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2024/9/14 15:04:58  阅读:9 发布者:

1. energy separation  energy differencebetween the quantum dot (QD) ground and first-excited states  能量间隔

2. Analysis by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) has identified  分析

3.    Whilst 同时

4. Stacking  Fault  s (SF)andthreadingdislocations(TD)areoftenassociatedwiththelargelattice mismatchinmostIII Vsemiconductorfilms.与…有关

5. the GaAs barrier layer was divided in two parts 分割

6. a characteristic v-shape gliding 有 …特征

7. The presence of these SFs is observed to create surface QDs 被认为是

8.    Areas 区域

9.    extending to 延伸至

10. In contrast to 与 …对比

11. we would suggest this could be related to 我们认为

12. dislocations occurring at the microscopic level   出现在

13. migrate away from 迁移开

14. spectral response  光谱响应

15. in terms of 根据,与 …有关

16. composition content 组分

17. attracting strong interest 引起兴趣

18. aspects such as 许多方面例如

19. As previously reported 正如以前报道的

20. The emission wavelength of the QDs red-shifted by 300 nm 红移了 300nm

21. As the composition is increased, there is an increase in density and size 随着 …增加什么增加

22. the reduction of PL intensity  for larger compositions occurs as a result of threading dislocations being formed

23. suppressed by 压制,抑制

24.  epilayer 外延层

25. variation 变化

26. interrupted growth method 间断生长

27. ion (Ar+) laser with 514.53 nm 氩离子激光波长

28. it can be seen that 从 …可以看出

29. reveal a strong quantum localization effect 展示

30. Such a blue shift in EL wavelength could be attributed to the band-filling effect of localized energy states 蓝移,归咎于,能带填充效应

31. A blueshift of 3 and 1.7 cm1    蓝移

32. Incorporating 结合

33.  1.31.6mm has been achieved for InAs/GaAs QDs by 实现

34. are limited by 性能局限于

35. received little attention to date 现在已经没人关注

36.  spacer layer 隔离层

37. the initial  15nmoftheGaAsSPLwasdepositedat5101C,followingwhichthetemperaturewas increasedto 5801 CfortheremainderoftheGaAsSPL随后

38. thermal escape 热逃逸

39. QD ensembles 量子点群

40. the value ofE    E

41. are dramatically reduced 巨大的

42. takes place 发生,出现

43. QD PL band caused by PL 图,引起

44. are taken into account 考虑

45.  active region 活性区

46. vertical strain coupling  垂直耦合

47. sample cshows the highestvalue(75meV)followedbysamplebwith60meVandsampledwith

56 meV 排序

48. is crucial for 对 …至关重要

49. zero-dimensional structures 零维结构

50.  involving 涉及

51.  cap layer 盖层

52. With  anincreaseintheexcitationpower(20mWto   100  mW)thereisanincreaseinthe contribution related to the excited stateofsample

53. one in which there are two ‘‘families’’ of QDs with different average sizes ,一个 …

54. the thermal escape will produce a red-shift of P2 emission band 产生红移

55. an order of magnitude lower 少一个数量级

56. Such phenomena support the hypothesis that 我们认为

57. made up of a sum of contributions of 什么的相互作用

58. With increasingtemperature, theremaybeatransferofcarriersfromlargertosmallerQDs随着…增加

59. A set of samples 一系列

60. epitaxy on (1 0 0) oriented 外延在 … 100

61. As one can see that  可以看出

62. PL spectra were fitted with a Gaussian profile 拟合

63. The smaller Stokes-type shift combining with the narrow PL linewidth suggests that 两原因结合 说明了什么

64. is located at 能级位于

65. one can find that 可以看出

66. charge carriers 载流子

67. discrete energy level  离散能级

68. is strongly dependent on 取决于

69. ten-layer stack 10 叠层

70. a new class of 一新类别

71. enable tailoring of the detection wavelength 能够对探测波长进行裁剪

72. bias dependence of the responsivity 响应率随偏压变化

73. escape routes 逃逸路线

74.  dual-color 双色

75. final states in the surrounding matrix 终态

76. a bias tunable energy separation  偏压可调的能级间隔

77. energy intervals 能级间隔

78. is assigned to 指定为

79. InGa intermixing  互混

80. lateral size 横向尺寸

81. The volumeofeachQDisdefinedashA/2withAtheareaandhtheheight定义什么为什么

82.  capping layer 盖层

83. be of great potential for 有很大潜力

84. three dimensional carrier confinement of the QD 三维限制效应 3D confinement

85. interaction between 相互作用

86.  suffer from  承受 sustain

87.  spreads out to  传播到

88. The insert shows 插图说明

89. the increase of the quantum efficiency overcomes the increased dark current 超过

