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热点聚焦 | 疫情背景下的线上教学研究

2022/7/4 10:37:52  阅读:298 发布者:



——中国科学院大学 高原教授

Teaching and learning languages online: Challenges and responses


高雪松,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学教育学院教授,博士生导师,国际青年应用语言学者联盟理事长,国际应用语言学SSCI期刊International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching主编,SSCI期刊The Asia-pacific Education Researcher资深副主编,SAGE OPEN教育栏目主编。

论文:Tao, J. & Gao, X. (A.). 2022. Teaching and learning languages online: Challenges and responses. System 107, 102819.

摘要:The outbreak of COVID-19 generated an unprecedented global push towards remote online language teaching and learning. In most contexts, language teachers and learners underwent a rapid switch to online instruction with limited resources and preparation. Their experiences demonstrate resilience, perseverance, and creativity under highly challenging conditions. This collection of studies examines the challenges that language teachers and learners have experienced in teaching and learning online, explores how they have addressed these challenges, and identifies critical lessons to help language educators better respond to emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic. In this introductory article, we discuss the background of this special collection on teaching and learning languages online, provide a review of the growing body of research on online language education in the field, and introduce the studies published in the collection.

English as a foreign language teachers’ pedagogical beliefs about teacher roles and their agentic actions amid and after COVID-19: A case study

高原,中国科学院大学外语系主任、教授。中国科学技术史学会语言、文学与科学研究专业委员会主任;北京市高等教育学会研究生英语教学研究分会理事长;中国英汉语比较研究会专门用途英语专业委员会理事;中国科学技术史学会理事;Asia Pacific EAP Association理事;北京市高等教育学会大学英语研究会理事。研究方向为认知语言学、学术英语和教师发展。出版学术专著、合著、编著以及教材多本。在《外语教学与研究》、SystemTeaching and Teacher Education等学术期刊发表论文多篇。

崔雅琼,美国密歇根州立大学二语习得博士,中国科学院大学外语系讲师,研究兴趣包括二语习得、学术英语和教师发展等。在Annual Review of Applied LinguisticsJournal of Language, Identity and EducationLanguage PolicyTESOL QuarterlyBilingualismLanguage and CognitionLanguage Learning and TechnologyTeaching and Teacher EducationRELC Journal、《外语与外语教学》《外语教育研究前沿》等国内外期刊发表论文多篇。

论文:Gao, Y. & Cui, Y. 2022. English as a foreign language teachers pedagogical beliefs about teacher roles and their agentic actions amid and after COVID-19: A case study. RELC Journal 53(1), 1-17.

摘要:The COVID-19 outbreak has seen the largest-scale emergency remote teaching in world history. Drawing on concepts of teacher belief and teacher agency, this study seeks to explore whether teachers beliefs about teacher roles may influence their agentive use of online technology amid and after COVID-19. By tracing four English as a Foreign Language teacher participants in both an emergency remote teaching context and a resumed face-to-face classroom setting, our study reveals a complex relationship between teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and their online teaching practices. This study highlights the role of teacher agency and calls for a closer examination of the complexity of teacher roles to better understand teachers’ agentive technology integration in teaching. The study bears significance for educational technology development and teacher education for emergency remote teaching in the post-pandemic era.

Stimulating learner engagement in app-based L2 vocabulary self-study: Goals and feedback for effective L2 pedagogy

何雪红,美国密歇根州立大学第二语言研究博士,日本名古屋商科大学国际学部专任讲师。主要研究兴趣为教学情景下的第二语言习得、二语词汇教与学及心理语言学。在国际期刊TESOL QuarterlySystem上发表论文。2021年获日本学术振兴会科学研究费并主持科研项目。

Shawn Loewen,美国密歇根州立大学第二语言研究博士项目与英语教学硕士项目教授。The Modern Language Journal副主编。主要研究兴趣为教学情景下的第二语言习得及定量研究方法论。在国际期刊中发表论文多篇,独著Introduction to Instructed Second Language Acquisition,合著Key Concepts in Second Language AcquisitionAn AZ of Applied Linguistics Research Methods

论文:He, X. (S.). & Loewen, S. 2022. Stimulating learner engagement in app-based L2 vocabulary self-study: Goals and feedback for effective L2 pedagogy. System 105, 102719.

摘要:Despite its increasing popularity, application-based (app-based) second language (L2) learning faces the persistent issue of low learner engagement. This study explored app-based L2 vocabulary self-study as a course assignment by drawing on Mercer and Dörnyei’s (2020) latest proposal of goal-setting with feedback for stimulating learner engagement and motivation. We adopted a quasi-experimental design that consisted of a treatment group who completed goal-setting-and-checking activities (n = 32) and a control group who did not (n = 31), and compared learner engagement as indexed by the number of words studied weekly and L2 skill development as assessed by TOEIC scores before and after app use. Ratings and comments were also collected from the treatment group on goal-setting-and-checking activities and from both groups on two supplementary feedback tools, Unfinished Lists (lists of students who did not finish app-based self-study assignments) and leaderboards (student rankings based on assignment performance). Quantitative results showed the treatment group studied more words than the control group, although TOEIC scores did not differ between or change within groups significantly. Quantitative ratings and qualitative comments supported overall positive effects of these three pedagogical interventions. Practical suggestions are provided to guide L2 instructors to adapt these pedagogical interventions into their teaching.



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