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2024/8/8 15:49:26  阅读:18 发布者:

1. 引言 Introduction

在引言中,陈述硕士论文的目标并提出论点问题,提供足够的背景信息,指出研究范围的来龙去脉,并指出论文的论点如何发展的"路线图"。换句话说,引言用于展示你熟悉主题,掌握了文献,并且能够区分你分析过的信息(现状)和你(自己研究)得到的主张。 In the introduction, state the goal of the paper and pose the thesis question, provide sufficient background information to put the scope of your work in context, and offer a written ‘road map’ of how your argument will develop.  In other words, the introduction demonstrates that you are familiar with the subject matter, have mastered the literature, and can distinguish between the information you have researched and the statements you produce.

2. 方法 Method

概述您用来证明论点的技术、计算、程序、理论和分析方法。所有科学著作都需要一个具体和可重复的研究链,方法用于您向读者解释您打算如何构建您的研究。This section provides an overview of the techniques, calculations, procedures, theories, and analytical methods that you will use to prove your thesis. All scientific works require a specific and repeatable chain of investigation, and this section allows you to explain to your reader how you intend to structure your study.

3. 结果 Results

结果是您使用表格、图形和统计数据来展示您观察结果的地方。请记住,在此阶段要避免插入您的观点-只需记录从研究中提取的所有数据(数据是一个广义概念,见什么是数据与数据分析,编者注)。要使硕士论文更有条理,请使用子标题,并在每个段落的开头陈述关键结果。The results section is where you will present your observations using tables, graphs, and statistics. Remember to avoid inserting your opinion at this stage – just record all the data extracted from the investigation. To make your master’s thesis more structured, use sub-headings and state the key results at the beginning of each paragraph.

4. 讨论 Discussion

这是你论文最重要的部分。陈述您在研究过程中发现的任何重要模态、关系或趋势(包括您注意到的任何例外),然后解释您的结果。尽可能显示多个假设。解释为什么这些结果对于您选择的领域的未来研究很重要。This is the most important part of your thesis. State whatever significant patterns, relationships, or trends you discovered during your research (including any exceptions that you noted), then interpret your results. Show multiple hypotheses wherever possible. Explain why these results are important for future investigations in your chosen field.

5. 结论  Conclusion

在结论中,说明您的研究结果最重要的方面。这样做的一个简单方法是问自己一个问题:我希望读者记住或思考什么?回顾引言中指出的问题和论点,然后表达您的观点或建议的解决方案。不要只是逐字逐句地重写引言或讨论:结论应该把你的所有论据集中起来,回答论点问题。一个好的结论往往会为今后的研究提供其他途径。In conclusion, state the most important aspect of your research findings. An easy way to do this is to ask yourself the question: what do I want the reader to remember or think about? Refer to the problem and the thesis question stated in the introduction, then express your opinion or proposed solutions. Don’t just rewrite the introduction or the discussion word for word: the conclusion should pull your arguments together and answer the thesis question. A good conclusion will often suggest other avenues for future investigation.


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