90. pushed the response peak toward  推向

91. wavefunction coupling 波长耦合

92. When positively biased 当正偏压时

93. artificial atom-like 人工类原子

94. hybrid  混合

95. wavelength tuning 波长调制

96. significant impact on 有重要影响

97.  (i.e. QDs)  例如

98. Top left panel shows 左上图说明了

99. photo-excited carriers  光生载流子 100.be compensated in part by 部分

101.mesas 台面

102.blackbody source 黑体源 103.be coupled to 被耦合到

104.reflection grating 反射光栅

105.photolithographic techniques 光印刷技术 106.Indium-bump 铟柱

107.bias range from to 范围

108.multi-spectral response 多光谱响应 109.spectral tuning 光谱调制

110. adjacent to 临近

111. the tailoring of detection wavelength  探测波长裁剪

112.have an additional advantage of 优势 113. elevates 抬高

114. the splitting of the single detection peak  探测峰的劈裂

115.In principle 原则上

116.blocking layer  阻挡层  

117. Additionally=in addition

118. Relax selection rule 选择定则

119.phonon bottleneck effect 声子瓶颈效应 120. Systematic study of  系统研究了

121.Full widthhalfmaximumofthespectralresponse半高宽122.areofinterestforseveralapplications有兴趣

123.outperform the ones in the market 胜过

124.completed a detailed investigation of 研究了 125.bias-tunability 电压调制性

126. Some solutions to mitigate these problems  解决问题

127.limited the manufacturing yield of large area focal-plane arrays  量产 128.carrier relaxation-times 载流子弛豫时间

129.the intricatedependenceoftheoperatingwavelengthonthesizeandshapeofthedot后者依赖于前者

130.random self-assembly process 随机自组装过程

131.Apart from 除什么之外

132.is estimated to 估计为

133.average spacing  平均距离 134.lateral coupling  横向耦合 135.a factor of 10  十分之一

136.Low temperaturephotocurrentpeaksobservedat120 and148 meVwereidentifiedas指认为137.intersubbandtransitionsemanatingfrom来自于

138.night vision  夜视

139.The 3D confinement will give rise to  产生

140.the number of allowed dark current transitions  跃迁数 141.give rise to a photocurrent  产生光电流

142.a detailed understanding of all relevant transitions occurring in the detector is not yet gained  还没 有很好的解决

143.optical pumping 光学泵浦 144.is shown to be  认为是

145.provide the flexibility to adjust the electronic states  调节的灵活性

146.60 Å in height and 220 Å in radius 147.Repulsive 相反的

148. strain-compensated 应变补偿

149.impurities incorporated during the growth 杂质掺杂 150.sensitive layers 活性层,敏感层

151.in the 25 400°C interval 在 … 区间间隔

152. Silver contacts proved to be ohmic through current voltage measurements 欧姆接触 153.rectifying behavior  整流特性

154.no systematic investigation was carried out on responsivity versus temperature  执行系统的研究 155.in dark conditions  在暗条件下

156.cut on and cut off wavelengths  截止波长

157.exhibited photoresponse peaking at 3.5 um 波长在多少

158.The operation principle of  工作原理

159.nominal Ge deposition thickness 名义厚度 160.One obvious feature is that  可以看出

161.is consistent with  与 … 一致

162.with a main peak at around 3.5 um 主峰

163.the hole absorption ofphotons  光子的空穴吸收 164.are utilized to 用于

165.night vision, and optical communication etc.(有点)等等

166.are particularly worthy of academic investigation  值得,学术研究 167.polarization selection rule  偏振选择定则

168.this Si-based detector has the advantage of the monolithic integration with the read-out circuit 与硅 读出电路集成

169.cut down the dark current 降低暗电流

170.added delta dope  德尔塔掺杂   171.the vertical alignment  垂直耦合 172.We report the  摘要

