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2020年第七届能源与环境研究国际会议(ICEER 2020)

发布时间:2020/2/16 18:54:24 作者:新用户(ID:253240) 阅读:798





收录检索: Ei_Compendex、 Scopus

2020年第七届能源与环境研究国际会议(ICEER 2020)--Ei核心与Scopus检索

【ICEER 2020 |意大利, 罗马| 9月7日-11日】-Ei & Scopus

第七届能源与环境研究国际会议(ICEER 2020)将于2020年9月7日-11日在意大利罗马第三大学举行。本次会议为与会者提供一个交流的平台,讨论能源与环境领域的最新研究成果和未来的研究方向。我们热忱欢迎从事相关技术研究的专家学者踊跃投稿交流。会议官方网址:http://iceer.net

ICEER 2020接收并注册的文章将出版到由Ei & Scopus检索的会议论文集。


Roma Tre University, Italy 意大利罗马第三大学

Add: Via Vito Volterra, 6200146, Rome, Italy


ICEER 2019 July 22-25, 2019 | 阿威罗大学,葡萄牙

Energy Reports,即将上线

ICEER 2018 July 23-27, 2018 | 布拉格,捷克

Energy Procedia, Volume 153, Pages 1-488 (October 2018),ISSN: 1876-6102,成功Scopus & EI核心检索

上线链接: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/energy-procedia/vol/153/suppl/C

ICEER 2017 July 17-20, 2017 | ISEP, 葡萄牙

Energy Procedia, Volume 136, Pages 1–520 (October 2017),ISSN: 1876-6102,成功Scopus & EI核心检索

上线链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/energy-procedia/vol/136/suppl/C

ICEER 2016 September 9-11, 2016 | 加泰罗尼亚理工大学, 巴塞罗那

Energy Procedia, Volume 107, Pages 1-398 (February 2017),ISSN: 1876-6102,成功Scopus & EI核心检索

上线链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18766102/107/supp/C




Topic A: Energy


Advanced Energy Technologies

Energy Efficiency

Energy Markets

Energy Policy, Economics, Planning and Regulation

Integrated Energy Systems

Modelling, Simulation and Forecasting of Energy and Carbon Markets

Nanotechnology Applications to Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

Risk Management Issues in the Energy Sector

Sustainable Cities


Topic B: Environment


Biomass and Bio-based Products

Carbon Pricing

Climate Change and Global Warming

Eco-design and Eco-efficiency

Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation

Efficient Use of Resources

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Policy, Economics, Planning and Regulation

Environmental Pollution and Pollution Control

Game Theory and Strategic Behaviour in Environmental Policies

Risk Assessment

Sustainable Communities

Transition to Circular Economy


Topic C: Education for Sustainable Development


Artificial Intelligence

Behavior towards Sustainability

Challenges, Barriers and Opportunities

Circular Economy and Education

Communication Tools for Sustainable Development

Environment and Climate Friendly Schools

School-community Partnership

Sustainability across Curriculum

Sustainability Education by Private Industry








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