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2024/3/13 13:59:12  阅读:27 发布者:


麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。 一篇好的摘要应该是整个文章的缩影,涵盖文章的Introduction (Intro.)Materials & Methods (M&M)Results Discussion (R&D) Conclusion (Concl.) 五大部分。


Effects of plant arsenic uptake and heavy metals on arsenic distribution in an arsenic-contaminated soil. Environ. Pollut. 147: 737-742


This study examined the effects of heavy metals and plant arsenic uptake on soil arsenic distribution.


Chemical fractionation of an As-contaminated soil spiked with 50 or 200 mg/kg Ni, Zn, Cd or Pb was performed before and after growing the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata for 8 weeks using NH4Cl (water-soluble plus exchangeable, WE-As), NH4F (Al-As), NaOH (Fe-As), and H2SO4 (Ca-As).


Arsenic in the soil was present primarily as the recalcitrant forms with Ca-As being the dominant fraction. Arsenic taken up by P. vittata was from all fractions though Ca-As contributed the most. After 8 weeks of plant growth, the Al-As and Fe-As fractions were significantly greater in the metal-spiked soils than the control, with changes in the WE-As fraction being significantly correlated with plant arsenic removal.


The plant's ability to solubilize soil arsenic from recalcitrant fractions may have enhanced its ability to hyperaccumulate arsenic.



Arsenic-induced up-regulation of P transporters helps both As and P uptake in As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata


Plants often up-regulate the gene expression of P transporters under P deficiency, but down-regulate under arsenic stress. Different from other P transporters, PvPht1;3 and PvPht1;4 from As-hyperaccumulator P. vittata are efficient in taking up both P and As.


This study examined the mechanisms behind As-induced up-regulation of P transporters in P. vittata after exposing to 10-50 µM arsenate (AsV) for 14 d under hydroponics, with non-hyperaccumulator P. ensiformis as a control.


Under As stress, P. vittata was more efficient in taking up both As and P than P. ensiformis, showing 48-84% more P concentrations in the fronds and roots, leading to 18-79% greater biomass. Moreover, under 50 µm AsV, the P taken up by P. Vittata was mainly retained in the roots to counter As toxicity, with its ratio of inorganic P to total P in the roots being reduced from 27% to 6%. Though As enhanced P uptake by P. vittata, it was likely that under As stress, more P was utilized by P. vittata to counter As toxicity, leading to inorganic P level in the roots. Further, some P taken up by P. vittata was  converted to phytate-P in the biomass, increasing by 26-75% from 239-713 to 418-1221 mg/kg, helping maintain low inorganic P levels. Under As-induced low inorganic P conditions, the expression of P transporters  PvPht1;3 and PvPht1;4 were up-regulated by 1.4- and 2.7-fold in the roots, helping greater As and P uptake by P. vittata.


Clearly, As-induced up-regulation of P transporters in P. vittata played a critical role in taking up both As and P, thereby increasing its efficiency in As-hyperaccumulation from contaminated media.


Characteristics of Arsenic Accumulation by Pteris and non-Pteris Ferns. Plant Soil. 277:117-126


This research was conducted to understand the mechanisms of arsenic hyperaccumulation in Pteris vittata by comparing the characteristics of arsenic accumulation in Pteris and non-Pteris ferns.


Seven Pteris (P.vittata, P. Cretica Rowerii, P. Cretica Parkerii, P. Cretica Albo-lineata, P. Quadriavrita, P. Ensiformis and P. Dentata) and six non-Pteris (Arachnoides simplicor, Didymochlaena truncatula, Dryopteris atrata, Dryopteris erythrosora, Cyrtomium falcatum, and Adiantum hispidulum) ferns were exposed to 0, 1 and 10 ppm arsenic as sodium arsenate for 14-d in hydroponic systems.


As a group, the Pteris ferns were more efficient in arsenic accumulation than the non-Pteris ferns, with P. vittata being the most efficient followed by P. cretica. When exposed to 10 ppm As, arsenic concentrations in the fronds and roots of P. vittata were 1748 and 503 ppm. Though not all Pteris ferns were efficient in accumulating arsenic, none of the non-Pteris ferns was an efficient As accumulator. The fact that frond arsenic concentrations in the control were highly correlated with those exposed to As (r2= 0.8–0.9) may suggest that they may be used as a preliminary tool to screen potential arsenic hyperaccumulators.


Our research confirms that the ability of P. vittata to translocate arsenic from the roots to the fronds (73–77% As in the fronds), reduce arsenate to arsenite in the fronds (>50% AsIII in the fronds), and maintain high concentrations of phosphate in the roots (48–53% in the roots) all contributed to its arsenic tolerance and hyperaccumulation.



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