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2024/5/14 9:45:02  阅读:26 发布者:


methodology method


例句  We examined the methodology of contemporary forensic science.


例句  We invented a new method of manufacturing ceramics.


if whether


例句  The participants were asked whether or not they felt any discomfort after the treatment.

*如上例,“or not”意指暗示或理解,可省略。

例句  The participants were asked whether (or not) they felt any discomfort after the treatment.


例句  If the results are inconclusive, the experiment should be repeated.


例句  I wonder if he will be willing to help.


older elder



1. They are older than all the other participants

2. He is the oldest student in the class.



1. He has two elder sisters

2. She is the eldest of three siblings.


例句  She is the elder partner in the business.


例句 The village elders convened a meeting to discuss the employment situation.


number amount


例句  We received an enormous amount of help from our university.


例句  I had a small number of specimens left.


Hypothesis Theory


例句  His hypothesis was that giving his students less work would increase their test scores.


例句  Scientists hold the theory of evolution in high regard.


Old Original


例句  Some old theories suggested that the earth was flat.

另一方面,“original”是指同类中的第一个或被复制的第一个版本,例如“the original statement”“ the original work of art”

例句  The team replicated the original research to confirm its validity.


避免使用 As we had stated in the old manuscript, each patient was administered the same dosage during the study period.

较好的用法 As we had stated in the original manuscript, each patient was administered the same dosage during the study period.


As a result Based on the results

“as a result”意由于,用于表达一事件是另一项事情的起因时。

例句 The results of the experiment were inconclusive. As a result, the research had to be repeated.


“based on the results”“the results revealed”是表示根据特定结果得到的

例句 Based on the results of the experiment, we concluded that bats are nocturnal creatures.

“as a result”“ based on the results”“the results revealed”各有不同的意思,因此无法替换使用。


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