International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
Submission Guidelines
The corresponding author needs to submit the manuscript through the online editorial system and choose one of Editors-in-Chief as the handling editor. Authors should provide their full address, including the email address for correspondence. All submitted articles will be acknowledged. Authors may suggest up to four potential reviewers from different countries and different universities, but this in no way binds the editors to follow their suggestions. Each reviewer's academic/professional position, scientific expertise, full affiliation and email address should be provided. The suggested reviewers should not be affiliated to the same university/institution as any of the authors.
The manuscript, including the abstract, keywords (up to six), references, tables, figures and figure captions, should be clearly typed in English and doubled-spaced. In general, the paper should not exceed 10 000 words or word-equivalents (unless it is a review paper) while a technical note is limited to 4000 words or word-equivalents. Each page of the manuscript should be numbered. Sections of the paper, tables and figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Every figure and table should have a caption. Footnotes should be avoided. Legible, compact notation, conforming to current practice, should be used. There is a page charge of US$50 per page of the submitted manuscript in excess of
26 pages (using the journal template)
30 pages (Word file 1.5 line spaced)
35 pages (Word file double spaced)
References should be indicated, in the order of citation, with arabic numerals as superscripts within the text. The complete list of references should be typed at the end of the manuscript. For journal references, the standard abbreviations for journal names should be used. The format for the list of references is as follows:
C. M. Wang, J. N. Reddy and K. H. Lee, Shear Deformable Beams and Plates: Relationships with Classical Solutions/ (Elsevier, Oxford, 2000).
C. M. Wang and S. Kitipornchai, New set of buckling parameters for monosymmetric beam-columns/tie-beams, J. Struct. Eng., ASCE 115(6) (1989) 1497-1513.
A. W. Leissa, Vibration of Plates, US Government Printing Office, NASA SP-160 (1969).
K. M. Liew, The development of 2-D orthogonal polynomials for vibration of plates, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, Singapore (1990).
Submission of a manuscript implies that the paper has not been published and is not being considered for publication in another journal. Once a paper is accepted, authors are assumed to have transferred the copyright of the paper to World Scientific Publishing. Authors will receive a copy of their paper in PDF format when the article is published.
Author Agreement (Copyright Transfer Form)
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