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2024/8/6 9:06:39  阅读:18 发布者:


1. 礼貌和尊重:无论意见如何,都要对审稿人表示感谢和尊重。即使不同意某些意见,也要以礼貌的方式表达。


Thank you very much for your detailed and valuable feedback. It has been very helpful for improving our research.

2. 逐条回应:针对审稿人提出的每个问题或意见进行逐条回应,确保没有遗漏任何反馈。

例子:  ```

Reviewer 1's comment:

1. Suggests adding a discussion of certain theories in the literature review.

Response: Thank you for the suggestion. We have added a discussion of these theories in the literature review, see page 3, paragraph 2.

3. 清晰和具体:每个回复都应该清晰具体,说明改动的具体内容和位置。如果某些意见被采纳,说明如何修改;如果不采纳,解释原因。

例子:  ```

Reviewer 2's comment:

2. Recommends providing a more detailed explanation of the data analysis methods.

Response: We have added a detailed description of the data analysis methods in the methods section, see page 5, paragraph 1.

4. 保持建设性:即使不同意审稿人的意见,也要保持建设性,提供合理解释而不是简单否定。

例子:  ```

Reviewer 3's comment:

3. Questions the representativeness of the study sample.

Response: We understand the reviewer's concern and have added a detailed explanation of the sample selection and its representativeness in the manuscript, see page 6, paragraph 3. Additionally, considering the specific objectives of this study, we believe the selected sample is representative.

5. 提供修改后的文稿:在回复中标明修改后的文稿位置,并附上修改后的文稿,方便编辑和审稿人核对。

例子:  ```

Please find the revised manuscript attached. All changes have been highlighted for ease of review.

6. 总结和展望:在回复的结尾,对所有审稿人的意见再次表示感谢,并简要总结所做的主要改动,展望文章的改进方向。

例子:  ```

Thank you again for the valuable feedback. We have made detailed revisions based on the comments, including additions to the literature review, more detailed descriptions in the methods section, and discussions on sample representativeness. We hope the revised manuscript meets your expectations.

7. 不要给自己挖坑,就是你的解释要是合理且合逻辑的,比如,审稿人让你补充实验,你没有条件了,那你就可以说明目前的数据能够证明我们的创新点,这个你们会在之后的研究考虑就可以。通过以上关键点,可以确保回复审稿人意见时全面、礼貌且有建设性,增加文章被接受的几率。


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