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2022/1/7 15:39:51 来源:官网信息 阅读:577 发布者:


Author Guidelines


The Journal of the Society for Information Display publishes original works dealing with the theory and practice of information display. Coverage includes materials, devices and systems; the underlying chemistry, physics, physiology and psychology; measurement techniques, manufacturing technologies; and all aspects of the interaction between equipment and its users. Review articles are also published in all of these areas.

Occasional special issues or sections consist of collections of papers on specific topical areas or collections of full length papers based in part on oral or poster presentations given at conferences sponsored by the Society for Information Display (SID).


All manuscripts submitted are reviewed by at least two reviewers expert in the subject matter of the manuscript, to assure novelty, accuracy and the appropriate application of scientific and technologic methods. Authors are encouraged to be brief, but not incomplete; effective communication of your ideas is essential.

The Journal is published in English. The Editors will help only with minor revisions in English. A manuscript may be rejected if it requires major rewriting in English.

The quality of technical papers depends, in part, on its readability. Completeness and readability are therefore key acceptance criteria for the Journal. We recommend that authors consider using editorial services prior to submission, especially if English is not their primary language. We have found that those who systematically have papers professionally edited are more likely to get recognized in their profession.


Four types of manuscript are accepted for publication: (1) regular papers, (2) reviews, (3) letters and (4) comments.

Papers are normally 6–10 published pages , but longer papers will be considered also. (Assume 900 words/page, with a figure consuming 200 words and a displayed equation 40 words.) Each paper must include an abstract of up to 200 words .

Reviews are typically 10–15 published pages and may be included provided they contribute an analysis that advances our understanding of the subject and make substantial reference to recent research.

Letters may be preliminary results, short reports on completed work, comments on material published previously, or notices of errors (errata). Letters should be a maximum of 2500 words , and should be preceded by a 50-word abstract (not required for comments or errata). Attempts will be made to publish letters more rapidly than regular papers.

Comments on another author's work will be sent to him or her so that a reply can be published along with the comment.

Authors should specify one of the above categories when submitting a paper to the Journal . The Editors may, under some circumstances, publish a submission under a different paper category than the author originally requested, with the consent of the author.


Submission of a manuscript amounts to the assurance that it has not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere, that it is not under consideration elsewhere, and that it will not be submitted elsewhere while it is considered for publication in this Journal . Prior publication does not include abstracts or short papers published in conference proceedings (not peer-reviewed), but it is expected that the paper submitted to the Journal will expand in scope and/or in detailed content the presentation made or published at the conference.

Where to Submit your Manuscript

The Journal operates an online submission and peer review system that allows authors to submit articles online and track their progress, throughout the peer-review process, via a web interface. All manuscripts must be submitted online via ScholarOne Manuscripts, located at  http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/sid . Full instructions and support are available on the site, and a user ID and password can be obtained on the first visit. Please have the following information ready:

For each author

title (e.g. Dr., Prof.)

first name, middle initial, and last name

order of appearance in the list of authors

e-mail address

primary (work) telephone number

(optional) primary (work) fax number

postal address, including department and institution

SID membership status (fellow, senior, member, student, non-member)

Full title of the manuscript

Abstract for the manuscript (50 words for letters and up to 200 words for the other manuscript categories)

Graphical Table of Contents (GTOC) abstract, comprising a short abstracts (maximum 60 words or 3 sentences) summarizing the key findings presented in the paper and preferably also a suitable figure (diagram or illustration selected from the manuscript or an additional eye-catching figure). This will be used in the online Table of Contents of the Journal issue if and once the paper is published. Since the GTOC is the part of the publication that will receive the highest number of views, it has to be approved by the reviewers and therefore it has to be provided upfront.

Subject-matter key words (up to six) for the manuscript

Suggested and/or excluded reviewers (include name, e-mail address, institution)




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