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2024/6/6 14:53:16  阅读:32 发布者:

首先,我们要知道标题的结构是什么。英文题名多以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语( noun phrase)最为常见,即题名基本上由一个或几个名词或名词短语加上其前置和()后置定语构成。


Example 1 Catheter a blation for superventricular tachycardia in clcongenital heart diseases.

Example 2 Antioxidant property of ginsenoside Re in cardiomyocytes.

Example 3 Molecular physiology of cardiac repolarization.

Example 4 Pharmacological differentiation between intracellular calcium pumpisoforms

现以“ Example1, Example2”为例加以分析。“ Catheter ablation”(导管切除)是主要的名词短语(中心词),“for superventricular tachycardia”(室上性心动过速)“ in children and congenital heart diseases”(在儿童和先天性心脏病患者)则为两个前置词后置定语,分别修饰、说明这种导管切除技术是在什么种型的疾病,以及在什么样的患者身上施行。又如 Example2,中心词“ Antioxidant property'”是一个名词短语,“ of ginsenoside Re"“ "in cardiomyocytes”也是两个前置词后置定语,用来修饰中心词抗氧化特征”,说明是什么物质的抗氧化特征”,以及对何种细胞的抗氧化作用。其他两组例句也大同小异,都有自己主要的名词短语作中心词及与其配合的前置词后置定语。



从统计得知,使用陈述句作标题的比例不高。因为题名主要起标示作用,而陈述句容易使题名具有判断性的语义。况且陈述句不够精练和醒目,重点也不易突出。因此,我们在拟标题的时候还是少用句子作标题为上策。但是,如果十分必要的话也不排除使用陈述句作标题。 Soler分析和研究了570篇论文和综述的标题后指出,用完整句子作标题的文章不仅出现在一般性的研究论文中,也出现在特殊的生物、医药学科技研究论文中。这里,笔者也选择几例用句子作标题的例句,仅供参考。

Example 1 Scutellaria baicalensis decreases ritonavir-in duced nausea.

Example 2 Nitric oxide inhalation inhibits inducible nitric oxide synthase but not nitrotyrosine formation and cell apoptosis in rat lungs with meconium-in duced injury.

Example 3 A denovirus-mediated transfer of the PTEN inhibits human colorectal cancer grow in vitro and in vivo.

Example 4 Pre- and post-dialysis blood pressures are imprecise estimates of interdialytic ambulatory blood pressure.




Example 1 Do hypertension and diabetes mellitus influence the site of atherosclerotic plaques?

Example 2 Relationship between ciliary blood flow and aqueous production:does it play a role in gleucoma therapy?

Example 3 Is ginseng free from adverse effects?

Example 4 Can hyperparathyroid bone disease be arrested or reversed?

Example 5 Actions of aldosterone in the cardiole cardiovascular system: the good, the bad, and the ugly?

Example 6 Is it safe to allow patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators to drive? Learnings from a single center experience.







Example 1 Action potential duration restitution and alternans in ra bbit ventricular myocytes: The key role of intracellular calcium cycling.

Example 2 Lisuride, a dopamine receptor agonist with 5-HT2B receptor antagonist properties: absence of cardiac valvulopathy adverse drug reaction reports supports the concept of a crucial role for 5-HT2B receptor agonism in cardiac vavular fibrosis.

Example 3 Digoxin-induced delayed afterdepolarizations: Biphasic effects of digoxin on action potential duration and the Q T interval in cardiac Purkinje tibe.

Example 4 Depression in patients with end-stage renal disease treated with dialysis: Has the time to treat arrived?

Example4是比较罕见的标题。美国 George Washington大学,肾病和高血压组的作者不仅使用了副标题”,而且副标题还使用了句子;不仅使用了句子,而且还使用了疑问句。这种题目兼顾使用副标题和疑问句的双重特点和优点,是较为难以掌握的命题类型,使用起来需要倍加小心,避免不当情况的出现。


在题目字数方面还须说明的是,国外英语科技期刊杂志一般对题目的字数是有所限制的。例如,美国医学会( A merican medicine association)规定,该学会所办的杂志,论文题名不能超过2,而每行不得超过42个印刷符号和空格。美国国立癌症研究所杂志J Nat Cancer Inst要求题名不超过14个单词。而英国数学会要求题名不超过12个词。因此,在决定目标杂志以后,你需要细读作者须知”,严格按照作者须知的要求命题。这些规定在投稿时一定要严格遵守,不能有半点差错。需要说明的是,在不同时期、不同情况下,杂志社对题目字数的要求会有所变更。作者在选定目标杂志后,还必须在互联网上查询,以确保杂志当时对标题字数的要求。



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