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2024/4/2 11:49:00  阅读:26 发布者:




in parenthetical statements


1. 当出现在句子中间时,逗号永远是成对出现的。

The inhibitor genistein, known to be selective for tyrosine kinases, unexpectedly inhibited this serine kinase-mediated response also.

2. 如果插入部分位于句子尾端,可以只出现一个逗号。

The reaction was inhibited by C3 toxin, a selective blocker of Rho.

3. 单独一个词(或简单的短句)作为插入部分,不需要用逗号。

þ The protein kinase inhibitor genistein did not alter the response.

ý The protein kinase inhibitor, genistein, did not alter the response.

4. andbut要引导插入部分要用逗号跟主句分开。

þ The control cells showed modest internalization but,contrary to our hypothesis, drug-treated cells showed even less internalization.

ý The control cells showed modest internalization, but contrary to our hypothesis, drug-treated cells showed even less internalization.




in compound sentences

1. 在复合句中,通常没有“..., and...”这种写法,除非“and”两边的句子是独立的,即两边的句子都有自己的主语和谓语。而如果一个句子中出现“and”,但是没有逗号,那么“and”连接的分句不需要有另外的主语。

ý The cells were pretreated with pertussis toxin for 24 hr, and lysed by scraping in a hypotonic buffer.


þ The cells were pretreated with pertussis toxin for 24 hr and lysed by scraping in a hypotonic buffer.

2. 不能滥用逗号来分隔长句。


ý For long sentences, the better alternative is to make them two separate sentences, with either a period or a semi-colon separating them, rather than using lots of commas, which I find annoying, and others will also, so avoid doing this.

þ For long sentences, the better alternative is to make them two separate sentences. Use either a period or a semi-colon separating them, rather than using lots of commas. I find excess commas annoying, and others will also. Annoying your readers should always be avoided!


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