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2024/5/7 9:45:39  阅读:25 发布者:





[The reviewer is correct that the test-retest period is too long, and we removed this analysis from the manuscript. Removing this analysis also clarified that the only data used are baseline and not affected by the intervention.]




[The reviewer may have overlooked our statement in the paper that we ran nonparametric and parametric tests, and the results were the same (i.e., significant changes). Because the results were the same, we reported the parametric, which includes the mean and SD, which are easier for a reader to understand, vs. the nonparametric Wilcoxon ranks. Although parametric statistics are used with only interval data in the most conservative approach, parametric statistics are used extensively in nursing, psychology, public health, and other research literature with ordinal scale data. (Note: No manuscript revisions were needed with this response)]




[Thank you for noting the age of some of our references. REF is a seminal article that includes the definition of health literacy experts have widely adopted. The study by REF is seminal, as it is the first large-scale national assessment of adult health literacy. This study is known for having established a much-needed baseline of health literacy at the time, which can be used to assess future progress in health literacy. The manuscript was edited to underscore this point. Thank you for asking for further clarification, which helps to strengthen the manuscript. Studies by REF are single-center studies whose interventions have improved children with medical complexity health outcomes but do not include the variable of health literacy




[Although the dataset is small, we believe reporting on the first test of this instrument is a contribution to the beginning development of measures for autonomy support in the family context. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to examine autonomy support in the heart failure population and in the context of managing a chronic illness. We agree that the dataset is small; however, we titled this paper “preliminary” to acknowledge the small sample size (Note: No manuscript revisions were needed with this response)]



作者回复:我们在这项研究中使用了ZBI,而未用其他常用量表(如PSI,育儿压力指数)。尽管PSI已广泛用于发育障碍(DDs)儿童的母亲,但它并非专门为DDs儿童的父母设计,因子分析也不支持PSI的两个分量表[参考文献]。虽然ZBI最初是为阿尔茨海默病或痴呆症患者的照护者开发,但ZBI的修订版本已在DDs儿童的父母中使用,并得到了其他群体的验证[参考文献]。因此,我们在本研究中使用了ZBI (注:此回复未修改手稿)

[We used the ZBI over other commonly used measures of stress within this population (e.g., PSI). Although the PSI has been widely used in mothers of children with DDs, it was not specifically designed for parents of children with DDs, and the factor analysis failed to sup- port two subscales of the PSI (REF; REF). Although ZBI was originally developed for caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s or dementia, the modified version of the ZBI has been used in parents of children with DDs and validated by other caregiver populations (REF). Therefore, we used the ZBI in this study (Note: No manuscript revisions were needed with this response)]



[We agree this will be interesting and something we plan to analyze in future research with a larger sample. We were not able to make these comparisons with such a small sample as we would not be able to have adequate data for meaningful conclusions (Note: No manuscript revisions were needed with this response)]




[The 8-week intervention period was selected because the focus of the intervention was to assess behavior change initiation and sustainability, which can be observed in this period. The focus was not on a change in health indicators; however, for a future test of the intervention, we will focus on a change in health indicators, and a 12-week follow is more appropriate for observing a change in (e.g., blood pressure and body mass index). Justification for the 8 weeks was added to the methods section.]




[Thank you for this request. Because of the small sample size, the data were not isolated as some of the professions had only one or two participants, and this could affect the anonymity of participants and their responses (Note: no manuscript revisions were needed with this response)]




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