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2024/8/7 9:07:02  阅读:20 发布者:










提供概览: 摘要是论文的开篇,为读者提供了对整篇论文的概览。读者通过阅读摘要可以迅速了解研究的主题、目的、方法、结果和结论,从而判断是否值得进一步阅读整篇论文。

吸引读者兴趣: 一个引人入胜的摘要能够吸引读者的兴趣,使其对研究产生浓厚的兴趣。通过清晰、简洁地呈现研究的亮点和重要发现,摘要能够让读者对论文产生积极的期待。

方便检索和索引: 许多学术数据库和检索系统使用摘要来进行论文的检索和索引。一个明确、内容丰富的摘要能够提高论文在检索系统中的可见性,使其更容易被学者和研究者找到。

支持决策制定: 许多读者在有限的时间内需要浏览大量论文,以决定是否深入阅读。一个良好的摘要能够帮助决策者迅速了解研究的关键信息,有助于他们在众多选项中作出明智的选择。

学术交流: 在学术会议或研讨会上,摘要是评审和选择论文的基础。一个清晰、有说服力的摘要能够提高论文被接受的机会,使研究者有机会在学术界交流并分享他们的研究成果。



1. 明确摘要类型: 摘要分为两种类型,即描述性摘要和信息性摘要。描述性摘要主要概述论文的内容,而信息性摘要则包含了具体的研究方法、结果和结论。根据期刊或会议的要求,选择合适的摘要类型。

2. 关注结构: 通常,摘要的结构包括介绍研究问题、研究方法、结果和结论。确保在摘要中明确这些要素,使读者能够快速了解研究的全貌。

3. 简洁明了: 摘要应该非常简洁,避免过多的细节。用简洁而清晰的语言表达研究的关键点,强调研究的创新性、重要性以及主要结论。

4. 关键词的使用: 在摘要中使用关键词,这有助于提高论文的可检索性。确保选择与论文主题相关且有代表性的关键词。

5. 精确描述研究问题: 在摘要的开头,明确描述研究问题或目标。这有助于读者理解研究的动机和背景。

6. 介绍研究方法: 简要介绍研究所采用的方法,包括实验设计、数据收集和分析方法。不要过于详细,但确保提供足够的信息,使读者能够理解研究的方法论。

7. 强调研究结果: 在摘要中强调研究的主要结果,包括关键的发现或数据。这有助于吸引读者的兴趣,让他们对全文保持关注。

8. 总结结论: 最后,总结研究的主要结论。明确表达研究的贡献和可能的影响,突出研究的价值。

9. 语法和格式: 摘要应该遵循论文写作的语法和格式规范。确保使用清晰、流畅的语言,避免错别字和语法错误。

10. 定期修订: 定期修订摘要,确保其与整篇论文保持一致。如果在写作过程中论文的主要内容发生变化,及时更新摘要。

11.  遵循期刊或会议等出版物的要求:确保你的摘要符合所投期刊或会议的格式和字数要求。



缺乏清晰的研究问题或目标: 摘要应该明确研究的问题或目标,有时作者未能在摘要中清晰地阐述这一点。

例子:" This paper explores different aspects of artificial intelligence "(这篇论文探讨了人工智能的不同方面)。这样的陈述过于宽泛,未提供具体的研究问题或目标。

改正:"This paper investigates the impact of recurrent neural networks on natural language processing tasks to enhance machine translation performance."

过度使用缩写和专业术语: 摘要应该以广泛的读者为目标,过多的缩写和专业术语可能使摘要难以理解。

例子:" Our study involves the use of CNNs for EEG signal classification in BCI applications "(我们的研究侧重于在脑机接口应用中使用卷积神经网络对脑电信号进行分类的实现)。这里使用的缩写和术语可能需要在摘要中进行解释。

改正:"Our study focuses on implementing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for classifying electroencephalogram (EEG) signals in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) applications."

缺乏关键信息: 有时摘要未能提供足够的关键信息,使读者难以判断研究的重要性和创新性。

例子:"This research presents results from a study on renewable energy"(这项研究呈现了关于可再生能源的研究结果)。这个摘要没有提供具体的结果或创新点。

改正:"This research provides critical insights into the efficiency improvements of wind and solar energy systems, contributing to the advancement of sustainable energy technologies."

结构不清晰: 一些摘要可能在结构上不够清晰,使读者难以理解研究的逻辑顺序。

例子:"The methods used in this research involved data analysis and experiments. Results showed improvements in the system"(本研究使用了数据分析和实验。结果显示系统有所改善)。这个摘要没有清晰地阐明方法、结果和结论的顺序。

改正:"In this study, we employed rigorous data analysis and conducted experiments to evaluate system performance. The results demonstrated significant improvements in efficiency and reliability."

