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2024/4/3 10:09:13  阅读:21 发布者:




1.      Review的主题和目标。我们必须首先需要让读者明白我们这篇综述要讨论的是哪一方面的内容,讨论的目标是什么。这样读者才能判断这篇review是否是他们所需要的。

      In this review, we systematically outlinethe currently developed XXX

      In this review article, we present acomprehensive overview over XXX

      we now focus on the new and mostimportant advances of XXX

2.      我们应该明确对某个理论或者假说持赞成、反对和持中立观点的文献。

赞成:In line with previous studies …

      In good agreement with XXXtheory/hypothesis…

反对:By contrast, other reports claimed that XXX,rather than YYY

      However, this wascontradicting to

中立:Another important factor contributing tocontradictions in the literature is …

3.      解释作品之间的异同。

       The reason for the conflicting conclusions inthe literature is …

4.      阐述文献所使用的方法。比如是理论计算还是实验结果,或是都有。

      Bothexperimental and simulated results have been published to stand for …

5.      检查研究中还需要改进或更多研究的地方。

The theoretical models and experimental data need to become moreconnected and consistent with each other.

6.      评估每项研究如何对所讨论的论点做出贡献。

      Thiswork opened up the experimental exploration of …

     Another advantage of this method is that…

7.      总结文献综述的结论。

In this review, we havesummarized the …

Based on those, we proposed somegeneral guidelines for…

Several fundamental problems mustbe solved before drawing any universal conclusions


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