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2024/8/6 18:19:07  阅读:71 发布者:


英文科技论文的引言中所要说明的问题有以下几个方面:1) 所要解决的研究问题 (What)2) 研究的动机(Why)3) 研究的理论基础和研究方法(How)4) 研究过程中所要完成的主要任务(Tasks Completed)5) 研究所获得的结果(Results Obtained)6) 研究的创新性(Contributions/Innovations made)7) 研究的结论(Conclusions Drawn)。这些问题的回答将为读者提供对整个研究项目的清晰了解,并为后续论文的发展打下基础。









引导读者: 引言的首要任务是引导读者进入研究的主题。它通过提供背景信息、概述研究领域的现状,以及引入具体的研究问题,使读者对整个研究有一个清晰的认识。

提供背景信息: 引言向读者介绍了研究领域的基本概念、关键术语和先前研究的现状。这有助于确保读者对研究的背景有足够的了解,从而更好地理解后续的论文内容。

明确研究问题: 引言阐明了研究中要解决的问题或要回答的科学/技术疑问。这有助于读者理解研究的动机和目标,以及为什么这个研究是重要的。

论证研究的重要性: 引言通过阐述研究的重要性和潜在影响,向读者传达研究的价值。这可以包括解决实际问题、推动学科进步、促使技术创新等方面。

设立研究框架: 引言通常概述了研究的基本框架,包括研究的目标、方法论、预期结果等。这有助于读者了解研究的整体结构和走向。

激发兴趣: 引言应当具有引人入胜的特点,激发读者的兴趣,使其愿意继续阅读后续内容。清晰、有趣的引言可以在读者心中留下积极的印象。






示例:In the era of rapid technological advancement, the field of cybersecurity plays a pivotal role in safeguarding sensitive information against evolving threats.




示例:Despite continuous efforts to enhance cybersecurity measures, the increasing sophistication of cyber attacks necessitates novel approaches to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of digital information.




示例:Prior research has extensively explored cryptographic methods for data encryption, yet there remains a gap in understanding the vulnerabilities introduced by quantum computing to these established techniques.




示例:This study aims to investigate the feasibility of integrating quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms to enhance the security of digital communication in the era of quantum computing.




示例:To achieve our research objectives, we employed a combination of theoretical analysis and simulation-based experiments using state-of-the-art quantum computers.




示例:This research contributes to the field by shedding light on the potential vulnerabilities of current cryptographic methods in the era of quantum computing and proposing strategies for developing quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms.



示例:This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 provides a detailed review of the current state of solar cell technology, Section 3 outlines our experimental methodology, and Section 4 presents the results and analysis.




清晰度和简洁性(Clarity and Conciseness): 引言应该表达清晰、简洁,避免冗长和复杂的句子。确保用简单而明确的语言向读者传达研究的主题、背景和问题。

避免废话(Avoid Redundancy): 不要在引言中重复大量信息,避免废话和不必要的描述。每句话都应该有明确的目的,有助于引导读者进入研究的主题。

专业术语的适度使用(Appropriate Use of Technical Terminology): 如果领域内有专业术语,确保适当使用。但也要确保不使用过多的专业术语,以便非专业读者也能理解引言。

强调研究的重要性(Emphasize the Significance of the Study): 突出研究的重要性,解释为什么读者应该关心这个研究,以及研究的潜在影响。

精确的问题陈述(Precise Problem Statement): 确保问题陈述清晰、精确。避免使用模糊或含糊不清的措辞,而是明确定义研究中要解决的问题。

逻辑顺序(Logical Organization): 引言应该按照逻辑顺序组织,确保各部分之间有清晰的过渡。读者应该能够理解为什么这个研究是有必要进行的。

引言末尾的预览(Preview at the End of the Introduction): 在引言的末尾,可以提供一个简短的预览,概述接下来各个章节的内容。这有助于读者理解整个论文的结构。

文献引用(Literature Review): 如果合适,引言中可以包含对相关文献的引用,以支持论点并为读者提供更多的背景信息。确保引用的文献是与研究直接相关的。

审慎使用引语和概括(Cautious Use of Quotes and Generalizations): 避免过度使用引语,而是选择精心选取的引语,以及审慎使用概括性语句。

反复修改和修订(Iterative Editing and Revising): 引言通常需要多次修改和修订。定期返回引言,确保其与论文的其他部分相协调,并且在读者的反馈下进行改进。




题目 (Title):


摘要 (Abstract):


引言 (Introduction):








示例1: 控制理论领域

Title: Adaptive sliding mode observer for non-linear stochastic systems with uncertainties

Abstract: It is presented, in this paper, a novel adaptive sliding mode observer (ASMO) for reconstructing the states of non-linear stochastic systems with structure uncertainties, parameter perturbations and external disturbances which is presented in the Itô differential equations. The proposed ASMO uses sliding mode technique to guarantee the robustness of observation, and an adaptive law is employed to update the sliding mode gain. The estimation error of the proposed observer is theoretically proved to be mean square exponentially convergent to a limited bound. Simulation study is made on computer with MatLab for reconstructing the states of Lorenz chaotic attractor disturbed with uncertainties and polluted with noises, and the simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed observation strategy.


