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2020/9/7 21:27:02  阅读:547 发布者:


Aims and scope


Advances in Cognitive Psychology is an open access journal devoted primarily to the scientific study of perception, language processing, attention, memory, and cognition. The journal's broad focus encompasses the behavioral, cognitive, and brain sciences. ACP publishes empirical studies, theoretical papers, and critical reviews. The journal occasionally offers reviewers the possibility to write an opinion letter on a reviewed paper, and regularly publishes special issues on topics of widespread interest. The language of the journal is English. Currently ACP is indexed by major abstracting services including Scopus, MedLine, PsychINFO, DOAJ, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, Social Sciences Citation Index, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, and Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences.


Covered research areas include:


Neuropsychology of Cognition

Modeling and Simulations

Social Cognition

Differential Cognitive Psychology

Developmental Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Neuroscience


Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Finance and Management in Warsaw

Vizja Press&IT



Instructions to Authors



Please read these instructions carefully and follow them closely to ensure that the review and publication of your manuscript is as efficient and quick as possible. The Editors reserve the right to return manuscripts that are not in accordance with these instructions.

Manuscript submitted to the editors of Advances in Cognitive Psychology must NOT be considered at the same time for publication in other journals. Furthermore, manuscript must not have been published in the past.


Manuscripts should be sent to the editors using ScholarOne Manuscript tool.






Please refer to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). You can also download short APA style guide (pdf).


The references used should be updated (citations from Master Journal List of Thomson Reuters is a must, at least 5; you can check the journal title on: http://science.thomsonreuters.com/mjl/).


The overview should be broad and the list of literature should include dozens of sources.


Please, avoid the footnotes in the main text - use only Harvard style for references.


Text format


The style and format of the manuscripts should conform to the specifications given in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Manuscripts should be prepared in Word (.doc), Times New Roman 12. Manuscripts should be composed of 15-20 standard pages (A4 size pages; one page includes ca. 1800 characters).

All illustrations (diagrams, charts, figures, tables) should be correctly labeled, with titles and sources, and submitted as a separate files - their localization should be indicated in the main text.


Figures preparation


Vector images


You should always try to prepare your images in a vector image format. Vector formats allow for much higher quality than raster formats. Vector images are suitable for line art (graphs, charts and diagrams).

The preffered vector format is .eps; however, for your convenience, we also accept the following vector formats:


.eps (Encapsulated PostScript)

.ps (PostScript)

.svg (Scalable Vector Format)

.ppt (Microsoft PowerPoint)

Raster images


Sometimes, it is impossible to prepare a vector graphics. When your image is a halftone (photograph) or a combination of halftone and line art, you should prepare a high-quality raster image.


We accept the following raster image formats:

.tif (Tagged Image File Format)

You should use uncompressed .tif images or use lossless LZW compression; 24 bpp RGB format is prefered for color images and 8 bpp format for grayscale images.


Hint: Most graphics editors can convert an image of any format to .tif.


Text composition


The manuscript should be well-organized technically:


title page,

abstract and key words,

other headings (for example):

- introduction and overview,

- methodology,

- results,

- conclusions,



The title page of an article should be uploaded as a separate document, which contains only:


(1) the title of the paper (the title should be short, specific and informative),


(2) the name(s) and address(es) of the author(s);


(3) name and full contact address of the author to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent;


The second page of the manuscript should contain the abstract (limited to 250 words). The abstract should be concise and comprehensible to readers before they have read the manuscript, and reference citations must be avoided. The abstract should contains the justification of the undertaken topic, the aim of the study, methodology used in the study, the main results and conclusions/recommendations.

Key words should describe the subject and areas of the manuscript.

The introduction should contain a clearly stated aim and justification of the study.

The methodology should be clearly presented.





Ensure that your manuscript is written in correct scientific English before submission. Authors are strongly urged to proofread their manuscripts and consider help of a native speaker if they write not in their native language.



Instructions to Authors



Editorial Board

Editor in Chief: Ulrich Ansorge (Vienna)


Co-Editor in Chief: Rob van der Lubbe (Warsaw/Enschede)


Web Editor: Izabela Szumska (Warsaw)


Technical Editor and Hyperlinking: Dobrosława Jaśkowska (Poznań)


Editorial Board


Elger L. Abrahamse (Ghent)


Arndt Broeder (Mannheim)


Claus-Christian Carbon (Bamberg)


Simone Dalla Bella (Warsaw/Montpellier)


Małgosia Fajkowska (Warsaw)


Markus Kiefer (Ulm)


Iring Koch (Aachen)


Grzegorz Króliczak (Poznan)


Michael Kuniecki (Kraków)


Markus Lappe (Muenster)


Bernd Leplow (Halle)


Severine Samson (Lille, Paris)


Ingrid Scharlau (Paderborn)


Elisabet Service (Hamilton)


Rolf Verleger (Lübeck)



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