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护理SCI征文通知丨《临床护理杂志》特刊征文 :COVID-19 的长期影响

2022/7/8 10:07:35  阅读:211 发布者:

期刊介绍:Journal of Clinical Nursing ( JCN )


官网主页 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/13652702

Call for Papers

We are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Journal of Clinical Nursing: The long-term impact of COVID-19

Submission Deadline: August 31st, 2022


我们很高兴地宣布临床护理杂志特刊征集论文 COVID-19 的长期影响

提交截止日期:2022 8 31

About the Issue

While we are in the infancy of our understanding of the effects of the SARS-Cov-2 virus in the medium and longer term, there is emerging evidence that the impact is wide ranging and often prolonged.  We recognise that there may be lasting effects for the person who has had COVID (called ‘long-COVID’ by those with ongoing symptoms), which significantly affects their quality of life and has implications for their rehabilitation and recovery pathways. Yet it is not only the post-acute effects on the person that are important to understand; there may also be consequences for the nursing workforce, health and care delivery systems, and wider society that are important to recognise. The ongoing effects of COVID-19 on patients, families, communities, organisations, health policy and systems are central features of many current and planned investigations. This special edition will bring together our thinking and understanding about the wide implications of COVID-19 for a person’s rehabilitation and recovery in the longer-term, the opportunities and consequences for nurses and the nursing profession that have arisen from this new disease, and the effects of its long-term management across the spectrum of care contexts.


虽然我们对 SARS-Cov-2 病毒中长期影响的理解还处于起步阶段,但有新的证据表明,这种影响是广泛的,而且往往是长期的。我们认识到,对于 COVID 患者(有持续症状的人称为“长期 COVID”)可能会产生持久影响,这会显着影响他们的生活质量,并对他们的康复和康复途径产生影响。然而,重要的不仅是对人的影响。也可能对护理人员、卫生和护理提供系统以及更广泛的社会产生重要的认识。COVID-19 对患者、家庭、社区、组织、卫生政策和系统的持续影响是许多当前和计划中的调查的核心特征。

What to Submit

We welcome the submission of papers presenting research or theory-based discussion around the longer term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. We anticipate receiving papers exploring the impact of long COVID on patients and nursing care in any clinical setting. Additionally, we hope to receive papers discussing the effects of COVID 19 on nurses and key aspects of the nursing profession moving forward. Rehabilitation, care and service delivery in the context of the ongoing pandemic may also be the focus for papers. For more information, see our author guidelines.


我们欢迎提交有关 COVID-19 大流行的长期影响的研究或基于理论的讨论的论文。我们希望收录探讨长期 COVID 在任何临床环境中对患者和护理的影响的论文。此外,我们希望收到讨论COVID 19 对护士的影响以及护理行业向前发展的关键方面的论文。在持续大流行的背景下,康复、护理和服务提供也可能是论文的重点。有关更多信息,请参阅我们的作者指南。


How to submit under this special issue topic

Upon submission, in Step 5 (Details & Comments), you will be asked “Is this paper intended for a special issue?”, please select ‘Yes’, and also be asked to indicate what Special Issue it is for – please select 'Long-term impact of COVID-19’ from the drop-down menu. This will ensure that it is flagged as a Special Issue submission and assigned to one of the Guest Editor to handle. Please note acceptance is not guaranteed and all manuscripts will be blind peer reviewed in line with JCN policy.


提交后,在第 5 步(详细信息和评论)中,您会被问到“这篇论文是否适用于特刊?”,请选择“是”,并要求您说明它是针对什么特刊——请选择“下拉菜单中的 COVID-19 的长期影响。这将确保它被标记为特刊提交并分配给一位客座编辑来处理。请注意,不保证接受,所有手稿都将根据 JCN 政策进行盲审。


The following Guest Editors will be handling the special issue:

Jo Booth (UK): Professor of Rehabilitation Nursing at Glasgow Caledonian University and joint lead of the Ageing Well Research Group. Her research focuses on developing the evidence for conservative, non-pharmacological bladder and bowel health promotion, mainly with older adults living at home and in care homes and in those following stroke.

Theresa Green (Australia): Professor of Rehabilitation Nursing at the University of Queensland and conjoint Professor with the Queensland Health Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service in Brisbane AU. Her research focus is on the recovery and reintegration continuum for patients and families living with stroke and other neurological disorders.

Cheryl Lehman (USA): Nursing consultant and educator. Clinical Professor (retired) University of Texas Health at San Antonio. Past President of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses in the United States. Her research and education effort focus upon the general rehabilitation and medical patient populations.


Jo Booth(英国):格拉斯哥卡利多尼亚大学康复护理学教授和老龄井研究小组的联合负责人。她的研究重点是为保守的、非药物性的膀胱和肠道健康促进提供证据,主要针对住在家里和疗养院的老年人以及中风后的老年人。

Theresa Green(澳大利亚):昆士兰大学康复护理学教授,澳大利亚布里斯班昆士兰健康外科治疗和康复服务中心联合教授。她的研究重点是中风和其他神经系统疾病患者和家庭的康复和重新整合。

Cheryl Lehman(美国):护理顾问和教育家。德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校临床教授(已退休)。美国康复护士协会前任主席。她的研究和教育工作侧重于一般康复和医疗患者群体。



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