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2021/3/3 14:47:48  阅读:492 发布者:


Information for Authors


Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering (FITEE), an international peer-reviewed scientific journal, edited by the international board of distinguished Chinese and foreign scientists, is aimed to present the latest developments and achievements in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China and overseas to the world’s scientific circles, especially to stimulate and promote academic exchange between Chinese and foreign scientists.


FITEE covers a broad area of electrical and electronic engineering, including but not limited to computer science & engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, microelectronics, telecommunications, and control.

Manuscript Preparation

Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts via online submission at http://www.editorialmanager.com/zusc.

The electronic manuscript should be prepared to accord with the following:

Title and by-line: Name, affiliation (institution) of the author(s), city, zip code, country, and email address of the author(s) should be given.

Abstract: About 150–250 words without mathematical or chemical equations or citations should outline the objective, method, main results, and conclusions.

Key words: Provide 3 to 6 key words or phrases for cross-indexing this article.

Text: The text should contain an Introduction that puts the paper into proper perspective for the reader, and should also contain Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions sections. Each figure, including a, b, c, etc. of each figure, must present the caption.

Acknowledgements: Individuals or units other than authors who were of direct help in the work could be acknowledged by a brief statement following the text.

References: Only essential references (journal article, book, thesis, report, proceedings, etc.) cited in the text (in Author-Year format) can be listed in alphabetical order by author’s surname. Personal communications and unpublished data are not acceptable references. For references with more than three authors, the first three names should be given, followed by et al.

FITEE Database Information

FITEE has been accepted by Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E), Ei Compendex, DBLP, IC, Scopus, JST, CSA, etc.

Address of FITEE

Editorial Office of J. Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A/B &

FITEE, 148 Tianmushan Road, Hangzhou 310028, China

Tel: +86-571-88273162  Email: fitee@zju.edu.cn

Warmly welcome scientists all over the world to contribute Reviews, Articles, Letters, etc. to FITEE.



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