173.intensity ratio of  强度比

174.was accompanied by  伴随着

175.during the last decade  近十年来

176.delta-function-like density    delta 函数 177.two-dimensional array  二维阵列

178.misfit dislocation nucleation  位错成核 179.were ascribed to  归咎于

180.This shift could be associated with phonon confinement  与 …联系起来 181.phonon replicas  声子峰

182. structure with h = 40 nm      with 的用法

183.the broad shapeofthePL peaksuggestsalargeinhomogeneityoftheislandssizedistribution  物表明

184.It is worth mentioning that 值得一提的是 185.induce the QD energy redshift  红移

186.attributed to a type-II band alignment II 型能带 187.cannot be  不能,not 是连着的

188.This blueshift can be explained in terms of a type-II band lineup  蓝移, 以 …有关

189.the holes are trapped in the Ge islands  位于 190.increased confinement 增强的限制

191.holes inthewettinglayercouldbetransferredtotheislands转移192.Onecannotethat可以看出

193.good optical quality  好的光学性质 194.interdiffusion processes  互扩散

195. spatially ordered arrays  空间有序阵列   196.in-plane ordering of the islands  平面有序 197.monolayer 单原子层

198.the island base  量子点基底

199.The islandsareorientedalongdirectionscloseto[010]and朝向200.thenetvolumeof净体积

201.exceed  超过

202.vibration band  震动峰

203.transition point  变化点

204.The dependencesofhconthethicknessdSiGeisinvestigated临界厚度依赖于SiGe厚度205.Gesegregation偏析

206.provides the best agreement between the calculated and experimental data  相符合 207.a part of 一部分

208.relying on obtained results, it can be assumed that  从得到的结果 … 可以看出 209.spatial ordering  空间有序

210.interdiffusion processes  扩散过程

211. increase in Ge content leads to    Ge 含量的增加 212.noticeably 显著的

213.mass transfer from 质量迁移

214.the quantityofmaterialdiffusedintotheislandsisequivalentto6.4nm等于215.isassociatedwith归咎于

216.island self-ordering   自有序

217.Another possible reason for  另一个可能的问题 218.we attribute to  我们认为

219.dominant absorption bands peaked 主要吸收峰 220.We tentatively propose that 我们暂时提出

221.the electrons are free in the Si conduction band   电子是自由的 222.P-polarized absorptions  偏振吸收

223.quantum efficiency of about 0.015%      of 的用法

224.wavelength range of  范围

225.relax the momentum conservation requirement  缓解动量守恒 226. still far from ideal  远不如

227.current of7 mA 速流 7mA

228.in tapping (contect) mode  轻巧或接触模式

229.3 nm tall 3nm

230.By contrast 作为对比

231.are consistent with 与 …有关

232.first-order optical mode 一介光学模式 233.vibrational peaks 振动峰

234.the downwardshiftoftheGeGepeakto 299cm1红移235.Withintheframeof在…框架下

236.irrespective of 不考虑 237.contact angle 接触角

238.The interestismainlydrivenby兴趣239.type-IIbandalignmentII型能带排列240.degradethequalities降低质量

241.loading into the vacuum chamber 装入腔体

242.be decomposed into two Gaussian shape peaks  分解为 243. shows strong blueshifts  蓝移

244.is believed to be 相信是

245.Coulomb charging effect 库伦电荷效应 246.are accompanied by  伴随着

247.give detailed insights into  详细的了解 248.relies on  依赖于

249.a change in shape      in 的写法 250.are indicative for  指认为

251.It is noticeable that 值得注意的是

252.The ratio of domes to huts   比例的用法

253.Is by a factor of two smaller than 几分之几 254.is in consistence with 有关

255.It is established that 得出

256.A feature ofparticular interest is  特别感兴趣的是

257.AFM wereusedtocharacterize用来表征258.isinfactdetrimentalto对…有害,不利259.attheexpenseof以…为代价

260.penetrates through 贯穿 261.defect-free 无缺陷的   262.Owing to  由于

263.more uniform in size      in+名词,在 …方面

264.optical phonon frequencies  光学声子频率 265.it is an indicator on 关于什么的指示

266.perform=carry out  执行

267.phonon assisted recombination 声子辅助复合

268.increasing tendency for  趋势

269.heteroepitaxial Ge/Si systems 系统 270.optic-phonon modes 光学振动模

271.were investigated by a combination of Raman scatter spectra and photoluminescence.  结合 272.is considered asis correlating with 认为是

