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2022/1/7 15:54:36 来源:官网信息 阅读:474 发布者:


Notes for Contributors

The following notes are intended to give guidance to authors submitting papers for publication in the Society’s Journal.


Papers submitted for publication should be sent direct to the Editorial Office (JSLTC), at Sands Cottage, Holme Road, Kirton Holme, Boston, PE20 1SY. UK. Submissions are welcome by e-mail to: editor@sltc.org

It is the policy of the Journal to publish papers in all fields having a bearing on any aspect of leather science providing (a) that they describe work news watches which makes a new contribution to knowledge in this field, or (b) that they describe methods or processes which represent technological progress in leather production, testing, etc. or (c) that they review selected areas of leather science, technology or related fields.

The Journal also publishes details of Society Proceedings, Reports of the IULTCS Commission and Official Test Methods.

Submission of a paper to the Editorial Office will be held to imply that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that, if accepted for the Journal, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form without the consent of the Editorial Office. Such consent will be withheld unreasonably.

Form of papers.

Papers should be submitted in English and must be of a sufficient standard to allow proper review of the work. Papers are required in electronic format -if submitted on disk, work must be accompanied by two sets of hard copy. E-mail versions are sufficient in themselves. Please restrict fonts to Times/ Helvetica/ Arial. Text files are preferred in Windows format in Word. If other versions are supplied please also send the document in “.txt” format.

Submissions should not include content created using the footnote/endnote feature of MS Word'.

Authors should refer to a current issue in order to become familiar with the typographical conventions, the layout of tables.

Papers should be headed by an informative title, followed by the names (with initials) of the authors and their organisations and business or private addresses, as relevant. It is regarded as particularly desirable that a concise but adequate summary should precede the main paper.

No hard and fast rules are made regarding the general layout of papers submitted but is advisable to subdivide them into appropriate sections. It is considered essential that experimental work should be described in sufficient detail to permit of its proper repetition.


Previous literature cited in a paper must be given accurate and adequate reference. Authors are particularly requested to ensure sufficient correlation between references in the text with references cited in the list of references concluding the paper. References in the text should be numbered consecutively and must be given in the final list in the form used in the Journal.

References are cited in the form:

Author(s) Surname(s), Initials., Journal, year, volume, first page of paper, e.g. Smith, J. S., J. Soc. Leather Technol. Chem., 1990, 74, 160.

This form generally follows the recommendations of BS 5605:1978 “Citing Publications by Bibliographical References” using the numeric system with text indication by superscript. Titles are omitted except where necessary to avoid confusion. Should references not lend themselves to this form then reference should be had to BS 6371:1983 “Citation of Unpublished Documents” and BS 1629:1989 “References to Published Materials”.

Periodical titles are abbreviated according to the recommendations of BS 4148:1985, abbreviations are also given in The Royal Society publication “Short Titles of Commonly cited Scientific Journals”.

Illustrations and tables.

Tables should not be embedded in the text file. Tables should be used, primarily, to record accurate data.

Illustrations (line drawings/ half-tones etc) should not be embedded in the text and should be supplied as a separate file for each illustration using common formats. Avoid the use of shading or coloured backgrounds to figures and the use of colour to distinguish between sets of values. Simply styled figures are required without ornate borders or boxes, any legend/ labels should be in 9pt Times. Illustrations should be of such size as not to lose definition when reduced to single column width (8.5 cm). Hard copy should be submitted on separate sheets and packed flat.

Illustrations supplied in electronic format should use a standard format. If supplied on disk illustrations should be accompanied by hard copy. Care should be exercised that disk files are accurately identified and referenced to the figures in the manuscript. Please ensure that half-tones presented on disk are of sufficient definition for reproduction. Digital images for the Journal should be submitted as 300dpi, TIF or JPG files.

The final cropped image size at 300dpi should be no less than 90mm wide for single column or 180mm wide for double column.


A proof will be supplied either, as a pdf file, if this is convenient, or as hard copy. Will authors please advise the editor of any corrections/ errors in a clear and unambiguous fashion. It must be understood that proofs are sent to authors solely for correction of printer’s errors. Proofs are not to be taken as an opportunity for second thoughts.

The Society no longer supplies offprints to authors, complimentary copies are supplied of the issue in which a paper is printed.





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