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2024/3/18 13:41:23  阅读:41 发布者:



1. SCI 写作Introduction部分五要素

1.1 阐述背景、意义


1.2 指出研究领域存在的争议问题


1.3 聚焦论文关键词或主题


1.4 回顾和概览前人对领域的研究


1.5 提出本论文的工作及创新点


2. 论文中的句子质量

有人通篇用中式英语表达,如:Many scholars have proposed that....;we can use A to handle b; A is important to B;等等。这些句子虽然能表达作者的意思,但是语言不精炼。不妨替换为It is proposed by many scholars that...A is suggested to be used to handle B; The importance of A to B is beyond doubt.


2.1 原因解释常用句式

This inconsistency may be due to …

This discrepancy could be attributed to …

A possible explanation for this might be that …

This rather contradictory result may be due to …

It seems possible that these results are due to …

The observed increase in X could be attributed to …

The possible interference of X cannot be ruled out …

There are several possible explanations for this result.

There are two likely causes for the differences between …

A possible explanation for these results may be the lack of adequate …

Since this difference has not been found elsewhere it is probably not due to …

2.2 结果讨论常用句式

These findings cannot be extrapolated to all patients.

These data must be interpreted with caution because …

These results therefore need to be interpreted with caution.

These results do not rule out the influence of other factors in …

This account must be approached with some caution because …

It is important to bear in mind the possible bias in these responses.

Although exclusion of X did not …, these results should be interpreted with caution.

However, with a small sample size, caution must be applied, as the findings might not be …

2.3 提出建议常用句式

Strategies to enhance X might involve …

Other types of response could include: a), b). …

These results would seem to suggest that the …

There would therefore seem to be a definite need for …

A reasonable approach to tackle this issue could be to …

Another possible area of future research would be to investigate why …

2.4 描述数据常用句式

Over half of those surveyed indicated that …

Nearly half of the respondents (48%) agreed that …

Approximately half of those surveyed did not comment on …

Less than a third of those who responded (32%) indicated that …

The number of first marriages in the United Kingdom fell by nearly two-fifths.

Of the 148 patients who completed the questionnaire, just over half indicated that …

2.5 陈述定义常用句式

The term ‘X’ was first used by …

The term ‘X’ can be traced back to …

Previous studies mostly defined X as …

The term ‘X’ was introduced by Smith in her …

Historically, the term ‘X’ has been used to describe …

It is necessary here to clarify exactly what is meant by …

This shows a need to be explicit about exactly what is meant by the word ‘X’.


To date, little evidence has been found associating X with Y.

Up to now, the research has tended to focus on X rather than on Y.

So far, three factors have been identified as being potentially important: X, Y, and Z.

Since 1965, these four economies have doubled their share of world production and trade.

Until recently, there has been little interest in X.

Recently, these questions have been addressed by researchers in many fields.

In recent years, researchers have investigated a variety of approaches to X but …

More recently, literature has emerged that offers contradictory findings about …

The past decade has seen the rapid development of X in many …

Over the past 30 years there has been a significant increase in …

Over the past century there has been a dramatic increase in …

Over the past few decades, the world has seen the stunning transformation of X, Y and Z.

2.7 总结论文常用句式

Thus far, the thesis has argued that …

The previous section has shown that …

To conclude this section, the literature identifies …

This section has reviewed the three key aspects of …

In summary, it has been shown from this review that …

This chapter has described the methods used in this investigation and it has …

This section has attempted to provide a brief summary of the literature relating to …

This chapter began by describing X and arguing that … It went on to suggest that the …

In this section, it has been explained that … The chapter that follows moves on to consider the…

3. SCI论文撰写过程6大法则

3.1 核心观点












3.2 好的想法



3.3 论文框架




4 资料整理






5 写作和修改



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