273.The  intensitiesoftheGeGepeakIGe-Ge   andthe  GeSipeakIGe-Si   are  foundtobereliabletodetermine可靠的

274. shows a good fit to our experimental results 相符 275.with respect to  相对于 …

276.tentatively attributed to 暂时的 277.intensive studies  大量研究

278.we mainly deal with this issue by investigating 处理

279.A  redshift  of  PL  spectra  is  observed  after  annealing  at  temperature  below  780  °C,  whereas

annealing abovethistemperatureinducesablueshift.然而280.PLsignalrecordedforGe/Siclustersinglelayer指认为

281.we attempt to interpret these results within a simple thermodynamic model  尝试解释,..框架下

282.The composition distribution of Ge islands is alsoofimportance重要283.mostmethodsusedinaddressingthecompositionofGeislands探究284.providesthetriggerto使…开始启动

285.ring-like structure 环状结构

286.The first term 第一个式子

287.Note that here 值得注意的是   288.transport characteristics of 特性

289.Estimates show that 测试表明

290.there has been a surge of interest in  大量的 291.in-plane confinement 横向限制

292.as a result of breaking of the polarization selection rules 偏振选择定则

293.zero-dimensional character of the electronic spectrum 零维 294.render  展现

295.There areonlyfewworksannouncingthelong-waveoperation报道296.wassandwichedinbetweensthandsth夹在

297.high sheet density  高密度 298.the top portion of 顶部

299.were in good agreement with 一致

300.pose along-standingpuzzle提出问题301.Arichbodyofsubsequentwork大量的302.twokeyaspectscametolight重要方面303.inviewof考虑到

304.The amount of the strain 大量的,修饰不可数 305.with reference to  关于

306.The heightandthebaseofthedotsrangefrom8to15nmandfrom140to200nm,respectively,uponincreasingthethicknessof Sispacerfrom14 to100 nm/ uponincreasingthethickness upto一旦…

307.a strain field superposition of buried dots 应变场的交叠

308.were explained in terms of two possible contributions  关于

309.a strainedSi0.65Ge0.35quantumwell, which, inturn, isincorporatedinaSimatrix包含在310.thepolarizationdependenceoftheinducedPC后面依赖于前面

311. elucidatethenatureofphotoresponse阐明….的本质312.normalincidenceinfraredradiation正入射红外辐射313.GeQDsenclosedinasiliconmatrix包含在

314.We suspect that  我们认为

315.As stated before  如前面所述

316.Lorentzian decomposition of the spectra  分峰 317.This edge is tilted  带边倾斜

318.The value of the barrier height U0 derived from P2 depends on the effective mass  依赖于

319.energy difference between 320.a new class of  一类

321.It appears thatGe/Siquantumdotscouldcombinetheadvantagesof quantumdotsascompared to quantumwellswhilekeepingthecompatibilitywithSi-basedsignalprocessing.看起来,结合

322.opens the route to the realization of  实现

323.the photoluminescence spectrum is dominated by the radiative recombination associated with the Ge dots.  占据

324.The measurement is performed 测试

325. transverse-optical phonon-assisted recombination 横向光学声子辅助复合

326.  along with 伴随着

327.is similar for A and B 相似的

328.the 160 meV resonance is quenched 消失

329.the temperature dependence on the electric power 依赖于 330.be decomposed into two components 分成

331.The samples are here after referred to as Ge300, Ge600, and Ge1500, respectively.在之后的文章 表示为

332.Then,a10nmthickSi1xGexlayerwithxrangingfrom0%to20% wasgrown,followedbyaGe


333. Since  因为

334.The additional flux of atoms

335.In ordertotestthisassumption为了证明这种假设336.GeisdepositedonaSi0.8Ge0.2 alloy沉积用被动337.couldbeinvokedtoexplain用来解释

338.elastic strain energy stored in the predeposited Si 1-xGex layer 应变存储 339.Fig. 2 displays 显示

