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SCI基础训练——Materials and Methods常用词汇囤积(6):实验方法和其他研究的相关性(二)

2024/9/13 18:09:02  阅读:6 发布者:

SCIMaterials and Methods部分是科技论文的基础,对于判断论文的科学性、先进性具有重要意义。它不仅为读者提供了重复实验和研究的基础,还使读者能够了解研究的可靠性和可信度。此外,通过详细描述实验材料、方法和步骤,还能够为其他研究者提供有益的参考和借鉴,推动学科领域的发展。

今天我们就来看一些Materials and Methods中用于描述本研究中的实验方法和所引文献中相似时,实验方法和其他研究相关性的词汇和短语:

a (modified) version of

adapted from

based in part/partly on

based on

essentially identical

in line with

in principle

in essence

more or less identical

slightly modified

(very) similar

almost the same

essentially the same

largely the same

practically the same

virtually the same

with some adjustments

with some alterations

with some changes

with some modifications

(to) adapt

(to) adjust

(to) alter

(to) change

(to) modify

(to) refine

(to) revise

(to) vary


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