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2024/3/13 13:57:47  阅读:30 发布者:










此外,在引言的写作过程中,一定要牢记前呼后应(Based on important results),即根据自己后续的重要数据和结论来构架引言的逻辑、选择写作的侧重点。倘若你的部分结果并不能证明某一问题,而你却在引言里面详细叙述这一方面的内容,一方面会偏题,另一方面会引起读者对你文章的质疑。

如果引言里面包含有专业术语或缩写词,务必解释以帮助读者阅读与理解。例如,The increased As uptake is attributed to selenate-enhanced activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPX), which reduces As-induced production of reactive oxygen species H2O2









浙江大学马奇英教授:“Last sentences should be a statement of objectives”


下面以南京大学历红波老师发表在EST的一篇文章Childhood Lead Exposure in an Industrial Town in China: Coupling Stable Isotope Ratios with Bioaccessible Lead中国某工业城镇儿童铅暴露:稳定同位素比值与生物可给铅的耦合)为例。


Lead (Pb) exposure is a serious hazard for children, adversely affecting their cognitive and behavioral development.


Recent reports suggest that neurological damage occurs in children at low blood lead levels (BLLs; 2–10 μg dL–1), indicating there are no “safe” BLLs.


Although a dramatic decline in BLLs is observed worldwide after leaded gasoline has been phased out, children’s exposure to Pb is still common in China because of industrial expansion.


To reduce exposure to Pb for children living near industrial areas, it is important to identify predominant Pb exposure pathways, which include both nondietary (ingestion of dust/soil and inhalation of particulates) and dietary pathways (consumption of food and drinking water).


However, identifying major exposure pathways is often compromised by the lack of paired data of blood Pb with environmental Pb for a given cohort.

Fingerprinting based on stable Pb isotope ratios (207Pb/206Pb and 208Pb/206Pb) of environmental and blood samples helps to identify Pb exposure pathways.


In general, natural sources of Pb have ratios lower than those of anthropogenic sources. As a result, when environmental Pb sources are isotopically distinct from one another, Pb exposure pathways may be identified by comparing the isotopic composition of blood Pb with environmental Pb.


Over the years, this technique has been successful in identifying pathways of childhood Pb exposure. For example, by comparing the 208Pb/206Pb isotope ratio in environmental media (e.g., soil, dust, paint, air particulates, and gasoline) with that in blood samples of children having elevated BLLs (28–43 μg dL–1), Yaffe et al. found that blood isotope ratios were close to those of soil and housedust, suggesting ingestion of soil and housedust was the source of blood Pb. Liang et al. found that the Pb isotopic composition of children’s blood in Shanghai, China, matched those in PM10 and coal combustion ash, suggesting inhalation of air particulates contaminated with coal combustion ash was an important blood Pb contributor. Cao et al. found close agreement between Pb isotope ratios of children’s blood and vegetables, wheat, drinking water, and air particulates, while blood Pb ratios were different from those of soil and housedust, suggesting that dietary and inhalation pathways were the most likely sources of children’s blood Pb. Similarly, Gulson et al. and Delves and Campbell successfully used Pb isotopes to identify housedust and drinking water as predominant blood Pb sources in children.


However, there have also been studies that failed to identify blood Pb sources in humans. Manton et al. suggested that the success rate of blood Pb source identification using Pb isotopes in the United States is ∼20%. One reason is the overlap of isotopic compositions of different environment samples with one another. For example, Soto-Jiménez and Flegal found that the Pb isotope ratios of dust, soil, and aerosols from a smelting area of México were indistinguishable from each other, all being similar to blood Pb ratios. Another issue associated with previous Pb isotope studies is that isotope ratios are usually determined for total Pb in environmental media. However, it is recognized that following ingestion or inhalation of soil, dust, air, and food matrices, only the bioavailable fraction of Pb is absorbed into the systemic circulation. Conceivably, comparison of Pb isotope ratios for blood and total Pb in environmental matrices may not provide an accurate estimate of exposure sources when isotope ratios of bioavailable Pb and nonbioavailable Pb differ.






In this study, BLLs were assessed in a cohort of children who resided in Zhuhang, China, a town characterized by intensive wire rope production. Potential Pb exposure sources were assessed by determining total and bioaccessible Pb concentrations, and stable Pb isotope ratios in children’s blood and environmental media. We hypothesized that comparing Pb isotopic data between children’s blood and bioaccessible Pb in environmental media would provide an approach for identifying Pb exposure pathways more robust than total Pb determinations, especially when isotope ratios vary significantly between total and bioaccessible Pb.



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