340.Sth reveal that 揭示了

341.It is very important to know 非常重要

342.Another attractive object 另一个有趣的是 343.However is not clarified yet 还没解决

344.were choseninsuchawayastoavoid在这种条件下insuchawaythat 345., andthen,随后

346.reaches a stationary value 缓和

347.provides the best agreement between 一致

348.it alsoincreasesSicontentinislandsand,asaresults,increasethecriticalvolume结果

349.We are making emphasis on 强调 350.as it was noticed above 如上所述

351.Increase indepositedGenominalthicknessfrom9 to11 MLleadsto增加什么,导致352.theaverageislandheightmakes37.2 nmmake可以当is

353.the ratio of island heights versus their lateral sizes   

354. Special attention in this work is paid to 注重 355.in connection with ..有关

356.We considerthedoubletbandbehaviorinsampleBasrelatedwith我们认为、有关357.Weperformedsth我们执行什么

358.Both these facts give reasons to consider this band as related with  可以解释,有关

359.Islands growThe islands were formed by    量子点生长 360.The island coarsening 量子点的粗化

361.The intermixing between Si and Ge dominated at higher temperatures   占据主导地位 362.pyramids and domes appeared to coexist in a stable configuration

363.However, the growth and evolution of islands prepared by IBSD has not been studied adequately 还没人研究

364.密度大用 greater

365.clustering to form 集聚形成

366.approximately 60% oftheislandswerelessthantheaspectratioof0.1主语颠倒367.Thisisanimplicationthat表明

368.The shortislandscouldgrowupiftheamountofGeincreased长大369.Subsequently随后

370.occurs viaacombinationof发生,结合371.wherebysthdosth通过上述这种方法372.statisticalanalysisofislandsize统计

373.displays=show= operates=take over    显示了

374.In succeeding sections=In what follows , 在下文中

375.We quantify this observation, identify the coarsening mechanisms  认为 376.Sth contributes significantly to

377.Are beingfedbythisreservoirof Geatoms水库,浸润层,提供378.Isevidentintheappearanceof证据

379.is indicative of Ostwald ripening 指示是熟化

380.islands may communicate more effectively via surface diffusion at higher growth temperatures  量 子点扩散,交流

381.a variety of recipes for 不同的方法 382.coalescence 合并

383.remarkable observations 显著的观察 384.Intermixing of sth with sth

385.larger particles grow at the expense of smaller particles 代价 386. yielding sth  产生

387.obeys the same relationship 遵循

388.delay the onset of  开始 389.virtually=mostly 大部分 390.transform to/form

391.a larger fraction of  大部分

392. substantial numbers of 大量的  393.often coincide with 有关,由于

394.Further insight can be gained by considering 进一步考虑 395.appear to 似乎

396.is likely to 有可能

397.to our knowledge 众所周知

398.present a possible scenario for 方法

399.undergo a morphological transition to 承受

400.understood on grounds of 依据什么   401.the growth topology of 生长量子点图 402.reached a level, where 达到最大值

403.It is noteworthy at this point that 值得注意的是

404.The island size is dominated by the balance of  由于 405. , suggesting that

406.gain insight into

407.island populations 量子点群

408.dependence of total cluster volume as a function of Ge indicates that 依赖于

409. Samples spanning the Ge coverage range from5.0在什么范围

410.careful catalogingof theshapeevolutionof theseislandsasafunctionof growthconditionshas notyetbeenperformed内容还没有解决

411.were used to document


413.present a detailed catalog of

414.cross-sectional line scans 横截面

415.we are able to map island evolution for different growth temperatures 阐明,阐述

416.At the left-hand side of this cluster  左手边 417.It is well known that 众所周知

418.presenting a detailed analysis and discussion of 阐述了

419.in the time interval of 3045 min between the formation of two successive dislocations  间隔

420. Si atom has been transported into the island 迁移 421.see later)请看下文

422.thorough investigation of 全面的研究

423.The authors apply selective wet chemical etching  采用

424.evolves toward an intriguing semifacetted structure 演变成

425.an understandingofthecappingprocessisoffundamentalimportance重要的426.Theeffectistemperaturedependent温度依赖的

427.the height scales 高度尺寸

428.presumably because  大致归咎于 429.misfit strain 位错应变

430. which in turn affects 转过来影响 431.coincides with 伴随着


433.were characterized by atomic force microscopy 表征

434.The left column ofFig. 1 左边一排 435.Demonstrating/indicating that

436.is mainly responsible for 归咎于

437.building blocks for future electronic or optoelectronic devices  奠定基石

438.remains still a matter of controversy/was not yet clearly identified/was not investigated in detail.还 没解决

