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2022/1/7 15:14:07 来源:官网信息 阅读:835 发布者:

Annals of Mathematics

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be sent electronically and in PDF format either to the Annals editorial office annals@math.princeton.edu or through the Mathematics e-print arXiv . If a paper is submitted through the arXiv, then please send us an e-mail with the arXiv number of the submission. Submissions must be written in English or French.

Please Note: At this time, we cannot accept submissions sent by postal mail.

Required Items

A brief abstract of about 200 words or less and a bibliography must be included in a submission.  The abstract should be self-contained and not make any reference to the bibliography.  If the submission is not in English, then two versions of the abstract must be included, one in the language of the article and one in English.


If a paper is accepted, we will ask the authors to submit all source material by email to the Annals office. Authors are encouraged to use LaTeX. The class file for the journal is aomart, and it is available from CTAN. Authors are not required to format their files with aomart.


Bibliographical references should be complete, including article titles and page ranges.  All references in the bibliography should be cited in the text.  The use of BibTeX is preferred but not required.

When a paper is published, the references will include the available links to the DOI number, Math Reviews number (accessible through MRLookup or MathSciNet), and Zentralblatt MATH number for each reference. If a reference has not been published, we will include the arXiv number or a URL to access the reference (if available).


Figures must be of publication quality. After acceptance, authors will need to submit the original source files in vector graphics format for all diagrams in your manuscript: vector EPS or vector PDF files are the most useful.

Most drawing and graphing packages — Mathematica, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, MATLAB, etc. — allow the user to save files in one of these formats. Make sure that what you are saving is vector graphics and not a bitmap.

We encourage you to bundle your figure files into a single archive (using zip, tar, rar or other format of your choice).

Each figure should be captioned and numbered so that it can float.  Small figures occupying no more than three lines of vertical space can be kept in the text (“the curve looks like this:”).  It is acceptable to submit a manuscript with all figures at the end, if their placement is specified in the text by means of comments such as “Place Figure 1 here.”  The same considerations apply to tables.

White Space

Forced line breaks or page breaks should not be inserted in the document.

Copyright Agreement

Authors of papers which have been accepted for publication will be asked to sign a copyright agreement.(pdf)


Page proofs will be made available to authors (or to the designated corresponding author)  in PDF format.


Authors of single-authored papers will receive 30 offprints.  Authors of papers with one co-author will receive 15 offprints, and authors of papers with two or more co-authors will receive 10 offprints.  Extra offprints may be purchased through the editorial office.

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