The development and application of system state observers have attracted great attention since the original work of Luenberger (1966); it has been proven useful in system monitoring, regulation as well as detection and identification of system failures (Hu, 1991; Gauthier and Kupka, 1994; Bernard et al., 1998). The idea of using observers, also called software sensors, which combine a number of readily available online measurements with a process model for estimating or reconstructing the values of unmeasured state variables. Many state observation algorithms have been well developed for linear systems and much contribution has been made of state observation for non-linear dynamic systems using techniques like feedback linearisation, extended linearisation and Lyapunov-based algorithms (Bestle and Zeitz, 1983; Krener and Respondek, 1985; Isidori, 1985; Baumann and Rugh, 1986; Thau, 1973; Vidyasagar, 1980).

Variable structure technique (Utkin, 1977; Hung et al., 1993) has been a major tool in tackling the monitoring and control problem of non-linear dynamic systems with structure uncertainties, parameter perturbations and external disturbances since it emerged in about mid 20th century. And sliding mode observers have been successfully developed and employed as robust technique for state observation or estimation for this kind of systems (Slotine et al., 1987; Zhan et al., 1999).

However, there still remains a space to be filled with systematic strategies to deal with state reconstruction for non-linear stochastic systems. There are only few papers published concerning this area (Yaz and Azemi, 1993; Xu et al., 2004; Raoufi and Khaloozadeh, 2005; Qiao et al., 2008).

In this paper, a novel sliding mode observer based on adaptive strategy is investigated for non-linear stochastic systems with system structure uncertainties, excessive parameter perturbations and external disturbances, the estimation error with the proposed observer is theoretically proved to be mean square exponentially convergent to a limited region, which means that the system states reconstructed are within bounded error. A simulation study is made on computer with MatLab for state estimation of Lorenz chaotic attractor which is disturbed with excessive uncertainty and polluted with noises, and the numerical simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed observation strategy.

The remaining part of this paper is organised as follows: in Section 2, some preliminaries for non-linear stochastic systems are stated and the problem is formulated, together with some definitions and assumptions defined and declared for easiness of discussion; in Section 3, a sliding mode observer is proposed based on adaptive scheme; and convergence of the proposed observer is investigated in Section 4 in the sense of Lyapunov theorem with Itô calculus; a simulation study is made in Section 5 to show the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive observer; and the paper is concluded in Section 6.

示例2: 人工智能领域


In the last decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed unprecedented growth, permeating diverse sectors and redefining our interactions with technology. The advent of deep learning, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNNs), has propelled AI's capabilities in image recognition tasks. However, despite these advancements, robustness in the face of adversarial attacks remains a critical challenge. This paper delves into the vulnerability of deep learning models to adversarial attacks and proposes a novel approach to enhance their resilience.


The surge in AI applications, from autonomous vehicles to medical diagnostics, underscores the transformative potential of deep learning models. Yet, the susceptibility of these models to subtle, carefully crafted adversarial inputs raises concerns about their reliability and security. Adversarial attacks, wherein imperceptible perturbations are introduced to input data, can lead to misclassifications with potentially severe consequences.

Problem Statement:

The vulnerability of deep learning models to adversarial attacks poses a substantial threat to their real-world deployment. Ensuring the robustness of these models is crucial, especially in safety-critical applications. This research addresses the pressing issue of adversarial vulnerability, aiming to develop techniques that fortify deep learning models against adversarial manipulations.

Significance of the Study:

By enhancing the robustness of deep learning models, this research contributes to the broader goal of deploying AI systems in safety-critical applications. The outcomes of this study have implications for sectors relying on AI, offering a more secure foundation for the integration of these technologies into real-world scenarios.

Research Objectives and Hypotheses:


To analyze the vulnerability of deep learning models to adversarial attacks.

To propose a novel framework for enhancing the robustness of deep learning models.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach across diverse datasets and model architectures.


Adversarial vulnerability arises due to the non-robust features learned by deep learning models.

Incorporating adversarial training during model training enhances the robustness of deep learning models.

Methodology Overview:

The research employs a comprehensive methodology, involving the generation of adversarial examples through iterative optimization techniques. Adversarial training is incorporated during the model training phase to fortify the learned representations. The evaluation includes benchmark datasets and a range of deep learning architectures.

Expected Results:

It is anticipated that the proposed approach will demonstrate improved robustness against adversarial attacks, reflected in reduced misclassifications and improved generalization across datasets. The study aims to provide empirical evidence supporting the efficacy of adversarial training for enhancing model resilience.

Structure Overview:

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews related work in adversarial attacks and defenses. Section 3 details the proposed methodology, including the generation of adversarial examples and adversarial training. Section 4 presents experimental results and analysis. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper and outlines potential avenues for future research.


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