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写作技巧 | 这些常见的连接词使用错误

2024/3/19 14:23:39  阅读:46 发布者:





The measured decrease in density suggested a significant loss of mass. Furthermore, this was also confirmed by the spectrometry results.

“furthermore”一词通常用来连接补充信息。还可以用“additional”“in addition”“further”来替代。


To replicate these experiments would be difficult. Moreover, it would serve no practical purpose.

"at the same time""meanwhile"当成上述的连接词用的情况很常见。在非正式场合,它们可以当成连接词使用,但在科学论文中,最好只在表示“simultaneously”,即同时时用这两个短语。

During the reaction, a large peak appeared in the spectrum. At the same time, the pressure in the chamber increased by a factor of two.



Almost all the samples survived the impact intact. However, one shattered completely.

其他词也可以起这样的作用,像“nonetheless”可以用作“despite what has just been said”(无论如何):

The overall efficiency of this method is low. Nonetheless, it remains a popular approach to the problem.

“nevertheless”这个词与“nonetheless”同义,它们可以互换使用。而“even so”则是与其同义但是稍微没这么正式的说法。

但是像“anyhow”“still”以及“all the same”这样的词最好就不要用在科学论文中,因为它们过于不正式。

“in contrast”这个短语可以用来强调两个结果之间的差别:

The males spent on average 36% of their time engaged in territorial disputes. In contrast, the females showed no interest in these quarrels.

“conversely”可以在这个句子中替代“in contrast”

另外需要注意的是,"on the other hand"这一短语似乎在论文出现得太多了。编辑或读者看到这种连接词可能会觉得千篇一律,所以最好尽可能少用,尤其是没有与之对应的另一半“on the one hand”出现时。这种情况下,可以用“on the contrary”代替:

The reaction rate did not increase with temperature; on the contrary, it was found to decrease.



首当其冲的就是“in order to”,虽然严格来讲它跟上述的例子不属于同一类别,但是它出现的频率实在是太高了。实际上,我们完全可以用“to”来代替这个短语,从而让我们的文章更简洁易读。

其次就是“nowadays”这个词,虽然用法没错,但是这个词出现在论文显得过于口语化。我们可以考虑用更具体的表达方法,比如:“in the last three years”“since 2010”或直接说“currently”

另外,“What’s more”这个短语在论文中也稍显不正式,可以用上述的连接词替代,如“moreover”“in addition”。而“besides”也是一种不正式的说法,可以用“moreover”替代。


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