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2024/5/16 9:14:51  阅读:18 发布者:

英文中尽量不要把主语写得很长。打个比方,中文我们喜欢说长臂猿的手臂很长,翻译成英文如果按照中文的语序则译成“The arms of gibbons are long”,这显然还是中文的思维;按照英文的思维,应该译成“Gibbons have long arms”会更加地道。

所以在医学英文论文中,很多时候更倾向于说:Group A had a significantly higher serum level of … than group B,而不是The serum level of … in group A was significantly higher than that in group B.

差:The X-ray findings of silicosis of the treatment group showed an improvement.

好:The treatment group showed an improvement in the X-ray findings of silicosis.

差:The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of different doses of aminophylline were different.

好:Different doses of aminophylline had different pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

差:The survival of the two groups was compared.

好:Survival was compared between the two groups.

差:The total bilirubin levels of the two groups were significantly different.

好:Total bilirubin levels were significantly different between the two groups.


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