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文献综述literature review怎么写?万能模板+高分句型!

2024/3/13 11:20:14  阅读:43 发布者:

文献综述literature review是毕业论文里最重要的一个部分之一,且是文章的开端部分,可以说literature review写的好,文章给人的第一印象就成功了一半。

今天这篇文章,小帮就要来和大家介绍literature review的写法、结构、以及句型。


介绍理论背景 (theoretical framework)

在回顾具体的文献前,需要先介绍出你的research topic下的理论背景或模型,因为这是所有literaturefoundation!是最fundamental的东西!


介绍已有研究 (existing literature)


1 有重点

这里注意,虽然是literature review,但一定不是文献的堆积,要be selective!选出最和你研究课题相关的4-5篇文章重点回顾,其他的可以简略的说。

2 有层次





Recent evidence suggests that …

Extensive/Previous/Prior research has shown that …

Previous research has established that …

A series of recent studies have indicated that…

Studies over the past two decades have provided important information on …

There is a growing body of literature that investigates…

Ample evidence exists to support the view/hypothesis that…

Researchers have become increasingly interested in…

… is an emerging research area in the field of …


The extent to which … has remained controversial.

Whether and the extent to which … determines the … is controversial.

However, the extent to which the model of … influences … has been under much debate in the field of…. Some … whereas some …

There appear to be discrepancies between some of the reported observations.

The results on this question are mixed.

Research on this issue presents conflicting findings.

The literature on __ is less consistent.

There is far less consensus as to…


介绍 (research gap)

已有的研究回顾完了,就该展现你的研究了。也就是我们必须要回答的why you are doing what you are doing的问题。





这都是你的critical thinking,是属于你的精华!

[research gap]万能句型 (缺少前人研究)

While/Whist/Although some/extensive/a considerable body of research has been carried out on …, much less is known about…

To date, this problem has received little/scant attention in the research literature.

The role of … in … is less certain/understudied/poorly understood.

So far, however, there has been very little discussion about…

In contrast to…, there is much less information about the effects of…

[research gap]万能句型 (前人研究缺陷)

This seems to be a common problem in…

The limitations of … are increasingly apparent.

One limitation in … is that…

The existing studies have many problems in …

The existing accounts fail to resolve/address…

Half of the studies evaluated failed to specify…

…’s research is not without controversy.


介绍当前的研究 (the current study)

最后就可以很自然的引出你的study了。这里是一个overview,以及需要再次明确你的research aim。这里应该和第三步的研究断层一致,才能前后呼应。

[research aim]万能句型

This study/paper/essay is aimed at…/provides an overview of.../discusses the role of ... in.../investigates the factors that determine…

The aim of this study is twofold. The first is to…. The second is to ….


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