, astronautics, metallurgy, mining, railways, machinery, shipbuilding, energy, environment-protection, earthquakes, etc. The journal welcomes particularly innovative researches on mechanical analysis and large-scale engineering experiment. Overseas contributors are welcome to submit manuscripts in English.

2. The Copyright Law is strictly respected. Authors are solely responsible for the factual accuracy and obtaining the copyright holder’s permission to reproduce any materials as copyrighted. The authors are urged to write as concisely as possible. Major contributions and conclusions must be clearly identified in the manuscript. Once a paper is accepted, its copyright is assigned exclusively to the Journal of Engineering Mechanics, and the author’s remuneration will be paid with lump sum.

3. Manuscript Preparation:

3.1 Manuscripts together with the Copyright Agreements (http://gclx.tsinghua.edu.cn) must be submitted via both the E-mail (gclxbjb@tsinghua.edu.cn) and the online system (http://gclx.tsinghua.edu.cn). The complete postal address, the telephone numbers and the E-mail address of the corresponding author, should also be provided. Authors are required to remit the editorial office 400 as the review fees for each manuscript.

3.2 Legibility:

Use Arabic numerals for measurement, statistical data and calendar days. Commonly used symbols are suggested. Characters that may be confused should be distinguished clearly [e.g. 0 (numeral) and O (letter), 1 (numeral) and I (letter)]. The use of SI units is mandatory.

3.3 All illustrations should be provided in a camera-ready form. Photocopies of illustrations are acceptable as long as they are adequately legible. They should be placed at the right positions in the manuscript.

The original illustrations should be supplied when the manuscript is accepted for publication.

3.4 A minimum of ten references, preferably of late years, should be cited consecutively in the manuscript.

All references cited in the text should be collected in a list following the text of the manuscript. They should run consecutively through the paper. The references should be complete and grouped in the following sequence: Surname and initials of the author(s), title of paper, (publisher for book), year of publication, volume number, issue number, inclusive page numbers. Authors may consult the latest issues of the journal for style.

3.5 The first person (e.g. I or we) should be avoided in the English abstract. The English abstract should be more than 700 printed characters but no more than 1200. It should include the objective, implementation processes and methodology, and conclusions. The exposition should be concise and logical. The use of short sentences is encouraged. The English abstract should be consistent with the Chinese version. A Chinese version of the English abstract is desirable but not necessary for overseas contributions who submit manuscripts in English.

3.6 Only articles which are not published in other journals or proceedings may be submitted. Authors are responsible for any plagiarism committed in the article.

4. The manuscript will not be returned to the authors regardless of whether or not it is accepted. Authors may inquire about the status of the manuscript via Manuscript Tracking in the online system after submission.

5. Once the paper is accepted, a ruled layout sheet will be sent to the authors. Authors should submit in time an electronic copy on a compact disk along with a hardcopy of the final version of the manuscript to the Editorial Office.

6. Multiple submissions of a manuscript are not accepted for review.



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