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Academic Biography|学术简介写作要点

2022/3/3 11:04:01  阅读:408 发布者:chichi77

在投稿、参与学术会议的时候通常会要求作者提供Academic Biography 学术简介,本期【学术英语】向大家分析学术简介的写作要点。

What is '学术简介'?

Academic Biography学术简介是对学者/ 学生的介绍,通常篇幅比较短(1-3)段,在会议官网、论文后附或出版物上呈现。

An academic biography gives the essentials of your academic career. It should be tailored to the context in which it will be read (website, publication,conference,  etc.).



Broad to Narrow: 从介绍自己的研究方向开始再到具体研究兴趣

Narrow to Broad: 从具体的研究项目开始再关联到你的专业

Timeline: 按照时间线展开

Thematic: 按照学科展开 (比较适合专业性强的场合)


A bio includes ...

下面我们列出三种篇幅的Academic Bio写作需要包含的内容:

Short Bio


Name 姓名

Position 职位/ 学生

Department 院系

Institution 大学名称

Interests 研究兴趣

Mid-Length Bio


Degrees 学位背景

Brief Summary of Thesis 简要概述学位论文

Recent Projects 近期项目

Publications 学术发表

Notable Awards/ Honours 获奖/ 荣誉

Longer Bio








下面@学术英语 列出了三个不同长度的Academic Bio供大家参考学习,优质表达请注意下划线~

Elisa Viksson received her MSc of nanotechnology, specialising in neo-materials, from Akureyri University, Akureyri, Iceland. Her areas of research include sustainable alternatives for producing unshrinkable materials and deterioration mechanism.

Dr. Amanda Xiao has been an assistant supervisor in the Department of Biology and Chemical Biology since 2014. She is involved in teaching several courses at UCL including Biological Sciences, Physics, and Chemical biology P. -  a teaching practicum course for biology graduate students. Before becoming an assistant supervisor, she held a two-year postdoctoral appointment at the University of Helsinki. In addition to her research on two-dimensional nanobiosensors, she also participated in developing and teaching a college chemical biology curriculum. Dr. Xiao received her Ph.D. in Biology from Oulu University in 2012. She received her B.S. in Biology from Tsinghua University in 2005.

Kim Hiroshima (KCL Assiatant Professor of Media Studies) is broadly interested in the area of mass media theory, cross-cultural communication, and media content analysis. His current research lies at the interface of media and communication theory and technology. He is working on developing new techniques for caputure reactions from audiences.

Professor Hiroshima is also very interested in the areas of computer vision, audiovisual aesthetics and image understanding. His recent research project in Imaging and Visual Communication develops rich class of probabilistic models to capture insta-reaction of audiences.



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