439. strain induced triggering 诱导的没有一杠

440.temperature was ramped down/up 温度降低、身高 441. Standing from the viewpoint of the simulation

442.Fig 后面接的词AdetailedinvestigationshowsthatWefindoutthatItshouldbenotedthatWe cansee thatIn contrast withGeislandsgrownonSi, weobserveItisrevealedthatItwasfound outthat

443.a record speed of 12 GHz  记录速率

444.possess high mobility  拥有 445.In comparison to  比较

446.zoom-in view of 缩放图

447.KEEN attention has been drawn to the study  注意 448.These extraordinary features  非凡的

449.transfer yield is>99%  专业率

450.Overall=From the aforementioned analysis 总的来说

451.the flexibleGediodeindicatesamuchlowerturn-onvoltagethanSidiode, validating证明了452.Veryrecently,最近

453.with combined high and low temperature high and low processes  结合 454.As of today  截至今天

455.a handful of reports show  少量的

456.The TFT denoted as TFT-2 indicated as(也是定义的意思) negative values 定义

457.is elaborated below  叙述  458.is of great interest  感兴趣

459.the implanted side of Ge was in contact with glass substrate  连接在一起

460. strengthen the chemical bonds  强化 461.may be an alternative to  选择

462.visible light 可见光

463.process flow 工艺流程 464.generating sth 生产

465.The prospect is to integrate 期望 466.irregular shape 不寻常的

467. single-crystal Ge is yet to demonstrate   因此 468.performance tradeoff 性能折衷

469.Theoretical calculations have also been conducted 执行

470.The capacitanceisdependentontheseriesdiodewidthandmetalstackthickness依赖于471.Tomakeafaircomparison比较

472.Can have better RF properties 拥有

473.not presented here due to the length limit of this Letter

474. make them superb candidates for  候选

475.A considerable number of 大量的 476.critical dimensions 极限尺寸

477.Of more importance 重要的是  478.bulk wafer counterparts 对等物 479.lightly doped 亲掺杂

480.Vicat softening point of PET substrates is 170 °C 481.stripping off 剥离

482.firmly contacted with 牢固地

483.theoretical analysis has been conducted 执行

484.In essence 本质上

485.Tiny/substantial changes 小大变化 486.innate limitation 固有的本质的

487.Figure 1 schematically illustrates

488.de-convoluted using the Gaussian/Lorentzian function 去复杂化 489.photodetector under shining of 633 nm light 照射

490.Figure 4 plots 画出了

491.magnified image  放大图 492.As expected 如预期的

493.is speculated to be 推导出




1. 别人发现什么 it was found that sth done sth

2. it indicates that 说的内容用一般现在时

3. 对于现在我们做的 it is found that sth do sth

4. study, investigation 等要用过去式的被动 was studied, was carried out was observed,也可以用现 在完成时,现在完成时和过去完成时区别只是起点不一样,一个是以现在为起点,一个以过去为 起点。

5. 陈述一种事实用一般现在时(可有引用文献)

6. 涉及到 figure 这种词一般用现在时 实验:过去式

结果与讨论:一般用现在时,如果有人为因素,如我们做了什么事情,要用过去式,因为是过去 做的。涉及实验部分也要用过去式。

结论: the experimental investigations revealed/It was shown that/It was revealed experimentally that 后面加一般现在时陈述你之前得出的结果

7. 注意点:当用到用什么设备测试时用过去时,当关于我们以前做了什么,执行什么动作时用过去式,但是如webelievewefindwecanseethatweobserve观测到什么结果,这些词可不用过去式。可用could/wouldbedonesth,讲到其他文献时用过去式

1. 不可数名词一般不加 the,要特指才加 the,具体化,但是如 the realization of 是固定用法, realization 是不可数,

2.    复数可以不加 the

3. 中文里的这个,那个,某特定的,能指出来的就加,你都不清楚指不出的不加。

4. 表示抽象意义、概念的不可数名词和复数不加 the

5. 组合词看特指没特指,没特指不加 the,deposited on Si substrate deposited on the Si substrate


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