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2020/6/6 11:30:26  阅读:838 发布者:


本刊为兽类学的综合性学术期刊( 双月刊) ,由中国科学院西北高原生物研究所和中国动物学会兽类学分会主办。刊登兽类学各研究领域的原创性研究论文,主要包括生态学、行为学、保护生物学、繁殖与发育、营养和生理学以及哺乳动物的进化等,也发表关于珍惜濒危兽类的饲养、疾病诊断与治疗和害兽的防治、经济兽类的开发利用等应用基础研究领域的研究论文。本刊开辟研究论文、研究简报、综述栏目,另外不定期报道新书评介、会议动态等。本刊兼收中、英文稿件,欢迎英文投稿。英文稿件建议作者请母语为英语的国外同行帮助修改。



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1.文中参考文献: 一个作者( 夏武平,1996 或者 Abbot2001) ; 两个作者( 冯祚建和郑昌琳,1985 或者 Laycock and ich￾ardson1975) ; 三个作者以上( 张知彬等,1993 或者 Williams et al.,1986)


期刊 作者姓名.出版年份. 文题名. 刊名,卷( 黑体) ( ) : 起止页码.如:Williams L R,Cameron G NSpencer S R,Eshelman B DGregory M J1986Experimental analysis of the effects of poctet gophermounds on Texas costal praire J Mammal67( 4) : 672679

专著 作者姓名.出版年.书名.出版地: 出版者,起止页码. :

Tungers W L1985Size and Scaling in Primate Biology New York: Plenum Press1536

论文集 作者姓名.出版年.文题名.见( 英文用 In) : 编者.论文集名.出版地: 出版者,起止页码.

张知彬.1996.鼠类种群数量的波动及调节. : 王祖望,张知彬主编.鼠害治理的理论与实践.北京: 科学出版社,145165



1 来稿一律文责自负,稿件应无泄密之处。

2 编辑部对采用的稿件,在文字上可做必要的修改。来稿一经刊用,酌付稿酬,并赠送当期期刊。

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4.定稿后需付版面费,每版人民币 240 元。彩色图版另计。

5.编辑部地址和联系信息: 青海省西宁市新宁路 23 号,

中国科学院西北高原生物研究所《兽类学报》编辑部,邮编: 810001;

电话: 09716143617; Email: slxb@nwipb.cas.cn


Instructions for Authors Acta Theriologica Sinica is a Chinese mammalogy journal founded in 1981 with international interests It is sponsored jointly by Northwest Institute of Plateau Biologythe Chinese Academy of Sciencesand Mammalogical Society of ChinaIt publishes bimonthly and mainly on original research papersscientific notesand reviews of all fields of mammalogy It also publishes applied and basic pa- pers containing new and significant information on areas such as rearing of rare and endangered mammalian speciesdiagnosing and treating of diseases and control measures of harmful animalsand development and utilization of economic mammalian species The Journal has sections such as original papersreviewsscientific notesmethod discussionproblem discussionand academic informa- tion It accepts both Chinese and English manuscripts and papers in English are especially welcome Submission of manuscripts to: Editorial Board of Acta Theriologica Sinica Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology Chinese Academy of Sciences 23 Xinning oadXining 810001China Tel: 86971 6143617; Website: http: / /www. mammal. cn; Email: slxb@ nwipbcascn The research paper should arrange information exactly as follows: titleauthors( s) author affiliations ( see Journal for format)

abstractkey wordstextacknowledgmentsand references For scientific notethe arrangement is the same as a full-length research paperA review paper should provide most up-to-date development of a field in mammalogy inside and outside It should combine authors research work and present authors viewpoints Its arrangement is the same as the original research paper Title should not exceed 15 words Abstract should briefly describe the objective of the studymethodresults and discussion All sections of the manuscript should be typed double-spaced on one side only of A4 papers with margins of at least 30 mm all round Lines of text should be limited to 75 characters per line It is required for author to write the manuscript with fluent English clean objectiveclear method and experimental designdependable dataand concise logics At the bottom of the first pagea footnote should be provided with foundation itemsbiography of first author ( namehighest degree obtainedacademic positionand area of major research) and the corresponding author For electronic submissionmanuscript should be prepared using Microsoft Word for the PC The manuscripttogether with a cover lettershould be sent as email attachments to the Editorial Board Manuscript can also be sent via Emailing to: slxb@ nwipbcascn>. The metric system is standardand SI units must be used as much as possible In the textwhenever tables or figures are necessa- rythey need to be inserted in the proper places with table headings or figure legends Table headings and figure legends must be inde- pendentcomplete and easy for the readers to follow Table should use a 3line format Two sets of all photographs should be supplied and submitted with high quality glossy prints suitable for reproduction Most figures should be set to a maximum width of 8 cm ( inclu- ding all lettering) while the figure that taking the whole breadth of a page should not exceed 17 cm in width When a map is usedit should be reproduced based on the most current official one In the textvarious classes of headings are used sequentially without indention to the left Main headingsecondaryand tertiary headings should follow the numbering such as1,‘11and111respectively eferences The authors should cite the papers relevant to the study presented in the paperand check the cited references in the manuscript to guarantee the accuracy Unpublished papers should not be listed but it can be used as a footnote In the textreferences must be arranged chronologically with the surname( s) of the author( s) followed by the date Cited references should be listed in alpha- betical order according to the authorssurnames; all authors should be listed eferences should be prepared in the following format: Journals: Authorsnamesyear of publicationtitlejournalvolume number( issue number) : page numbers Williams L R,Cameron G NSpencer S R,Eshelman B DGregory M J 1986 Experimental analysis of the effects of pocket go- pher mounds on Texas costal prairie J Mammal67 ( 4) : 672679 Laycock W A,Richardson B Z 1975 The long-term effects of pocket gopher control on vegetation and soils of a subalpine grass- land J ange Manage28: 458462 Monographs: authorsnamesyear of publicationbook titlepublishers location: publishers namepage numbers Tungers W L 1985 Size and Scaling in Primate Biology New York: Plenum Press1536 Treatise: authorsnamesyear of publicationtitleIn: treatise titlepublishers location: publishers namepage numbers Hayward C FPhilipson J 1979 Community structure and functional role of small mammals in ecosystems In: Scoddart D M ed Ecology of Small Mammals London: Cambridge University Press135200 A covering letter is required to certify that the manuscript has not been previously published or submitted ( either in whole or in part) for publication elsewhere It is also required to provide the corresponding authors addressphone number and email address The Journal also has the CD version and Internet version in addition to the printed version Once acceptedthe copyright of the manuscriptincluding the right to reproduce the article in all forms and mediashall be assigned exclusively to Acta Theriologica Sinica For any manuscript that does not wish to be included in the CD version or Internet versionauthor should indicate when submitting the manuscript to the Journal




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