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2024/4/11 14:18:56  阅读:25 发布者:




论文标题:XXX  XXX  XXX

Response to Reviewers


Dear Dr. XXX,

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to submit a revised draft of the manuscript “XXX(文稿题目)” for publication in the Journal of Poetry and Psychology. We appreciate the time and effort that you and the reviewers dedicated to providing feedback on our manuscript and are grateful for the insightful comments on and valuable improvements to our paper.

We have incorporated most of the suggestions made by the reviewers. Those changes are highlighted within the manuscript. Please see below, in blue, for a point-by-point response to the reviewers’comments and concerns. All page numbers refer to the revised manuscript file with tracked changes.



Reviewers' Comments to the Authors:


Reviewer 1

There are numerous strengths to this study, including its diverse sample and well-informed hypotheses.(比较认可文稿)

Author response:

Thank you!

1. 【指出了手稿中的错误或疏忽】。诸如语法、拼写等只需在文本中做简单修改的问题。

Response: Thank you for pointing this out. The reviewer is correct, and we have 【解释你针对此错误所做的更改】。The revised text reads as follows on :

【更正之后的文本: XXXXXXXX


2. 【建议对手稿进行特定部分的修改】例如某处内容阐述的不太合理。

Response: As suggested by the reviewer, we have 【解释所做的具体修改,并说明在修改后的手稿中可以找到已修改文本的确切位置(几行几列/第几段第几行)】

3. 【建议对手稿进行大面积的修改,需要在多个地方进行更正】

Response: We agree with the reviewer’s assessment. Accordingly, throughout the manuscript, we have revised 【解释文中变化,例如,改变研究变量出现的顺序或替换论文中的术语或首字母缩略词等】.

4. 【要求讨论或分析超出了论文范围或现有数据的话题】

Response: Thank you for this suggestion. It would have been interesting to explore this aspect. However, in our study, this would not be possible because【为建议未被实施的原因提供明确的解释,还可以指出我们下一篇文章将阐述该话题】

Reviewer 2

In general, I did not find this study to make a valuable contribution to the literature or to science.

Author response:

While we appreciate the reviewer’s feedback, we respectfully disagree. We think this study makes a valuable contribution to the field because 【描述通过你的研究和其结果或发现所获得的知识、提供的见解、回答的问题等】

1. 【指出了该研究未解决的局限性】

Response: We agree that this is a potential limitation of the study. We have added this as a limitation on 【在修改稿中插入可以发现变更的确切位置】:

“Another potential limitation is 【简要描述这个局限性以及你在研究中为解决它所采取的措施,或者未来的研究人员将如何解决它】

2. 【要求增加额外的内容,这些内容是可以实现的】例如,在引言中对某一主题进行更多的背景介绍,在讨论中对某一发现进行扩展的反思等。

Response:  We have added the suggested content to the manuscript on 【插入修改稿中更正的确切位置】.

3. 【要求进行某些讨论或分析,但由于现有数据的限制,这些讨论或分析是不可能实现的】

Response:  Thank you for pointing this out. Although we agree that this is an important consideration, it is 【超出了研究范围/不适合纳入/无法分析】 in this manuscript because 【提供无法完成的正当理由】.

4. 【要求修改稿件的特定部分】

Response: 【特定部分】 has been updated, such that 【解释更改之处】.




Once again, we thank you for the time you put in reviewing our paper and look forward to meeting your expectations. Since your inputs have been precious, in the eventuality of a publication, we would like to acknowledge your contribution explicitly.


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