未突出研究的创新或重要结果: 有时作者未能在摘要中强调研究的重要性和潜在贡献。

例子:"This study explores various methods for image recognition"(这项研究探索了图像识别的各种方法)。这个摘要没有说明为何这项研究是重要的或它的潜在影响。

改正:"This study pioneers the integration of deep learning techniques for image recognition, achieving a remarkable 20% improvement in classification accuracy compared to traditional methods."




1. 计算机科学领域的摘要:

Title: "Enhancing Privacy in Cloud Computing Through Homomorphic Encryption"

Abstract: This study introduces an innovative approach to bolster privacy in cloud computing by employing homomorphic encryption. Traditional cloud services involve data decryption for processing, posing privacy risks. Our proposed method allows computations on encrypted data without the need for decryption, ensuring secure data processing in the cloud. Performance evaluations demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the solution. This research addresses growing concerns regarding data privacy and confidentiality in cloud-based environments, providing a valuable contribution to the field.

2. 医学领域的摘要:

Title: "Investigating the Neuroprotective Effects of Novel Drug X in Alzheimer's Disease Models"

Abstract: This research investigates the potential neuroprotective effects of a newly developed drug (Drug X) in Alzheimer's disease models. Through a series of in vitro and in vivo experiments, we observed a significant reduction in neuroinflammation and improved cognitive function in treated subjects. These promising results suggest that Drug X may hold therapeutic potential for Alzheimer's disease. The findings support further investigation in clinical trials, offering new possibilities for the development of effective treatments in combating the complex challenges associated with neurodegenerative disorders.

3. 环境科学领域的摘要:

Title: "Analyzing the Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reef Ecosystems"

Abstract: This research critically analyzes the consequences of climate change on coral reef ecosystems. Utilizing long-term ecological data and climate models, we observe a concerning correlation between rising sea temperatures and increased coral bleaching events. The study underscores the urgent need for proactive conservation measures to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on these vital marine ecosystems. By providing empirical evidence of the ongoing threats, this research informs environmental policies and practices aimed at preserving the biodiversity and ecological balance of coral reefs.

4. 教育领域的摘要:

Title: "Assessing the Effectiveness of Blended Learning in Secondary Education"

Abstract: This study assesses the effectiveness of blended learning approaches in secondary education. Through a comparative analysis of traditional and blended learning environments, we found that the latter promotes higher student engagement and improved academic performance. These findings suggest that incorporating digital resources and online components into traditional classrooms can enhance the overall learning experience for secondary school students. The research contributes valuable insights to educational strategies, emphasizing the potential benefits of blended learning for fostering student success in today's dynamic educational landscape.



Abstract: This study investigates the impact of [research topic] on [relevant field]. Through a [research method] approach, we aimed to [research objectives]. Our findings reveal [key results], emphasizing the significance of [main conclusion]. This research contributes to the understanding of [research area] and provides insights into [potential applications].

Keywords: [keyword1], [keyword2], [keyword3].




Title: Adaptive sliding mode observer for nonlinear stochastic systems with uncertainties


Abstract: It is presented, in this paper, a novel adaptive sliding mode observer (ASMO) for reconstructing the states of non-linear stochastic systems with structure uncertainties, parameter perturbations and external disturbances which is presented in the Itô differential equations. The proposed ASMO uses sliding mode technique to guarantee the robustness of observation, and an adaptive law is employed to update the sliding mode gain. The estimation error of the proposed observer is theoretically proved to be mean square exponentially convergent to a limited bound. Simulation study is made on computer with MatLab for reconstructing the states of Lorenz chaotic attractor disturbed with uncertainties and polluted with noises, and the simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed observation strategy.

Keywords: adaptive observer; sliding mode scheme; nonlinear stochastic systems; Itô differential equations.


Title: Adaptive Observer Based Nonlinear Stochastic System Control with Sliding Mode Schemes


Abstract: In this paper, an adaptive sliding mode observer is designed to reconstruct the states of non-linear stochastic systems with uncertainties from the measurable system output and the reconstructed states are employed to construct a sliding mode controller for the stabilization control of complex non-linear systems. It takes the advantages of the sliding mode schemes to design both the observer and the controller. The convergence of the observer and the globally asymptotical stability of the controller are analysed in terms of stochastic Lyapunov stability, and the effectiveness of the control strategy is verified with numerical simulation studies.

Keywords: Adaptive Observer, Stochastic System Control, Sliding Mode Scheme, Itô Differential Equation


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